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Thread: Ibis CS:GO GunGame server

  1. Default Ibis CS:GO GunGame server

    I installed and fired up CS:GO for the first time in ages yesterday because I discovered Ibis does indeed have a CS:GO GunGame server. It slipped under my radar when I first returned but after I found out about, I had to try it out.

    It's the closest CS:GO has come to capturing the entertainment and enjoyment that I get out of CS:S for sure. I haven't found another GunGame server that compares so for that, I thank you Zero. That said, I did have a few questions.

    1) Is this the appropriate place to post CS:GO GG related material? Or should we have a new forum subsection?
    2) There seem to be a few mods/commands missing (J for cheer comes immediately to mind along with the RTV functionality of the existing CS:S server). Are there plans to implement additional mods?
    3) I believe all of the maps for CS:S GunGame have been recreated in CS:GO but I noted that there are many 'fan favorites' missing. Am I incorrect and the map don't exist or have we just not added them to the server?

    Again, it was really awesome to discover the server and after reading through the thread where you set it all up, I appreciate the effort and wanted to make sure you knew that.

  2. Default

    Best place to post would be in

    I will try to see if go supports cheer. Keep in mind that mod support is very limited in cs:go. Valve does everything it can to limit and prevent custom mods in cs:go and sometimes even bans servers for mods.

    Due to the limited nature of support from valve as well as their disdain for custom content maps and other custom content is very limited as compared to source, maps that we have in source but do not have in go are because I could not find them for cs:go anywhere. If you find them please post them up.

  3. Default

    Wow. So CS:GO is wholeheartedly going after the competitive crowd and leaving the rest of the community to sit and spin huh? That's so disappointing. What does Valve lose by letting the modding community flourish I wonder?

    Thanks for checking on the mods, I really appreciate it! Is there a way for me to get a complete listing of the maps already on the server? I would hate to waste your time and post about maps that are already added.

  4. Default

    It is going after the console crowd that knows nothing of custom content that they do not need to pay $$ for. The reason valve shuts mods down is because it thinks that they could cut into item sales somehow.

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