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Thread: Variations of Administrative Impersonation

  1. Default Variations of Administrative Impersonation

    A side note: I could not locate where I have read this before, but I am aware that an impersonation of an administrator is an act of violation, and words used to disrespect IBIS is not allowed.

    I would like to discuss about variations of administrative impersonations, characters used to resemble the admin tag, and how to distinguish whether or not he or she should be warned about his or her impersonation.

    The common key words used to resemble the tags of an administrator are [ADMIN], <ibis.a> and <ibis>. The other issue is that if he or she uses numbers for letters, but his or her intention is to resemble the tags, and therefore to impersonate as an adminstrator, even if it's for fun, then it is not allowed ... correct? Thus, he or she shall be warned, and if he or she does not comply, then he or she must be punished for it?

    I prefer to deal with things not too lightly because the person who is doing this is joking, but is aware of what he or she is doing. If he or she does not take it seriously, then why should the administrator not take it seriously?

    Thank you for reading, and please do not respond if you're going to, "TL;DR." Why should you post if you did not care enough to read the entire post? Anyways ...

  2. Default


    While I never seen [ADMIN] be an acceptable term for ibis admins, you are correct. ibis.a are for us lowly admins who feed Zero's fetish fund (I am joking lol) and "ibis" is for clan members. Now using characters to surround the ibis tag is perfectly acceptable, as long as they are putting the ibis.a for admin and ibis for clan. this of course doesn't need to be followed if you go undercover to catch a hacker. Though using the ban command while no tag is. (correct me if I am wrong here).

    While I have seen close iterations of the tag such as ISIS or the ibis steam group, I have never seen an issue with it as long as they aren't impersonating i.e saying the will ban/kick/slay you and such. However, I can see your thinking of how that could be misconstrued and in fact become an impersonation. I find it to be on a case by case basis.

  3. Default

    Someone please post a better TL;DR both of these posts are too long.

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  4. Default

    Ibis.a must be worn if the admin uses an admin command. Ibis/a, ibis.admin, ibis a, ibi$.a are all acceptable examples of the tag. Use the console command sm_who to determine who is and who is not an admin. Only clan should be wearing the ibis tag. Be careful on kicking clan as the tag is allowed to be worn without purchasing admin and they will not register in the sm_who list. Warn, kick, then ban in that order for impersonation. Admins are not required to wear the tag except when acting as an admin. You cannot punish a player for admin disrespect if your tag was not displayed.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    Ibis.a must be worn if the admin uses an admin command. Ibis/a, ibis.admin, ibis a, ibi$.a are all acceptable examples of the tag. Use the console command sm_who to determine who is and who is not an admin. Only clan should be wearing the ibis tag. Be careful on kicking clan as the tag is allowed to be worn without purchasing admin and they will not register in the sm_who list. Warn, kick, then ban in that order for impersonation. Admins are not required to wear the tag except when acting as an admin. You cannot punish a player for admin disrespect if your tag was not displayed.
    ibi$.a ????

  6. Default

    Hm ... I'll just ask this because no one answered my question. If someone who isn't an administrator, but uses characters to resemble the administrative tag, then do we warn him or her? If this happens, then surely he or she must take it off.

  7. Default

    If someone is wearing an ibis.a tag and is not an admin. Tell them to take off the tag cause they are not admin.
    They may say "oh i just bought admin" blah blah. Tell them to take it off, and put the tag on when their admin kicks in.

    Warn, kick, ban.

    Did i answer your question?

  8. Default

    I am to proceed with that action if the person is using different characters to resemble any of the tags?

  9. Default

    Warn, kick, then ban impersonators.

    Yes, punish the impersonators.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    Warn, kick, then ban impersonators.

    Yes, punish the impersonators.
    Thank you

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