Quote Originally Posted by kionay View Post
what purpose would having an effect be programmed as that race damaging itself serve?

if it were a mirror effect i guess i could see it, but unless i'm understanding your theory incorrectly, you're sugesting that a damaging ability was programmed so that, instead of dealing damage from a third source (or the source being the person with the damaging ability) it's the player that is being delt TO that is dealing the damage

and if that player is a night elf the thorns triggers itself on itself?

i'm just so WAT right now, fuck i wish i knew the code, i may stare at code from 8-5 but what i wouldn't give to be able to just a little bit longer to help fix these strange little things

I'm saying that the code to apply "Extra" damage from an effect onto the victim might be that it simply does :
new_health= current_health-bonus_damage within the victim race itself.

instead of applying the damage THROUGH the "on hit damage" method built into the game engine itself. (on attack)
There's a chance zero avoided to use the source engine to reduce the hp by applying it as additional "on hit damage" in order to avoid proccing the attacker's other on-hit abilitties.

Kinda like how jack's shit proc on eachother.

so if the night elf THORNS have a "if my hp is reduced" precursor, instead of "if my hp is damaged by enemy" precursor, there's a chance thorns is proccing on itself...

Like i said, just reading this outloud sounds incredibly fucking dumb (i can see how stupid this all sounds), but when a fucking semi-column can make it or break it in programming, trust me, i've seen some weird ass shit, and all i can do is throw theories mindlessly and speculate until i can see the code. and preferably see the code AND a recorded demo of a sample case so that we can identify some variables and replicate the bug.