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Thread: Help, I cannot buy and my guns keep switching

  1. #11


    So, i've asked a few other servers on how to fix this and apparently no one has been able to fix this problem. Some even laughed at me but when i joined their server and played they got salty. I'm gonna email gabin and see if he knows about this problem and if there are any future plans to fix this. I like css but this shit needs to be fixed asap :c

  2. Default

    I agree kasper this is an ongoing problem that has to be fixed, since nobody has come up with a solution I assume zero is going to have to do some of his own programming to solve it.

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    #SaveScouty2015 D:

  4. Default

    Exactly Fox! Yes Superman, I've been on the server since around 2010 or 2011 and this has been going on since then! This is no laughing matter!

  5. Default

    Btw Batman is better

  6. Default

    Pls fix ;w;

  7. Default

    wtf is this shit...?

  8. Default

    All trolling just close it

  9. Default

    Sleepy, it has something to do with printer cables. I checked mine, and the problem is still there but less noticeable.

  10. Default

    I don't own a printer though, do I have to own a printer in order for it to fix itself?

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