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Thread: Possible Delays

  1. Default Possible Delays

    I have been held up recently trying to fix my RAID array again. Channel 7 keep going offline but with no errors. It could be just a bad cable or something stupid so I am going to try to see if I can swap some stuff out for a fix. Otherwise I will build a dedicated file server and back up everything to that.

  2. Default

    Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    I have been held up recently trying to fix my RAID array again.
    Ohh Bug problems, gotcha

  4. Default

    Yea I think I might have fixed it by unplugging it and plugging it back in, well depending on how you look at it.

    It is too suspicious that I am having issues on channel 7. In the past I was actually getting read errors so I know there was an issue with the drive but this time the drive was just falling out of the array with no other errors. I then inspected the power lines and observed the following:
    1) There is too many splits installed on the line that also powered the HDDs for Ch7&8.
    2) The main line that powers the HDDs on Ch7&8 also powers the GPU.
    3) The Y split that then gets Y split to power the HDDs on Ch7&8 also powers a non operational flow meter.
    4) Both HDDs on Ch7&8 get power from the same molex to sata Y adapter.

    As the issue was unique to the HDDs on Ch7&8 and given that what they have in common is likely the cause of the issue the following steps were taken to attempt a fix:
    1) Move HDDs off the same line that has the GPU on it and instead place two non raid drives on that line.
    2) Remove known working molex to sata y adapter from the same two non raid drives referenced above and install it on the two raid drives
    3) Connect one of the non raid drives directly using molex instead of sata power and for the other use a new adapter that is non Y splitting thus reducing total number of Y splits by 1
    4) Disconnect the 2 non operational flow sensors thus reducing total Y splits in the system by 1
    5) Free up the top molex port on the power line being used by the cooling tower by moving the second pump to be on a Y split with the first pump thus increasing the total number of Y splits by 1
    6) Connect the Y split molex to sata adapter to the free connector at the top of the cooling power line (this line has the least amount of splits and load)

    After this I have now rebuilt the array without a problem. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue for good but now I know more about what the underline problem is.

  5. Default

    Basically if the issue occurs again I need to buy this:

    Going forward when I do not have enough sata power connectors I will split off the ones I do rather than try to convert from molex so that I can ensure drives, especially those in RAID are not having any issues.

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