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Thread: Banning Striders

  1. Default Banning Striders

    Can someone please tell newer admins that it is not ok to ban people flying around and knifing as strider. Both Deez and Predator have been subject to bans under "Exploiting" for this, when its just playing the damn race. The one excuse for banning Predator was that the fire trail disappeared while he was flying around, which no one has any control over. I have seen santas and dragonflys lose their particle trails for whatever reason but it seems that people are just getting banned due to frustration at not being able to kill them.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  2. Default

    If an admin is unable to kill somebody, they can't ban them?!

    Haven't seen the striders get banned by an admin when I was online but have seen people in the server rage and they get vote banned lol. Is it new admins or just admins that haven't played wcs before?

  3. Default

    No admin is banning a player because they cant get kills. The reason Predator got banned for exploiting was due to strider trail BUT it was due to more than one admin agreeing to said ban. Also it seems that Predator is the only one who wouldn't have a trail on strider for whole rounds until he died.

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    What was predator doing to make the trail disappear and did it seem to be done on purpose?

  5. Default

    Apparently purchasing cloak and surviving to next round can make the trails dunzo.

  6. Default

    That's the way it appears but I'm not so sure. There is the demo that I posted for Zero to see in the admin section. But I tried that and didn't work for me.

  7. Default

    The problem is, as I have already posted in the Strider section, the trail not appearing is sometimes due to a glitch by the person watching the strider, not the strider itself. This is still happening and is similar to when you can see someones mic icon though they are not talking, or if they appear to be completely invisible to you. That is on the person looking, not the person who is seemingly doing it. If predator was intentionally glitching and had fair warning, then that is fine, but since the "trick" was apparently mashing up at spawn, which someone who is intending to zip around the map is going to do, it is possible he was not aware. Again, things glitch up a lot, and you need to make sure it is intentional by the player, and not just a simple to cause error that they are unaware of.

    ps particle trail was added to strider a few weeks ago, there is going to be some growing pains, heck dragonfly used to crash the damn thing all the time.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  8. Default

    Well it was stated to Predator that his trail was not there by every player as well as admins. He was warned repeatedly and the only thing he had to say was it wasn't the cloak doing it. There was no I'm not glitching the trail or anything along those lines. He was fully aware the trail was not there and he blatantly disregarded what we were telling him. So my ban was justified, imo.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Bastard View Post
    Well it was stated to Predator that his trail was not there by every player as well as admins. He was warned repeatedly and the only thing he had to say was it wasn't the cloak doing it. There was no I'm not glitching the trail or anything along those lines. He was fully aware the trail was not there and he blatantly disregarded what we were telling him. So my ban was justified, imo.
    If he was causing it, the trail effect is a new addition if there was a glitch that was caused unknowingly by him then it doesn't seem to have been in order, a kick would have sufficed. I am not here to defend that jackass or deez cause the strider thing is the most annoying piece of shit I have seen in a while, but there is a difference between glitching and the mod having a glitch. I fear this sets a dangerous precedent for banning because something in the mod is not working correctly, which as stated above, can be a number of things.

    Also, in general, not having the trail is actually better for the other team since they wont get blinded by the particle effect, not saying it is right, just a weird glitch for people to be complaining about.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    What was predator doing to make the trail disappear and did it seem to be done on purpose?
    i know for a fact that ipredator (hypacunt) was intentionally glitching it (and didn't share how he did it on forums) at least 4 different times, one of which i was there for, and the rest passareli and others confirmed it to me, in order to gain a more invisible advantage. He especially used to do that late at night when there were no admins around to stop him, and had to be votebanned by regulars for him to stop being an exploiting cunt. Because he's an overall dirtbag cumguzzler that no one likes?

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    Can someone please tell newer admins that it is not ok to ban people flying around and knifing as strider. Both Deez and Predator have been subject to bans under "Exploiting" for this, when its just playing the damn race. The one excuse for banning Predator was that the fire trail disappeared while he was flying around, which no one has any control over. I have seen santas and dragonflys lose their particle trails for whatever reason but it seems that people are just getting banned due to frustration at not being able to kill them.
    but yeah, i dont know about others, but if the trail on stryder disappears, can the admins please post the demo in the strider race section so zero can take a look at what caused the glitch and recreate it and hopefully fix it? and this way it can be easier to tell if someone is intentionally glitching

    don't ban striders just for the sake of them being decent players.

    However, What. Is the "disappearing" trail only a first person (v_model) view glitch? i.e if u were dead and spectating a strider's first person view, the trail disappears sometimes THEN and ONLY then?
    or does the ACTUAL trail disappear from the third person view, from the w_model , where as a LIVE enemy, you cannot see the strider trail?

    if the former, i'd like to re-iterate to admins to not simply ban for that because it's a client glitch on your end. if the latter, post the demo please since it would confirm either intentional exploit, or random bug.

    thanks for the post what.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

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