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Thread: Bots

  1. Default Bots

    So at about 3 am in the morning, bots begin to join the WCS server. I can tell they are bots because they are always maxed, have 0 xp, and never join. What is the purpose of these bots? I'm a little miffed about it myself. Answers are appreciated

  2. Default

    they give the illusion the server is more populated than it is... making people more likely 2 join the server.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  3. Default

    That's what I though, however it is really bothersome to join thinking i can play and find a whole lot of nothing

  4. Default

    well... they aren't going away....

    so view the server before joining it... takes like 2 seconds. right click server > view server info.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    they give the illusion the server is more populated than it is... making people more likely 2 join the server.
    not tricks illusions

  6. Default

    the hell you talkin about.
    Last edited by maynard; 10-28-2013 at 08:09 AM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  7. Default

    You can tell they're bots before you join by looking at the server info before hand. If it says they have been playing for like 256 hours, they are bots.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  8. Default

    Also if they have the same dumb names...they are bots.

  9. Default

    I know it looks sucky to join and see empty servers with bots, but if the server had 2 players playing in the server only, people usually pass on joining.

    However when it tells u there are 5 in game (3 fAke bots), it will make u join the game .

    Sure u might get disappoited for a second but if u Wait a few minutes, someone else will go "oh cool SIX people in game (now 3 regulars and 2 bots), they join and now a third guy goes omg 8 ppl in game, they join and see 4 players which is not bad , then 5,6,7, etc...
    it seems like a dick move but it actually helps populate the servers in mornig and late night....

    There's always that ONE guy that's the first to join the server and wait for it to fill up... Usally it's me, or passerelli...
    So yeah, suck it up
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  10. Default

    Yeah, on the occasion i stay up on weekdays I usually wait like an hour for passarelli to come online, though I haven't been doing so much lately.

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