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Thread: faggotry

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by D-town View Post
    Did ya'll miss that part? Because it's like near the beginning.
    No that's actually the part that makes him a self-important whiny bitch, which is the whole point.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  2. Default

    not everything needs to be officially reported to resound with the right people

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    not everything needs to be officially reported to resound with the right people
    Exactly. And this post is doing just that! Title: faggotry. Result: faggotry.

  4. Default

    Dont hate the secrets embrace them.

  5. Default

    Hahahaha! Best Panda NA.

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  6. Default

    funny how ive always been semi cool with you brett until you became the bitch you are over a bitch thats hated in the community swear to god hope i never cross your path in real life.... knockin on me and what i say when your being a lil bitch behind your keyboard im sick of your fake ass faggot remarks id bitch slap you in real life you ever say some shit like that in my presence..... get over yourself go fuck your bitch and keep my shennanigans out of your mouth, you dont play anymore and yet your another forum faggot that comes on to chyme in like your opinion is valid to me in the first place..... swear on my life i ever see you im making you eat them words you little bitch. go put on your tough guy skirt for your lil bitch i aint buyin it.... pussy get on my level.
    victory is won by skill never cheating, cheating only results in havok, havok only leads to suffering, and suffering only leads to agony of defeat.

  7. Default

    I like pussy... Cats. Pussy cats. So calm, easy to maintain, not much playing.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by phil.™ View Post
    I like pussy... Cats. Pussy cats. So calm, easy to maintain, not much playing.
    Feels good in your pants aswell.
    "Intolerance and superstition has always been the domain of the more stupid amongst the common folk and, I conjecture, will never be uprooted, for they are as eternal as stupidity itself. There, where mountains tower today, one day there will be seas; there where today seas surge, will one day be deserts. But stupidity will remain stupidity."
    “You surround the dead with veneration and memory, you dream of immortality, and in your myths and legends there’s always someone being resurrected, conquering death. But were your esteemed late great-grandfather really to suddenly rise from the grave and order a beer, panic would ensue.”
    “A coward dies a hundred times. A brave man dies but once. But Dame Fortune favours the brave and holds the coward in contempt.'

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SHADY V1RU5 View Post
    funny how ive always been semi cool with you brett until you became the bitch you are over a bitch thats hated in the community swear to god hope i never cross your path in real life.... knockin on me and what i say when your being a lil bitch behind your keyboard im sick of your fake ass faggot remarks id bitch slap you in real life you ever say some shit like that in my presence..... get over yourself go fuck your bitch and keep my shennanigans out of your mouth, you dont play anymore and yet your another forum faggot that comes on to chyme in like your opinion is valid to me in the first place..... swear on my life i ever see you im making you eat them words you little bitch. go put on your tough guy skirt for your lil bitch i aint buyin it.... pussy get on my level.
    tough guy skirt? it's called a kilt, you uncultured swine. at least i don't only show up to bitch and moan about how much sand is in my vagina.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  10. Default

    the funny thing is.... out of all that you only acknowledge that one insult....therefore proves everything i said is spot on...... u are nothing but a lil bitch homie ... and a fake ass faggot.
    victory is won by skill never cheating, cheating only results in havok, havok only leads to suffering, and suffering only leads to agony of defeat.

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