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Thread: Again with the "Unwritten" Rules

  1. Default

    I don't know how all the other admins work, but some admins have issues creating rules up while in the server that arnt rules at all, that is probualy why you are so frustrated... Most of the time the online admin makes up their own rules for the map being played anyway.... just my 0,02 cent...
    Last edited by -=Toy=-=Québec=-FR; 07-18-2013 at 11:09 AM.
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  As soon as I saw you trying to find the button tommy
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  My eyes got wide and verbally said, "No...."
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  Kill the tommy!
    (ALL) Tommy <ibis.a>:  lol xD

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by phil.™ View Post
    Anywho, to close if it's legal or not for no more than 4 people under the monitor, aNex has confirmed there is no set limit under the monitor.
    Should update the ZM Rules and add that, so there's no more "confusion" about it.
    It's only my opinion, to each their own.

  3. Default

    To clarify to players/admins so there is no confusion, in zm_420_beachstrike, there is no max number of players on top of the roof at the edge of the map. (This is where humans or zombies can parachute over to the far end roof).

    I needed to say this on the forums, because that was just silly. You silly billy players/admins...
    Again, if you are not sure of a rule or limited restriction, I highly recommend you ask on forums, any other clan members and or ULA.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by phil.™ View Post
    True, it can be unfair if too many humans are in one spot, but it can also be dangerous. For example, under the monitor, usually about 6-8 humans go under there, which is pretty hard to get into. Now, say 10 humans go in there, lot more crowded, and some douche bag will get too close to the entrance. It only takes that 1 zombie who knows how to parachute into the crawl spot, and one zombie will tag the other. Just like under the stage in highschool_tx. It sucks, but it can easily be taken over by zombies.

    Anywho, to close if it's legal or not for no more than 4 people under the monitor, aNex has confirmed there is no set limit under the monitor.
    There seems to be continued confusion on the monitor spot in miniature room as well....

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmay View Post
    There seems to be continued confusion on the monitor spot in miniature room as well....
    Along with this, there is no set limit of people under the stage in zm_tx_highschoolbeta7....



    Not Allowed
    – Using a players body to deny players access to a certain area
    Preventing other zombies to tag a human(s) by blocking.
    Players may not block if the end result is the death of another player(s) -IE World Damage, Map Kills box.

    Allowed - As a human, this does not apply to zombies
    Crawl Spaces
    An area when its player limit has been exceeded

    Only two people are allowed per tube
    Only two people are allowed per vent opening
    This does not mean a set number of players in a crawl space. The rules specifically means VENTS/TUBES ONLY. Number of people per crawl spaces was specifically avoided because of the space provided by the map creator.
    Last edited by phil.™; 08-22-2013 at 09:44 PM.

  6. Default

    Ima have to bump this thread again...

    So to clarify, to all admins and new admins, there is "NO SET LIMIT UNDER THE STAGE IN ZM_TX_HIGHSCHOOL" I have had 2 admins ask me about that, and few regulars as me if there is a set limit.

    I dont want to put any admins out there, so i'm just posting this for every ZM admin, there is NO set limit under the stage in zm_tx_highschool.

  7. Default

    No one knows the rules in ZM.

  8. Default

    Exactly. Point proven. New admins need to learn them.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by phil.™ View Post
    Exactly. Point proven. New admins need to learn them.
    Zombie mod..................
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  10. Default

    Zero could you possibly update the motd or add an !rules that brings you to this page? We realllllly need something official in game so new admins and players can see the proper rules without having to go to the site (which none ever do).
    . This would help end arguments about rules where people just start bickering back and forth with no clue about what they are talking about. Between regulars these arguments mean nothing but when admins are mistaken and punishments are thrown out for stupid reasons problems arise. We just need a quick reference sheet that people can easily obtain and read, including the waves retards that flood our server.
    "To attempt to have intercourse with a hornet's nest is a very bad idea," Siv During Livh, a psychologist and expert

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