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Thread: GunGame Server Lagging Horribly

  1. Default

    any progress or updates with the sever?

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    Do we have any intentions of doing anything about this? The massive lag spikes are far less frequent (still happening though) but registration is still completely fucked at least 25% of the time, probably more. I seriously shot POINT BLANK into a guy with an M3 today - bullets hit on my screen, blood on his model on my screen, zero damage according to the server. This happens frequently - I will see blood stains on player models/headshot 'metal pings' on models/bullets going straight through player models and hitting the wall behind them without doing any damage whatsoever.

    It could also not be a registration issue and simply be that what's actually happening according to the server and what's on my screen are not matching up. I get knifed from, literally not exaggerating, six paces sometimes. By people who are nowhere close to me on my screen. Get shot after going behind a wall. Get back knifed from the front. All of these problems are happening so frequently now that it has truly become unbearable. This really, really shouldn't be possible. It's unbelievably frustrating. I'm not the only person this is happening to but it seems somehow only certain people are heavily affected as I've asked around and some do not seem to feel it as bad or as frequently as I do. No idea if it's a client side setting or not. No trouble with any other servers though, I tested today just to be certain after getting fucked two games in a row.

    I feel like this problem is being completely ignored at this point.

  3. Default

    Firstly you may have noticed more issues crop up the last day or so when I have been in the server changing stuff around a lot.

    Also the issue you described when you see blood ect on client side but do not get any credit for the hits is that your client prediction told you that the shots hit but when the server validated the shots it turns out they missed. " actually happening according to the server and what's on my screen are not matching up." this would describe that situation quite well.

    However, it is important to note that server side lag should be up overall right now due to me messing around with the wcs test server so much getting these races updated. Lastly, there was just a big patch for SM to correct some big bugs in the release gg is on so that will be fixed next time I see gg empty. All other servers got the update just now. I have also just rolled out some changes to the back end scripts on all the servers to optimize some code not sure if that will impact anything but it should fix some strange glitches that I was seeing across all the servers.

  4. Default

    Wow. So you're pretty actively working on things. I mean, I get that my prediction is incorrect, but what I don't understand is why and also how it's only on the IBIS GG server. I can't think of a single time I shot someone on another server, hit my shot, saw the stain and didn't get credit. I know positively that the back knife issue doesn't exist on other servers - never have I been around back knifed while a person was standing in front of me on my client. If either has happened, it is so rare that I didn't even notice. Both problems happen on GG consistently and to multiple people.

    Anyway, I appreciate the response and the explanation. I'm not going to sit here and say the problem is on your end 100% but there's definitely something between my client and the GG server that just isn't jiving. I suppose I could try different video configurations and see if one of the video settings is just too much for the game/the Source engine to handle or keep up with while I'm playing. I'm just so used to the look and feel of where it's at now that it's difficult to make a switch but perhaps that's my next step. That is, if you believe the GG server is functioning properly.

    For what it's worth, I've got all my cl_ settings to what was recommended to me by Owns.

  5. Default

    It's definitely been worse the past couple of days, but it's nice to hear that it's primarily because you're improving things. I agree with Jdub that it's much more noticeable on GG than it is on the other servers.

  6. Default Its ok

    Don't worry, I will invoke my will to stabilize the server from here on out.

  7. Default

    It didn't help, Wolf

  8. Default

    Or it could be due to all of valves great "fixes" from Monday...

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jwtemp View Post
    I know positively that the back knife issue doesn't exist on other servers - never have I been around back knifed while a person was standing in front of me on my client.
    OMG, I started noticing this, too. So frustrating, happens with both players who have consistently higher and lower latency than me. I hope this gets resolved soon.

  10. Default

    I thought a demo showing an example of what jwtemp explained would be nice. Specifically, shooting an enemy, having blood splatter show up on them, but doing no damage.

    Tick 42000, spec me, jebby. Watch as SFOD knifes me, takes no damage, yet magically gets a blood splatter on his helmet.

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