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Thread: I am a fatass who works at a gym, need some nutritional help.

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    Start small, you're not going to to run the 3 minute mile in a day nor are you going to start benching two hundo next week. You want to make sure you don't hurt yourself, ask people who work at the gym for advice, and always start with low weight just to the form right, then you can bring it up and see what level you are at. Cardio is good, resistance training is better. Muscle burns a lot of calories. There are plenty of exercises with resistance that can be a good cardio workout as well. If you have a free motion machine, I suggest looking up some exercises you can do with that. Also, don't dipsy doodle around at the gym. Decide going in what you want to focus on that day and stick to it. At least 3 sets per exercise. Going for weight lose and toning, give it about 12 reps a set, that you can do somewhat comfortably.

    Diet is important, but everything in moderation. You switch to salads your gonna feel like shit real quickly. Lots of protein, low sugar. You need fats or carbs to break down the protein. Be healthy about it, there are no quick fixes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh and those weight loss pills they are saying, don't bother, the only known active ingredient in them that does anything is caffeine. Look at the diet pills on the shelf, they all have caffeine in them, cause that keeps you wired and moving more, not healthy and un necessary.

    Nem is right, work the major groups. And give it time, shit is not instantaneous, you're building a lifestyle so make sure it is something you can keep up.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  2. Default

    Yup, euro is a piece of shit and trying to sell you something because he's a blood sucking cunt. Just don't listen to anything he says.
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    Nem, if you want to make racist jokes and shit all the time, fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesis View Post
    Yup, euro is a piece of shit and trying to sell you something because he's a blood sucking cunt. Just don't listen to anything he says.
    While this maybe true, I do respect his time and effort he gave to respond.

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    Im still would like to know why he said him and other pharmacists at his work are recommending it when the studies are against it. If your in pharmacy you should know better, and know the value of RCTs and Meta analysis. And you should know natural means jack all. I have to compleatly question the legitimacy of your said pharmacy when you push for something in such a way.
    Last edited by StarsMine; 02-21-2015 at 07:40 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

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    Starsmine, Pharmacy Inspector has been modkilled.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

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    exercise is one of 3 important pieces of losing weight and getting healthier and in shape. I'll do a quick summary of each just because I'm blazed and wearing a monocle so I'm either a professor or wizard and so far I can't cast spells so lets do this shit. It's good to ease yourself in and only do as much as you are comfortable with and ready for. Any of this on it's own will help, but all together it will blow you away how fast you get results.

    exercise: cardio is a great way to burn calories while getting in shape. Weight training increases muscle size and strength. The bigger and stronger your muscles, the more calories they use (think of your muscle like a car engine and the calories like gas if that helps). Weight training and cardio combined will help you lose weight most effectively in terms of exercise. Also, your program doesn't fucking matter. Use proper form on each movement (there are thousands of form videos on youtube, find one by someone reputable). Proper form not only ensures you get the most benefit from each exercise but also keeps you from getting hurt. Don't do the same exercise routines. Your body will adjust to any exercise routine within about a month and you will no longer get as much benefit. Shock and surprise the muscles with new exercises or even doing the same ones in a different order to get the most out of them. Take proper care of yourself around your exercise. Warm up before exercising. when you introduce light activity your body will increase the lubrication in your joints, meaning lower chance of injury. Stretch after exercising. Think of your muscles like a rubber band. The more elasticity they have, the less likely they are to snap. When you begin to exercise you are putting much more strain on your body than it's used to and not taking care of it can lead to issues.

    diet: What's the point of burning calories if you just take them back in? More than anything you must be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. use this then this to figure out how to personalize your diet to you. Keep in mind you only need a deficit of 100 or 200 calories/day to lose weight pretty quickly when combined with exercise. Also, if you do cheat days INCLUDE THAT SHIT IN YOUR DIET or the whole thing is pointless. In addition to following your diet in terms of nutrition in calories it's a good idea to know how your metabolism works. When you eat you go into an anabolic state while your body digests. This is where your body builds and repairs it's self. This is when the muscles grow and repair given you provide building blocks to do so with your foods. The other half of your metabolism is catabolic. This is when you are not digesting food. You ideally want a 50/50 balance between the two which is very difficult to do with 3 meals a day. That is only ~6hours of your day in an anabolic state which is half of what your body needs to perform at peak. That also doesn't mean you need 6 meals a day. I have 4 meals and 2 smaller snack type things (protein shake or some beef jerky usually) and it seems to do the trick just as well.

    Sleep: When you exercise, especially weight training, you are quite literally tearing your muscle fibers. That's how that shit works. When you sleep your body is most effective at fixing all that shit. Get a full 8 hours of sleep each night. You might think you don't need it, but just pay attention to how you feel when you wake up (comparing 6 to 8 hours or whatever you usually get). Another really important part of sleep is that's when your body makes more testosterone. You know, that shit professional athletes and bodybuilders spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to get a little more of.

    When you put all 3 of these together it will amaze you how quickly you get to your goal weight and size.

    Diet pills and weight loss supplements can work to a very limited degree(depending on what), but only as SUPPLEMENTS, meaning you still need to do the work to get the results. The same is true with any fitness supplement. There is no magic pill or secret trick. Hard ass work(exercise), dedication to a diet, and full nights sleep are the 3 things your body needs most to give you the results you want.

    Bonus points: Want to burn fat even faster? apply all of this and do your cardio in the morning before you have your first meal. If there's no carbs for your body to use for energy it uses fat(incredibly oversimplified). Make sure you eat within 30 minutes after your exercise though, or your body starts getting more cannibalistic in terms of where it gets it's nutrients from.

    For your shoulder or any other injury obviously consult your physician or PT before following my or any advice. That said my advice for that is to start VERY light. Maybe even no weight depending on how strong you are now and how bad the injury was/is. Contracting the muscle properly is far more important than the amount of weight used. Stop at any abnormal pain. Ego lifting (or heavy lifting) can have it's place, but even that should be done under perfect control with proper contractions or you're just begging for injury. I don't know what your specific injury was, but perhaps this video can help you or give you some ideas on how to work around it.

    One more thing. The fox has no idea what he is talking about.
    Last edited by Yolo Swaggins; 02-22-2015 at 10:19 PM.

  7. Default

    God damn Swaggins lol.... So far this is the most in depth I have gotten to my fat shaming party, thank you. I am actually meeting with a PT Monday after work/ before gym to discuss my injury. He has the same issue as me so it will be very beneficial.

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    Quote Originally Posted by swagbot 9k View Post
    God damn Swaggins lol.... So far this is the most in depth I have gotten to my fat shaming party, thank you. I am actually meeting with a PT Monday after work/ before gym to discuss my injury. He has the same issue as me so it will be very beneficial.
    Just to be clear by pt I meant physical therapist. if that is who you're going to see, awesome! you're on the right track. if by pt you mean personal trainer I strongly suggest double checking any information they give you. I'm just a guy who likes looking good naked and more often than not when I talk to a personal trainer all they know is what lifetime fitness's (or similar gym with it's own trainer training) little 1 day class taught them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yolo Swaggins View Post
    Just to be clear by pt I meant physical therapist. if that is who you're going to see, awesome! you're on the right track. if by pt you mean personal trainer I strongly suggest double checking any information they give you. I'm just a guy who likes looking good naked and more often than not when I talk to a personal trainer all they know is what lifetime fitness's (or similar gym with it's own trainer training) little 1 day class taught them.
    Yeah Physical lol. He works out around the same time I am at work.

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    Really..... Don't fucking eat so much, eat normally (not that vegan vegi bs), and do some actual activity. I really don't understand why it's so hard for people to commit and maintain or reduce weight. It's simple fucking will and not being lazy.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

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