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Thread: consistency

  1. Default consistency

    I've been kicked once from this server. I was staying at a hotel for a week or so, and one night it was especially slow.
    My ping bounced between 120 - 160 (i'm being liberal with that guess)
    The admin said fix my ping and kicked. Okay, sticklers on the server.

    Yet here I am, playing, with another player with a ping ranging from 300 - 350 for a good 30 min.
    With an admin present.

    I don't know how much this has been discussed amongst administrators, if at all.
    I hope it is, and I hope to see some consistency.

  2. Default

    technically the way it is, is that admins do not have to actually enforce the rules. It's a dumb rule but it protects the people who just honestly miss someone breaking the rules.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by sosl View Post
    I've been kicked once from this server. I was staying at a hotel for a week or so, and one night it was especially slow.
    My ping bounced between 120 - 160 (i'm being liberal with that guess)
    The admin said fix my ping and kicked. Okay, sticklers on the server.

    Yet here I am, playing, with another player with a ping ranging from 300 - 350 for a good 30 min.
    With an admin present.

    I don't know how much this has been discussed amongst administrators, if at all.
    I hope it is, and I hope to see some consistency.
    i can kick you if you'd like.

    sometimes, when a player has a high ping, the server will start lagging. other times, a player will have high ping, and will be teleporting all over/glitching/being impossible to shoot.

    if neither of those things happens, then you won't be kicked.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  4. Default

    This is great, I'll agree with you and say again that I hope that there will be some consistency.

  5. Default

    Try bringing up the fact that another player is laggy. I don't know what you'd say in your defense because you may actually be lagging, but if you want consistency for all players, you might have to slip mention to an admin. Admins don't do anything about things that they aren't aware of. Someone could be lagging a whole storm but won't be warned if no one complains about it/the admin sees it. - anime | manga | reviews

  6. Default

    I have seen most people base the kicks on lag issues, whether you are lagging or causing others to lag. I have seen people play with 300 ping and cause no issues for themselves or others, while some people with pings in the 100's lag like mother fuckers. When an admin is made aware of an issue, they usually handle it, one way or the other.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  7. Default

    Seconded and carried - enforcing rules is an admin's privilege and not their responsibility. If someone has a ping over 200, it's admin's discretion to kick them (generally spurred by someone saying 'That guy is lagging hard,' followed by an admin watching them and then carrying out the kick/ban). If your ping is under 200 but you're doing as others suggested, lagging to the point of warping or skipping and being impossible to shoot, you're also going to get kicked.

    Keep in mind, admin is a paid service on IBIS. There's not going to be consistency because everyone who pays for the rights to admin is going to use and enforce their admin differently (this DOES NOT mean they make the rules - but whether they enforce the rules or not, and which they enforce, is totally up to them). What you're asking for is a complete rewrite of the admin function's role, duties and responsibilities and simply put, that isn't likely to happen.

    If you find you're being kicked/banned unjustly, however, by a specific admin, there's an entire forum subsection devoted to admin abuse. Get the evidence by downloading the demo from one of the FTP servers and pop a thread up. I guarantee it will be promptly and justly handled.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by sosl View Post
    I've been kicked once from this server. I was staying at a hotel for a week or so, and one night it was especially slow.
    My ping bounced between 120 - 160 (i'm being liberal with that guess)
    The admin said fix my ping and kicked. Okay, sticklers on the server.

    Yet here I am, playing, with another player with a ping ranging from 300 - 350 for a good 30 min.
    With an admin present.

    I don't know how much this has been discussed amongst administrators, if at all.
    I hope it is, and I hope to see some consistency.

    im the one that kicked you. and people know me to VERY VERY lenient when it comes to using my admin powers.
    The difference between u and those ppl with 300 ping is that they are simply not lagging if i understand right.

    When u were on MY watch, you were skipping shit left and right... i think i have a demo of you skipping corners and teleporting like a mad fuck and what's worse is that u were playing a speedy hells demon if im not mistaken and BOY OH BOY were u skipping.

    ur ping means jack shit for me. i've played with ppl with a fixed 400 ping and they play more consistently then my own 20 ping...
    ur problem is the fluxuation in the ping because of the hotel internet... i'd have the same shit sometimes and i usually remove myself from the game (i say my farewells, bitch a little, and then go play gw2...)

    My problem with YOU is that you didn't seem to care that other people couldnt shoot u for shit bcos u were teleporting like a glitched human with no teleporting target (i think i painted the picture right...)

    tl'dr... ping doesnt matter, i kicked u (after warning u 3 times to fix ur ping) and i remember saying "sry... but please fix ur lag"... i didnt say please "fix ur ping" , ur lag was the issue., not the ping. that isall

    ---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

    now that i went on and on: have a break, have a kitkat. u'll learn to love that i'm a stickler to the rules... if i wasn't, the servers wouldnt be the fun servers u enjoy playing on ya know <3
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  9. Default

    It's impossible for me to determine whether or not you were visibly lagging, nor whether or not the admin was justified in kicking you and not the other player, but it is entirely possible that you were lagging more than he was, despite your latency was much lower (note, latency is different from ping; see this informative article).

    The ease of manipulating displayed latency by ping-masking and the general unreliability of using latency values as a definitive indicator of lag require administrators to use their judgement on a case-by-case basis rather than going by the numbers. If ping is over 300-400 or so, the player will certainly be lagging a bit, but they could well be lagging less than a player with a ping of 100. In addition, issues like low client-side FPS will raise latency, and having improper cvars (rates) can cause visible stuttering even if the player's system and connection are up to par.

    So although I can't comment on whether or not the administrator's actions were justifiable in this particular case, please keep in mind that their subjective judgement is required per lag.

    ---------- Post added at 08:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

    Edit: Well, now that I know that the admin in mention was Cyber, I'm entirely sure his judgement was sound and qualified. I trust his judgement. (Except on me, because he thinks I'm the dirtiest hacker of them all.)

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