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Thread: Killerfrom/ArcTropper +Heph +NotSeductive and a bit Raven

  1. Default

    Cmon strongfield. This is why we can't have nice things but none the less if they were abusing to keep the game from being glitched by the horde mode I'd go with the restricted like scribble said

  2. #12


    Well, there's a reason gravity can't (shouldn't) be fucked with; it breaks the server and you have to restart it. It also fucks with parachutes if I'm not mistaken. The !slay @all/t/ct was abuse for the sake of playing a preferred mode.

    Anyway, as much as I may dislike Strongfield, I can verify that this happened since I came online once or twice while it was going on.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by $Money$ View Post
    Also you all have been warned like 100 times not to abuse slap command.
    it does make me wonder sometimes if I'm the only ZMod admin who resists the urge to mass-slap.

  3. Default

    Anyone found abusing the slap command will be restricted, I'm tired of warning people on this.

    Toxic, it doesn't matter what you'd go with as far as punishment. You shouldn't be posting here unless you have something relevant to add to this abuse thread. That goes for everyone.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    Toxic, it doesn't matter what you'd go with as far as punishment. You shouldn't be posting here unless you have something relevant to add to this abuse thread.
    I'm just trying to fit on with the cool kids. But I can also confirm that the horde mode and Zeros new zombie program screw with each other. All the mother zombies have the 60k+ health and that all new zombies also have 30k+ health unlike the 500hp

  5. Default

    Lol the following is all I will say:

    1. Apparently mountain got played like 5+ times that day and the admins on didn't even force change it to there every time, the players actually voted for it and nominated it most of the time.

    2. The admins wanting to play horde didn't do it for rank manip so stfu about that, horde was honestly (before the update) the most enjoyable part of mountain to many.

    3. The only complaint about doing what we did that I can recall in either both oral and verbal forms came from killer himself when he wanted a different mode hence why he would slap himself to get a random mode, pretty sure he was just randomly going at it. I do not recall any other players saying to stop, I can be wrong, I'm not perfect, I do recall at times players asking for a redo when we DID NOT get horde mode.

    4. The server in honesty had never been more populated during the times so obviously people were liking it, just throwing that out there.

    For the record on Raven and Sed I don't remember them doing anything of the sort according to my memory and play time.

    People enjoyed it and the server stayed popped, it's not like the admins continued this onto every map, so for my opinion it's not like we all have gone power mad/happy and abuse on every map, we took advantage of a situation on a certain map that the players enjoyed, I'll take whatever punishment though. Also, in regards to rank, I'd say about 3/4s of the time horde mode did get selected...I was spawn zombie so just saying....

  6. #16


    Damn all the self defending on abuse threads.
    All those reasons
    Fun for everyone
    No one complained
    Server was full
    They wanted it and bla bla
    Which leads you obviously to ---> fuck the tos

  7. Default

    You don't have a choice in whether you take the punishment or not. You just do, because that's how it works. Saying you'll take whatever punishment in no way makes what you did OK despite your desperate attempt to justify your actions to the community and yourself.

  8. Default

    It would resolve so many problems if we just removed: slap, gravity, and all other fun commands from zm/ze server completely, and leave that only for clan to change if need be. Zm/Ze admins have proven time and time again they cannot handle a simple task NOT TO FUCK WITH GRAVITY or abuse slap command.

  9. Default

    Is this done yet ... Cuz We all know Strong Left us..

  10. Default

    As a fellow admin on the ibis zombie mod servers i feel it is my duty to add my two cents to this dilemma...

    In this specific scenario I think clan should try to identify who the ringleader was....

    admins dont go bad in a vacuum... the poison had to have been introduced by another admin....

    As this is a matter that concerns the discretion of ULA... i would simply advice to try and identify the root of this poison... throught server logs etc....

    sad to see such a great ibis community member strongfield leaving us... he was a bastion of hope during these dark zm days

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