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Thread: Some admin powers should not be used?

  1. Default

    Wait, your giving out bans for someone trying to get a clarification on the rules?

    Superman may be in the wrong, but this is why he is asking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by StarsMine View Post
    Wait, your giving out bans for someone trying to get a clarification on the rules?

    Superman may be in the wrong, but this is why he is asking.
    If I'm not mistaken, he got* his answer and it wasn't the one he wanted so he continued to abuse. The ban was given yesterday by Rawrr on GG. From what I know, Superman was using these commands on ZM.

    I doubt this is a one-time occurrence, but ask Rawrr.

    - - - Updated - - -

    To top it off, he's also backtalking clan and making an idiot of himself.

  3. Default

    Stars, I suggest that you avoid advising on a situation of which you do not have all of the details.

    Superman, you have not considered that it could be breaking something on the back end, where only one person has access to. That one person, zero, made the rule. You claim to have known about the rule, broken it anyway to prove a point, and continued to argue a moot point.

    You are exactly the type of admin we do not need. You do not prove a point by breaking the rules. The ban will be extended until your admin is restricted or removed.

  4. Default

    I didn't abuse, using grav on myself during a conversation in game ABOUT how it's not harmful is not abuse. It's just "What you still on about that bs that its harmful? okay lets see, lucky I am admin and we can grav me right now to test it." And what did we discover? its not harmful!! BIG SURPRISE! Those two times i used grav on myself in Gun game didn't break the server or map, hence i am right. Even a slap once is not abuse if it gives no advantage to yourself. The rules state that if you overuse the commands on yourself it's abuse. Mostly for slap. The gravity rule is for RCON, because yes setting grav on a whole map can mess up a lot of shit, but not on 1 player. I stopped using grav, after those two times, and I was banned anyway cause Rawr was upset I didn't subordinate myself to them. Yes I wont just kiss your ass cause you have 'powers' i've been on the internet too long to worry about that. Rawr even admitted that setting 1 players grav doesn't mess anything up.

    A 1 week, or 1 month ban is nothing to me in all seriousness. It's nothing compared to the 24 year ban I've had in some games. Though it is close to being the stupidest reason I was ever banned for. OH no he used grav on himself, QUICK BAN HIM!

    If zero comes in here yelling his servers back end is all fucked up. Then i conceed, you guys are right. lol
    Last edited by SupermanTM; 02-07-2016 at 11:09 AM.

  5. Default

    Setting low gravity on yourself gives an advantage over those of us who are fat and have to take the stairs cause we ain't got them hops boi

    Also, it makes Newton roll in his grave. He didn't die for this

  6. #26


    Superman, you've accused others of not reading your posts yet you neglect clan's response.

    Quote Originally Posted by SupermanTM View Post
    Yes I wont just kiss your ass cause you have 'powers' i've been on the internet too long to worry about that. Rawr even admitted that setting 1 players grav doesn't mess anything up.
    As for this, allow me to refer to Rapedollars' signature:

    Quote Originally Posted by blackmail242 View Post
    ... IBIS in the name right? ibis.a means admin while IBIS means Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SupermanTM View Post
    A 1 week, or 1 month ban is nothing to me in all seriousness. It's nothing compared to the 24 year ban I've had in some games.
    24 years is nothing compared to the track you're going down.

  7. Default

    That 24 year old ban was funny though, the owner of the game server (different game) was a british lawyer, and banned me basically for talking/typing. A lot of people can't handle the internet still, though they claim they can. Anyway I bypassed the ban. Just had to change a few things, Changed my mac address and computer ID, logged on with a 56K modem I bought for $5 (which I still have) because I have a static IP and modem reset doesn't work + didn't want to switch to dynamic. Worst case scenario I have to login to steam on my other account. And change my name to The Flash or something rofl. After I bypassed the ban, I was netbanned across all servers. Similar to a VAC ban I guess? Which was also useless. Here is an account of some of those days.

    EDIT correction 13 years

    if you guys go down that road ill at least have another hilarious screenshot for my collection.
    Last edited by SupermanTM; 02-07-2016 at 03:43 PM.

  8. Default

    You enjoy digging dont you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  9. Default

    Why do you feel the need to state the fact that he was British? have problem?


    Imo this thread should be closed as it has kinda gone off topic and a punishment
    should just be decided. With the effect of ending the bitchy argument.

  10. Default

    I have been polite with you (superman) for the entirety of this thread, and that courtesy has not been reciprocated. If and when I remember to unban you, I will. Don't count on it, someone as trivial as you is easily forgotten.

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