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Thread: Zuki ibis.a (minor)

  1. #1

    Default Zuki ibis.a (minor)

    First off, apologies, I hate to be this person. What bothers me most about this is the blatant disregard for the rules of seniority and the foul attitude after being told 'no'. Just asking for a warning on this, nothing more.

    Admin's INGAME name: Zuki ibis.a
    Youre INGAME name:: rcon_raven [ibis.a]
    Server: ZMod
    Map: ze_mountain_escape_v5_zf
    Time: 3/6/16, 3:19:00 PM

    How did he/she abuse: As non-senior admin, repeated activation of parachutes after veto.

    Proof: zuki_abuse_minor.dem (demo)

    Significant tick marks
    11000: initiates vote for chutes, is not senior admin, is told, 'no'
    24500: activates chutes anyway, I disable them
    29000: uses admin & all chat to ask why I disabled them, I tell him that it's because I vetoed, zuki reactivates chutes, I deactivate them again
    30000: calls me a fag
    31000: zuki reactivates chutes, I disable them again, I ask if he wants me to write an abuse thread, to which he responds 'yes'
    33000: I remind him that he isn't senior, he tells me to stop crying
    34000: tells me that senior admin does not determine chutes, I tell him to ask clan about it
    Last edited by I'm a zambi; 03-06-2016 at 04:20 PM.

  2. Default

    As far as i am aware (I may be wrong but i can find anything on the TOS about this)you dont have to be the senior admin to cast a vote and if an over all vote, the vote was 11 yes -3 no, has concluded that the players want parachutes enabled, Then surely they should be enabled? Disregarding that 3 people dont want them.

    And zambi you should also put the ticks of the troll faces and not responding to me asking why. And trying to talk to you in admin chat yet you didnt give me a response and just said no in the public chat.

    Also i didnt mean to use All admin chat, thats why i said "lmao" after. I was using the team admin chat at first and didnt mean to use the normall chat after that.
    Last edited by Zuki; 03-06-2016 at 04:45 PM.

  3. #3


    The lenny faces are just me screwing around, they have nothing to do with the situation at hand. As I said, I posted only the significant tick marks. My emoticons in no way influence your actions. If they do, maybe you shouldn't be an admin.

  4. Default

    You cant put that to just "Screwing around". From my point of view it just looks like your kina ignoring me and trolling. Hence the reason i got annoyed.

    "My emoticons in no way influence your actions" How do they not? They totally influence my actions. To me it just looks like
    your trying to be a dick and ignoring a majority vote henceforth my actions.

  5. Default

    First off in general as admins you guys need to work together.

    Also on another note for parachutes make sure you are legally enabling them on the allowed maps.

    It does not show "ze_mountain_escape_v5_zf" as a qualified map for parachutes as far as I can see.

    I also don't see anything under Zombie Mod maps in the configuration section for "ze_mountain_escape_v5_zf" for adding or allowing the use of parachutes.

    From ZM Rules v3.1
    Parachutes are allowed only on Sorrento, Mario, Paradise (Place request in config map section)
    Last edited by MadGamer101; 03-06-2016 at 07:03 PM.

  6. Default

    My apologizes then i wasnt aware. The only reason i did was because almost every time that map is put on someone else puts parachutes on, thus me thinking it was okay. And the fact its a troll map and get a bit boring/repetitive aswell.

    Still the reason that zambi is trying to defend is invalid imo.

  7. Default

    How about everyone in this thread fucks themselves right off a cliff? Maybe read the rules before you cast a vote? Abuse confirmed. Zuki, fuck right off with the whole "i plead ignorance" bullshit.

    Zambi, good on you for reporting. Zuki, shame on you for pulling some petty shit.

  8. Default

    Why is it that zombie admins always seem to make up their own rules?

    You can cast any vote you want, but if you aren't senior, it doesn't mean shit. And that goes for every single admin and their "I called a vote" excuse.

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