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Thread: Cyber ibis.a 12/29/2013 11:03 PM EST STEAM_0:1:29447450

  1. #1

    Default Cyber ibis.a 12/29/2013 11:03 PM EST STEAM_0:1:29447450

    Name in Game: Cyber ibis.a
    Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:29447450
    Where: WCS
    Link to any previous bans:
    Reason to ban: This is nothing personal to Cyber himself, but this is me posting shit as a non-admin because you people know better. This thread will be relevant to Noisyputty's (Callo) thread as well, since they both basically did the same shit. Just because you have a mic though, doesn't give you right to scream out somebody's position until AFTER the round ends and the next round has successfully started. If they don't learn, oh well; use the info for yourself and stay alive. Clearly though - you've already stated that you know how I defuse on de_dolls. (tick 7500 is where I defuse for first time and 8500 is the admittance to this)

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    VI. Ghosting
    1) When used ingame from same residence
    A) When two or more people communicate verbally or via any other means the location and or whereabouts of enemies on a given map
    2) When used via Vent ect...
    A) When two or more players use a program outside of the game to communicate the location and or whereabouts of enemies on a given map
    Ticks of Ghosting :
    12700 - goes into admitting he ghosted because the team "apparently" couldn't find the nebula themselves without it
    42000 - AFTER successful defuse of bomb, yells over mic to the guy still alive and clearly looking for me to AIM DOWN; where I die and then leave afterwards.

    I might not be anything to this community more than a regular at this point, but as a regular; I will by all means enforce my right to post ban requests, both temp and perm. I request these threads to be a warning now to anyone that decides to strike me different.

    Also - Cyber... If you didn't ghost anymore after the 13k mark, I was fine with the random outburst... but doing it like that at 42k? You crossed a line. Like I said earlier, this isn't personal, this is me slapping your hands. Somebody else can get the wrists, its not my job. - anime | manga | reviews

  2. #2


    Oh the irony of this all. Anyways, brb off to find RapeDollars to make a deserved ban.
    The Complete WCS Guide
    (Click on it)

    "They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard."
    Our subject isn't cool, but he thinks it anyway - he may not have a clue, and he may not have style, but everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial!
    Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.

  3. Default

    yep. i would also like to note that even though cyber's ghosting the 2nd time didn't help him much, since you stabbed him and kinda gave your position away with that, he still did it and it doesn't matter that it was after round. especially in wcs...a death, even after round, means rebuying all your items.

    not sure how to handle this situation so rather than voting, i'll just pass it on up the chain of command.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  4. Default

    ill wait and see what cyber has 2 say regarding this before making any decisions.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  5. Default

    wow ok? really?

    1- at 12k tick, i wasn't as much as ghosting as much as im reacting at the very last moments of my death. If you guys wanted to see it as ghosting whenever someone commented just a second after i died (because of mic delays) then fine, consider it a slip of a tongue but that shit happens.

    2- my comment just after was, and i quote : "Really? if you guys need to ghosting to know that he was in the vent where he KILLED ME, then yeah, you must suck". By that i mean that my death shows where the fucking guy killed me, in the vents, where smokes were coming out every where. My comment at my death was a reaction to my own death, but even without it, people CAN know that someone is in that vent based on the game radar when i died.
    But of course, the cuntbag noisypuppet who always accuses me of wallhacking wants to parade with the fact that he has zero radar/sound presence and give me the credit for a kill that he couldve seen on radar ...
    but whatever.

    3- at 42k, wolf i was ESPECIALLY quiet with this one until you finished defusing. Had i really wanted to ghost because "i want to win", then wouldn't i have done that before the bomb defuses? also, i was watching HIS point of view the entire time, and i never mentioned a single word about your presence there, until after YOU knifed him, and i even heard and felt the stab while he was going down the stairs on his point of view as well.
    The round was over, the bomb was defused and won by you, you knifed the guy showing ur location (to which he clearly reacted first btw), and THEN i raged at the idiot who doesn't use a flashlight along a stairs to show the vaga... Hell wolf even said it that at 8k, i CLEARLY mentionned that wolf likes defusing the bomb from underneath, AFTER THE ROUND ENDED, and at the very beginning of the next round... so he has 2 reasons to look there before i made my remark... he chose to get stabbed first, and see u before i made my comment about the idiocy of my team.

    4- i know why you're doing this wolf, and getting ME to help you retrieve the demo of my own ban request, now that's just precious.

    finally, like you said wolf, if i didnt do it after the 13k mark because it was clearly a random rage outburst at my death, not intentional ghosting (happens to anyone really), then u wouldn't have made this thread right?
    well i just proved you that the guy noticed you there when u stabbed him at 42k, and only after the defusing and stab did i mention a comment AT THE ROUND END, at the very transition to the next round. had you not attacked him and he found you based on my remark, it would have been ghosting and i would have gladly taken the fall for it, but the fact that i raged at him after u stabbed and gave away ur position and he started shooting u, i dont see how u can see this as ghosting, it was your own move, not mine AFTER u showed ur hand.


    13k was a death outburst and the guy could have been seen on radar nway. shit happens, sry about THAT one, i can't really say that i shouldve done anything differently here because it was a reaction, not intentional ghosting like noisy was doing to me the entire 2 rounds after...

    42k he found u, not because of me. had u not stabbed him, i wouldn't have commented at all because i know obvious ghosting... i waited till round end to comment, but i could have waited another 2 seconds to ensure round transition has been over. i'll take note of that.

    HOWEVER, i will consider this request as a message, and consider myself warned for the future, to avoid similar situations. Thanks for the post wolf, and for doing a good job.
    No one is above the rules, especially not me, and im glad you made the effort to enforce them, even if we both know that both "ghosting" occurrences a bit too extreme imho...

    maynard, I don't think this is ban worthy though since it was clearly ONE fuck up at 12k, not intentional shit, but if you think a ban is in order, i'll administer it myself.

    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  6. Default

    You know, I think everyone really needs to calm the fuck down and have fun. You're all shit at WCS anyways so stop worrying about your stupid ranks and shitty races.

    99% of us ghost all the fucking time. I do it when I die and say, "I hit you 8 times for 94 dmg? What cunt-scab of Africa did your mother get raped in?" because now everyone knows how much health the guy has, and we all do it.

    It's not like he's trying to actively be a cunt (any more than his usual existence) and we need to look at intent along with actions.

    With that said I suggest a three week ban followed by weekly classes on "Hoe to not be so fucking Mexican all the motherfucking time for fuck's sake."
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    Nem, if you want to make racist jokes and shit all the time, fine.

  7. Default

    Nem is surprisingly lucid here. Who hasn't gone "99 in 7? bullshit!" or "I knew you where fucking there", usually seconds after they die, with no ghosting intended. That is clearly the case here with Cybie. Was it overt intentional ghosting? Clearly it was not. If he can be banned for this, then literally everyone with a mic should have been banned at some point.

    It comes down to what is considered ghosting. If I get killed and immediately say, "Fuck, I shot you like 9 times!" is that ghosting? Or if I am a human somewhere on Italy and kill someone and they immediately go, "Fucking camper" is that ghosting? It doesn't say where I am, and I sometimes use that against people since know they think I am camping and I will move my location and kill the people that come looking for me, though anyone with a brain can see where there teammate just died, and if you know the map, there are certain locations they will know where to look. This just seems a bit nit picky and unusually butt hurty.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  8. Default

    There is a difference between "I knew you were there" and "nebula with a lace at the top of vents." Just saying.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  9. Default

    Closed for the clanners to handle. No need for peanut gallery rabble.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by brett friggin favre View Post
    There is a difference between "I knew you were there" and "nebula with a lace at the top of vents." Just saying.
    i remember myself saying "OF COURSE it's a damn nebula with lace in the damn tunnels

    why "with lace?"
    bcos if it wasnt for the damn lace it'd be dead instead of randomly getting stuck... it was part of my rant, not intentional ghosting...
    also im sure i said "tunnel"... could be anywhere.. bottom. top... wtvr, the point is , it was unintentional rage, that wouldnt have helped teammates considering the circumstances nway... but wtvr. i'll be quiet now.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

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