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Thread: Best WCS Server ever!

  1. #1

    Default Scroll of Respawning

    If I found a way to actually bring people back to this server / get it semi-populated again... would anyone be interested in possibly assisting? Hell it's a big shot in the dark considering uh... Last post on this was "a WCS Saturday".

    inb4 CSS is a dead game.
    TBH idk how many people would actually respond to this either, buttttttttttttttt Hi. Long time no knife? - anime | manga | reviews

  2. Default

    I'd come back if you came back.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  4. Default

    Would love to play some WCS again with everyone!

  5. Default

    hey if we can remove the alchemist from the game, which is arguably the flagship race that sent the server going downhill to its untimely demise with all the camping and doing nothing while leveling.
    I'd be down.

    - - - Updated - - -

    also , nice touch on the scroll of respawning, wolfie.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  6. #7


    I mean right now - Alchemist AS BROKEN AS THE CLASS IS ... Literally a maxed out Alch you're praying he dies. That and I started trying to figure out how many bugs I could replicate solo and just make a mass post on them for Public Viewing. Some are mischeivious. Others are patched.

    Side notes include some quality of life revamps like maybe Vagabond getting its Scout back over the unnecessary AWP. It was an interesting change, but it gets weird after-effects when somebody non-Vagabond is running around with an AWP. IDK just a lot of stuff I'd wanna just throw out there in the open I guess, but I know it's a LONGGGG SHOT to see something start rekindling.

    My schedule at the moment is more night-based EST if anything. ALL the CSS servers are practically collecting dust. That and I might miss you guys a lil. JUST A LIL. DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA B-B-BAKA. Ok tsun moment aside - hi @Scribbs, Aco, Britney, ZERO, Cybie

    Side note - Maxed Alchemist IIRC has such a high chance to negate all damage, even though he's slowed at the start of a round and half health early, there's nothing stopping the player from swapping to another race to get $$ and then swap back to stack items on Alch (FIGURING he can pull it off... that and how ZERO has roots / speed affected on the server to kill your spread quite literally, you're kinda hoping you don't unload a whole P90 and miss EVERY shot because of one bash proc from a new person)

    Another Note - THESE BOTS. Like honest suggestion; can we get them removed? I know we put them in there to just let people idle but in the last like week or two I hopped on randomly and saw a guy who was like total level 952. I checked his stats and he's literally been farming bots from like level 300 or so probably. I don't recognize his name but I do know he at least played back in 2013/2014 when people DID play.
    Last edited by Wolfenstinger; 10-07-2019 at 08:17 PM. - anime | manga | reviews

  7. Default

    It would likely be easier to nerf Alchemist than to remove it due to the effect on the database.

    As far as bug fixes, if they are easy things it should not be a big deal. Anything time consuming would be better spent making a WCS mod for CS GO.

    On that related note would their be interest in a CSGO WCS server. I would basically start from scratch and port over each race one at a time.

  8. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    It would likely be easier to nerf Alchemist than to remove it due to the effect on the database.
    If you tone some of the ratios back, it'd be a bit more bearable in the long run. I don't recall exactly WHAT off the top of my head that makes him ridiculous, but I know we're pretty much on a timer still fighting one at the start of a fresh new map due to the ultimate.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    As far as bug fixes, if they are easy things it should not be a big deal. Anything time consuming would be better spent making a WCS mod for CS GO.
    Most of the bugs I'm finding are either things that might've been fixed already for other races, some that aren't even a massive big deal due to workarounds, or the in between where it's just... let's just say Magician can deny somebody access from playing the rest of the map unless the victim rejoins.

    Most of the suggested changes I'm jotting down though are things that were previously patched / changed but would be better reverted or modified slightly to make it playable or tuned down if that makes sense. (Vagabond scouts only!! Just one of the like few I had on that list)

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    On that related note would their be interest in a CSGO WCS server. I would basically start from scratch and port over each race one at a time.
    If we go the CSGO WCS route, just a couple questions to refresh my memory from like ... idk forever ago when it was brought up?

    Will the CSS Server still be up and available for people to come in and do w.e on?
    After all this time, has CSGO modded server support been at all better, or this will be a pretty big experiment? I've not followed it much since release and recall sG and CE:Gamer (i think is the other one) having their own CSGO servers up really really early. I don't know how much was ported over or how well they are doing, as I really just avoided CSGO for the longest time. Now in present day, it's a little more common for people to own CSGO than CSS anyways.

    Is there any races you can think of that might not be able to port over or will have to be modified as such? I recall you mentioning a skill cap for CSGO a long time ago to like 4 probably, but I'm kinda sorta hoping there's either a work around or that's no longer a thing maybe. Trial and error though.

    I'm down to try an be a guinea pig though to test races out and see what I can break. I know I can prolly get somebody to join me whenever to just make sure stuff works and what not. - anime | manga | reviews

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfenstinger View Post
    If you tone some of the ratios back, it'd be a bit more bearable in the long run. I don't recall exactly WHAT off the top of my head that makes him ridiculous, but I know we're pretty much on a timer still fighting one at the start of a fresh new map due to the ultimate.
    It was a class that encouraged camping and nullifying other peoples play style. The camping portion isn't so bad and can be dealt with but the fact that his ultimate was global (i think)and lasted what felt like forever killed any counter play. He had a high chance to spawn with a necklace of immunity by default so he was protected against rushers and crypt lord which gave him more then enough time to get everyone burning. Vagalion/bond couldn't get close because he could camp indoors and had a necklace.

    As a class he is rounded off well but his abilities weren't working well with how it interacted with other items/classes. You needed to be in necklace range to block his ultimate and if not it hit everyone if i remember correctly. If necklace did block it then that forced everyone to use a necklace 100% of the time. A single race shouldn't have to force a item requirement. He also got everyone to fundamentally act differently. You couldn't take it slow because alchemist forced you to rush or just lose but all the rushing classes couldn't get to him fast enough.

    The movement speed/health being at lower values were suppose to help kill him fast but there is no way to even get to him in time. He was like a Cryptlord on steroids and I felt like Cryptlord is perfect where he is

    If anything needs to be tweaked its his Ultimate immunity skill + his Ultimate. If possible i would also prevent him from buying a necklace (since it turns a 50% skill to 100% uptime)
    OhGasm In Your Mouth : panorama is so nub
    Maukid : lol
    OhGasm In Your Mouth : never realized it

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