When trying to figure out how to implement a loyalty system and also do a complete overhaul of our ranking system I decided that the best solution would be to merge the two together and create a ranking system which rewards players for playing on the server but also for when their team wins. Below are some bullet points on the system:

  • Point based, all player actions result in them gaining points. No action that a player takes while on the server causes them to lose points.
  • Decay based, each day the stats system will reduce everyone's points by X amount. This ensures that the top ranked players are also those who are currently playing the most.
  • Multiple ways to gain points and multiple rates of point gain.
  • Winning team gains points, points based on play time on winning team. (if you were zombie all round and zombies win you will get more points than a player who was a zombie later on in the round)
  • Losers still win points! Even if you end up on the losing team late in the game you will still be awarded a % of the points you would have received if you had won. (this makes it so players who almost win or are the last to lose still get rewarded for making it as far as they did)
  • Points for actions, things like tagging a human or killing a zombie instantly gives you some points.

I then plan to tie different loyalty rewards into the server based on how many points you currently have. These rewards would apply automatically based on how many points a player currently has. Example of things that could be unlocked:

  • Nade trails
  • Player trails
  • Fire nade explosion effect
  • Hats

Game Play:
  • Effectiveness of nades (how long your fire, time and light nades last)
  • Quantity of nades (how many nades you spawn with and can carry at once)

Overall my hope is that this ranking system will reward players who work together as a team and who play a lot on the server. Please leave comments on this system to let me know what you think.