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Thread: Banning Striders

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    Quote Originally Posted by CYBER View Post

    However, What. Is the "disappearing" trail only a first person (v_model) view glitch? i.e if u were dead and spectating a strider's first person view, the trail disappears sometimes THEN and ONLY then?
    or does the ACTUAL trail disappear from the third person view, from the w_model , where as a LIVE enemy, you cannot see the strider trail?

    if the former, i'd like to re-iterate to admins to not simply ban for that because it's a client glitch on your end. if the latter, post the demo please since it would confirm either intentional exploit, or random bug.

    thanks for the post what.
    I don't know what a lot of those words meant, but what I mean is that when you are playing, you can look at say a santa or a strider, and the trail is not visible, ie no particles or flames are shooting out of the model's ass. This is a client side issue that is relatable to the mic icon glitch or a person being invisible on your end glitch, the type of thing that is not an intentional glitch and not even caused by the person it looks like its on. Mainly what I am worried about, with the new updates and now a new race (maybe?) is that there will be hiccups with things that might appear as though someone is glitching when they are not, so people just need to take a second before they ban for those reasons. Perhaps checking with other admins (preferably ULA) or having a thread in the admin thread of known or possible glitches that admins can be aware of and rightly ban for.

    Also, isn't the process still warn, kick, ban? not warn, ban?
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    warn, kick, ban? not warn, ban?
    Last edited by SCRIBBLE; 01-26-2014 at 08:20 PM.

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    Cyber and Scribble, Zero is aware of the trail and I have tried multiple times to recreate the 'glitch' to no avail. Well at least not to where everyone could not see it. Only 1 or 2 here and there couldn't see my trail. But when Predator did it everyone was complaining about him not having a trail. I had also spoke with Phil on it. Anex was aware of the situation as well. But here is the link for you 2 so that y'all can see the map on which i banned him.

  4. #14


    FYI we can't venture into the admin thread as non-admins. So link to thread is silly unless we paid the $11. Just a heads up. - anime | manga | reviews

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    Tis why my statement has Cyber and Scribble at front

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    The fact that you could not get it where everyone could not see it is exactly my point. As for everyone complaining about predator, yeah, they'll do that, same with deez. More about them getting knifed at light speed than than the trail, since no one can seem to hit him in either case. The trail probably just provided an easy excuse, especially if someone said something along the lines of that he could be banned for doing it. Both him and deez have been vote banned for being strider dicks, so it would not take much for people to jump on a convenient excuse.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  7. Default

    Although as you could see from what Zero fixed was the holding down flight at end of round while still alive and no releasing on start of next round allowed for trail to be gone. Therefore he was exploiting a glitch in the race which is still a banable offense.

  8. #18


    TBH Might as well ban all Santas/Dragonflys that are missing their trail. Panoramas that cause players to have a crooked screen when they come back to life.

    These are current glitches/bugs that the user cannot exactly control OTHER THAN NOT PLAYING the race. The only race I recall ever being banned at the time to actually PLAY was Hells Demon, which back then, it had the capabilities to crash the server. I don't see a reason for banning anyone playing Strider for glitching the trail to disappear. Sure it was suppose to be there, but if they figured out a way to glitch it so it's not - it's like as if though Strider wasn't even updated. Unless the server was actually in danger because of this, Me (a standard WCS reg), sees nothing interfering standard gameplay or crashing server. - anime | manga | reviews

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    Indeed it would be, if he was aware that that is what caused it. All he does is spam the fly button, and the glitch was caused by holding down the button. I hope you can see how this could easily not have been intentional on his part, and if it was known that this is what caused the glitch, he would need to be told that so he has a chance to comply. As far as you know, despite the fact most people think he is a dick, he was not aware of what he was doing was in fact causing the glitch.

    My point here is that with updates and new races, this could happen more and more. "Glitching" could occur from just playing the race, and unless the cause is identified and confirmed to be a glitch this opens the door to a lot of pointless bans in the near future.

    EDIT: Wolfy astutely stated most of my points, except the part about letting glitching happen, though as I stated before, the tail is a new addition, very buggy right now, and is actually better for opponents to not see the tail than see it since it can blind the shit out of you if he flys through you.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  10. Default

    He was fully aware of what he was doing and my ban on Predator was justified and time was served.

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