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Thread: Awful Admins

  1. Lightbulb Awful Admins

    Right to the point: There may be one or two admins that are actually admins on the ZM server. More like one.

    I have been previously banned for a week for knifing on sorrento -- where the ladder goes up, and you knife n00b zombies off the roof -- because according to omega (who is an obvious total n00b completely drunk on admin power, and probably completely drunk normally as well) knifing on sorrento is not completing your objective, even though you can thin the heard, knife a few zombies, then make your way to the checkpoint. But you play as he says or ban.

    Then the latest bit comes from me constantly owning him, while he uses homophobic slurs over the mic taunting me with things like "quire your going to get banned hacker," "that's it your getting banned." He joins during Voodoo when I'm on and just watches while he spams "NO ZTELE IT'S GLITCHING." Now as all of you know if you play ZM everyone ztele's when you are hiding in the first round of voodoo. But of course, since I constantly own him barely even trying, his n00b ass singles me out and bans me.

    I play fair, I never cheat, and I don't give anyone a hard time. I even ignore omega (who is not alpha, beta, and defintaly NOT omega.. but more like whina') feeble attempts to slander me and other players he has been outclassed by.

    Now currently for ztele'ing on voodoo I have a month ban. Make it permanent, I'll happily game elsewhere. The reason why ZM server and perhaps others if they are admined like that, are not always full is the ridiculous things ppl are banned for. Mainly just waa'waa admins. I have owned servers, admined them, among other things... and one thing is for sure. Whina' knows nothing about admining and is so thrilled with what he thinks is power of admining that it's constantly abused. Get a demo you say? Sit in the server.. EVER, when he is on. There is your demo. The tyrant.

    I'll happily game elsewhere, but for those who are in the field of admining, knows something about it, and care about the players just having a good time, ban for things like cheating. Where I frequently see 1week or 1day bans for actually cheating, they should be permanent on the spot. Cheating = permanent ban. Exploiting.. always seems subject to interpretation but be gentle. Cade breaking.. slay, unless continuous then kick/ban. Fun? Make sure ppl have it because it's the point of it all, not joining the server and playing tyrant.

    And being and admin don't be so quick to say others are cheating just cause they own you. Maybe they been around this game a lot longer then you think. Your server would be a lot more packed if ppl weren't banned/kicked/slayed for almost nothing constantly. And one more tid-bit, change the 3second !ztele for humans to 10 seconds, or longer and take that out of the equation. Or lower the number of times a human can ztele to 1 each round? There are many things you can do besides letting many get away with zteleing, then hammer down on ppl who do it at the first round on voodoo like all ppl do, or when their cade is broken right at the beginning (no admin around for that though) so they ztele for some quick attempt to find safety cause some n00b just poped their cade. Anyway that's for any admin that actually admins, and cares about how their servers are being ran.

    Play legit, play hard, don't whine.

    Game On,

    This ones for you omeg... rrr Whina' ...... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  2. Default

    Saw this thread coming. Just of matter of when...

    First of all, you were banned by MY request. Nobody else, no other admin said anything, I REQUESTED IT. I saw another ban made on you, I requested to clan you get an extensive ban. Why? Because you repetitively break rules that you know, AND that you have enforced yourself. So stop calling our ZM admin's, shit admins. If anything, they have been on their game, been enforcing the rules, making the server fun, and been reporting stuff they were not comfortable with to me. So stop calling them shit admins.

    You don't think I don't know who you are because you changed your in-game name? My dude, there's records for everything. Just takes a little to dig.
    This is your banned record. You have 6 total bans.
    1st - You banned yourself for 2 weeks. I don't know why you would do such a thing.
    2nd - By maynard himself, for you !ztele'n from zombies.
    3rd, 4th and 5th for same reason - !ztele from zombies.
    6th ban from maynard again in follow up from omega's 5th ban, per MY request.

    Now, let's look at your record, AS AN ADMIN. Yeah, I know you've been an admin, and your in-game name was andyfu <ibis.a>.
    This is all the people you have banned while you were admin.
    1st ban - 4hrs for team stacking. HOW THE HELL DO YOU TEAM STACK IN ZM?!!?
    2nd ban - 2 WEEK ban from a general exploit of server. 2 week ban on a first time offense. The player did not report anything, and sought out his ban time.
    3rd ban - again, how you managed to ban yourself for 2 weeks, really?
    4th ban - 1 month for team stacking? AGAIN, HOW THE HELL DO YOU TEAM STACK IN ZM? You either spawn a zombie, or stay as human.
    5th ban - 4 hours for breaking server rules. Probably the only legit ban you made that is reasonable.

    You have made some horrible bans yourself for 1st time offenders. You, yourself have broke the same rules 4 times. If you want a perma ban as requested, we can def upgrade that shit to perma if you'd like.
    If you want to stay here in IBIS, FOLLOW THE RULES. Get your shit together in 1 month.

    I'll see you in 1 month.

  3. Default


    ---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ----------

    Also why is he making a second account to post this under?

  4. Default

    Are you completely dur'durd? I have NEVER been an admin on IBIS server. I have NEVER changed my name on IBIS server. I would NEVER pay to admin your shit server cluttered with your shit admins. If you do YOUR research philup, you'll see I was banned by adfu, you think I banned myself, are you absolutely retarded? You may you all live together in some sort of fashion or are friends in real life, it would explain your ping similarities. So stick up for one another. I will NOT be commenting on this thread again, specially if you think you are an actual admin, who would doesn't have the inept capacity not to be able to tell two different account, by IP, steam ID, region, etc. I would prefer to find a wall to talk to because at least it wouldn't talk about things it doesn't know about. It would just sit there and go ..................................... but that's better then talking about something which you are completely wrong on, which completely reflects on your inept ability to properly run/administer a server.

    You sure jumped into that one with both feet you complete fool. You won't be seeing me in 1 month, re-read my original post, make it perm cause I will not gaming on your shit server, with your shit admins, along with your shit intelligence that thinks I'm somebody else. There are THOUSANDS of servers, many much better then yours, you rubber richard.

    Utterly stupefied.

    Bah'bye. Hope you saw that coming.


  5. Default

    Wow on my part.
    Totally diff people.
    I do not know how it some how cross referenced .,. with andyfu (or as i saw luffy) at the time, but wow. my total mistake. I ain't even going to edit my first post cause that was just dumb of my part. My sincere apologies for that. Just woah.

    But I still do stand by my request for an extensive ban. You need to learn to rules, realize what you were banned for, and stop doing it. But i do apologize for mistaking you for andyfu. That's a total shocker for me right now.

    Woah, just fucking woah.
    Last edited by phil.™; 09-03-2013 at 09:19 PM.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by .,.BS View Post
    Are you completely dur'durd? I have NEVER been an admin on IBIS server. I have NEVER changed my name on IBIS server. I would NEVER pay to admin your shit server cluttered with your shit admins. If you do YOUR research philup, you'll see I was banned by adfu, you think I banned myself, are you absolutely retarded? You may you all live together in some sort of fashion or are friends in real life, it would explain your ping similarities. So stick up for one another. I will NOT be commenting on this thread again, specially if you think you are an actual admin, who would doesn't have the inept capacity not to be able to tell two different account, by IP, steam ID, region, etc. I would prefer to find a wall to talk to because at least it wouldn't talk about things it doesn't know about. It would just sit there and go ..................................... but that's better then talking about something which you are completely wrong on, which completely reflects on your inept ability to properly run/administer a server.

    You sure jumped into that one with both feet you complete fool. You won't be seeing me in 1 month, re-read my original post, make it perm cause I will not gaming on your shit server, with your shit admins, along with your shit intelligence that thinks I'm somebody else. There are THOUSANDS of servers, many much better then yours, you rubber richard.

    Utterly stupefied.

    Bah'bye. Hope you saw that coming.

    Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Srsly throwing a hissy fit and leaving = no one cares.

  7. Default

    oh look, the "your server sucks so i won't be back" rage after being banned.

    never seen that one before!

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  8. Default

    It happens phil your only human after all =P. As for the guy who started this thread ,from his posts i can tell he has little respect for people. True admins might make a mistake here or there and seem like there hungry with power ;P. But without them the servers would be a lot worse than they are at the moment. Also with the money they spend to be admins they keep the servers running so you have the luxury to complain about the way they're doing their job.

    I've been playing on this server for about a year and 99% of admins give warnings before they dish out punishment. Unless your a regular and know better which is understandable, because it shouldn't take more than a month to learn the in's and out's of the rules. Believe you need to chill out and learn to follow rules, or quit coming to this server. Oh and they do a good job of enforcing a final decision, so if you do get perm banned good luck getting around that shit.
    It's only my opinion, to each their own.

  9. Default

    Also if an admin really did break a rule he just need to post an abuse report and the demo of it for us to see. I am still waiting to see the evidence to support his claims...

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Also if an admin really did break a rule he just need to post an abuse report and the demo of it for us to see. I am still waiting to see the evidence to support his claims...
    Agreed, this just seem's like a complaint more than anything.
    It's only my opinion, to each their own.

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