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Thread: retarded admins

  1. Default retarded admins

    So, I go over to the ZM server to see if there is an admin available to pop on over to the gungame server for a couple min because there is a guy team killing me and rejoining to gain levels. As it stands, all the zm admins are fucking useless. I join, and here is one of them as a zombie, slapping himself non stop to get to places. Then you here idiots from the peanut gallery commenting "oh he supports the server by buying admin, so its okay if he does that, all the admins do that". As far as I know, that kind of shit is not allowed, unless rules have recently been changed.

    Here is the demo of the useless admins. While I am doing this, I am trying to contact one of the admins on my friends list to take care of the guy on gungame because zm admins are fucking retarded as shit and more useless than a piece of shit that won't flush. I could care less about a formal report, this is more or less just a heads up as to what your zm server is like when these faggots are on.
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  2. Default

    Add me to your friend list. Im on a lot, mainly Pub and GG, just shoot me a message. Sry about the trouble and as far as zm admins, lol getting a lot of new admins that need to read some rules.

  3. Default

    Lol was that respork? He slap abuses all the time :<
    Quote Originally Posted by anex View Post
    That's how about how far as we got.

  4. Default

    Okay money, I will add you the next time I see you on gungame. I know most people might have been out partying tonight, but that doesn't excuse the admins that were on being useless. Thanks.

  5. Default

    There have been multiple times that i haven't even been on my computer and i get a msg on my steam app saying someone needs an admin, I'll hop on, do what needs to be done, play a map, and be on my way. I'm usually around so you can add me as well, i'd be happy to help

  6. Default

    Lol, I feel offended by this, you can't judge all admins because of how one admin acts. I do tell them to stop slapping abusing themselves all the time but all these new admins won't listen to me

  7. Default

    Lol, New Years fun.
    Post up here. Follow format.

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    sorry phil, ibis has been around far too long now, you guys should follow proper format in normal circumstances. but watch that demo, you clearly see 3 admins not caring about the rules at all. I know chris at least has already been warned about shit, but this is how new admins act and how they will act. IGN is That Guy, just for future reference. Yeah, they might have been just having fun on the zm server,but anyone that joins and sees that shit like i did thinks otherwise. I know the rules of the zm server, i see an admin doing that shit especially while im there looking for a little admin assistance, it just puts a bad rep on ibis as a whole. Doesn't matter if that $10 that month from that player puts a bad rap on a person and people still play otherwise. if that kind of shit keeps happening, it will hurt the clan as a whole. All involved were wrong, they broke rules, demo proves it, and thats it. Happy New Year.

  9. Default

    #PapiRacist4ULA2015 this is why we need a ULA for zm, I keep warning these guys but they don't listen

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Dafuq you wanna know that for? Rapist


    As a member of IBIS, hopefully im a contributing member of IBIS, sry you had to go through some BS. Im glad that even though youve seen some bad eggs, you still see the good of IBIS. Plz feel free to add me as well on your friends list, ill be more than happy to pop in and drop "the ban hammer". Regardless of new admins or not, shitty Badmins are shitty, will direct new Badmins to forums to re-read over TOS and RULES hope that work hope that worked too

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