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Thread: Big baby butt

  1. Default

    Glad I helped in this.
    - Little Adult Butt... or was it Big Adult Butt... Or Baby Adult Butt... fuck I can't remember... or do I...

    Scribbs, Phil, LiLy and Old Bastard... What is your input about those Butt Hackers?
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  2. Default

    All I have to say is that everyone should google image little baby butt.

  3. Default

    I'm going to be tied up at work all day with paper work, I'll look into this at a later time. Don't worry lib, we will make sure this gets taken care of ASAP.
    F'n server hackers...

  4. Default

    Yeah they're definitely hacking. It's about time we got one of their Steam IDs. Prolly won't work considering they copy other people's IDs. Will look more into it later.
    In-Game name: †Jesus†

  5. Default

    Lol. Come on Phil, scribbs, how come you guys haven't done anything about this? Obvious server hacks. Perma, closed.

  6. Default

    Phil when playing under that name will not show up in those lists b/c he is an admin. Is that not normal?

    Or are you all suggesting that this player is impersonating admins steam ids? If that is the case just tell me the map, time and date and I can pull them from the hard logs manually and destroy them.

  7. Default

    I am going to have to be proactive and plead the 5th.

  8. Default

    I plead the fifth and entrapment.
    In-Game name: †Jesus†

  9. Default

    way to take a stand against tyranny you two.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

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