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Thread: Peter 02/09/2014 STEAM_0:0:57458444

  1. Default Peter 02/09/2014 STEAM_0:0:57458444

    In the message section:

    Name in Game:Peter <ibis.a>
    Steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:57458444
    Link to any previous bans:
    Reason to ban:cadebreaking. got me and meltdown tagged.

    Link to demo:
    Quote Originally Posted by Fang View Post
    I started a vote ban on my self to see how many people hated me they all voted yes and the server banned me.

  2. Default

    peter, 3rd person to the cade: "wasent your cade lel"

    you two need to stop fighting like children on the server. that means no more "better admin" votes as well.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  3. Default

    Brett, as you know best, this server needs an eye from higher ups from time to time, as this is just getting out of control. admins act like kids, insulting each other and damm worst of all, puke in the face of the community. I'm at lose for words.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  4. Default

    of course the only thread i post about him doing something wrong no one does anything... but when he posted on me.. whatever im done..
    also if you havent noticed i ignore him ingame and he continues to flame. i messaged "the higher ups" to speak to him and he told me hes busy.
    and also brett.. i have not made one vote.. saying that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fang View Post
    I started a vote ban on my self to see how many people hated me they all voted yes and the server banned me.

  5. Default

    You should both be perma banned for this incessant hose fighting.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  6. Default

    i watched the demo, posted regarding peter's supidity and that retarded vote. as stated in the previous thread, admin punishments are to be handled by clan, so it's not up to me to handle it.

    i messaged peter today. slipped my mind yesterday.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  7. Default

    Indeed it was melts cade, and it was clearly an accident zombies started to move it i was smokeing and trying to shoot it back in place aim fucked up a tad. So sorry
    Also- Lets start at 18k ticks.
    First let me explain this location the vendy must be in the middle vertical or side ways to not be killed, starting at 18k ticks we are listening to evils what ever the fuck it was thing, distracted i notice the vendi moving to far to the left due to a zombie pulling "plenty of room for a zombie to run in and kill us all had he done so. so i make a valled attempt to fix it as u know shooting the bottom of a vendi will pull it back to you my aim was off a tad causing to forward (i even asked melt right after so to hurry and pull it back realiseing i had indeed failed). Now yes its my fault for missing my aim and fucking it up but not on purpose i was simply makeing an attempt to save us. Being we would have probably died anyway had no attempt been made.
    Also im not here to argue, but euro i could pull at least 7 demos of you flaming you seem to have one of those lieing disorders.
    Last edited by garey40; 02-09-2014 at 03:33 PM.
    Dont hate the secrets embrace them.

  8. Default

    It looks like it was an accident. When I first watched it I swore you did that on purpose. When you said you could shoot it towards you, I tried it for myself. So I believe you as shit happens.

    However it's funny how you are defending yourself by saying it was an accident but when Hank (tic 3000) accidentally shot the wrong machine (he was shooting another machine towards you to help) due to the recoil of his ak, you slayed with out hesitation. Hank does it = slay, You do it = lel.

    Some side notes:
    1. Don't cade together
    2. Stop with "better admin" votes
    3. Don't antagonize each other

    Whatever is going on between you guys, you need to get over it.

  9. Default

    Decision made and resolved by anex. Closed.

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