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Thread: Admin abuse !!!!!!

  1. Exclamation Admin abuse !!!!!!

    Admin's INGAME name: M0j0j0
    You're INGAME name: P A P i . P i M P
    Server: Zombie MOD+ | FAST DL | PsychoSta...
    Map: ZE_icecap_escape_v5
    Date & Time: 02-03-16 20:55

    How did he/she abuse (See TOS): I was banned for no reason, he reported that I was team killing in the first round when I was all the way in the front

    Proof: I was banned at 20:55 EST on 2/03.

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    I remember this. He blew up a bridge along the left side of the channel that dropped about 8 teammates or so into the water. It didn't kill anyone directly but slowed down a bunch of teammates on an escape map, potentially leading to their getting tagged. It shows you got permabanned by Joker a couple of hours later though when you came back wearing an IBIS Admin Tag?

  4. #4


    No demo provided and pretty sure this was already denied. Enjoy your Perma ban have a nice day.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Kasp3r View Post
    No demo provided and pretty sure this was already denied. Enjoy your Perma ban have a nice day.
    dont think so, he posted two threads, one for mojo, one for scribble, neither got looked into, or at least not publicly due to lack of demo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  6. Default

    No demo. Closed.

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