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Thread: {remove] aim_texture_jungle

  1. Default fy_poolday_reunion?

    I noticed shortly after the server crashed this morning that a map that I had requested for GG was on the WCS server. Fy_Poolday_Reunion. I'm not sure if that is a great WCS map, and correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't seen it played in the short time that I've been playing WCS. How's about a little switchy over to the GG server?

    If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.

  2. #2



    you will understand if you get a chance to play it on WCS


  3. Default

    admins should not be changing it to the map more then like once a week. that map is free weapons and really fast rounds making the entire point of WCS pointless. you get way 2 much free xp and money when you're in there. I never brought it up 2 zero's attention that it shouldn't even be available in the map list cause no 1 has ever abused it. I think ive changed it to that map like 6 times in the past year. it's a fun map, but with the guns free and the rounds like 20 seconds long it just completely unbalances the lvling system. also best 2 play it during a lower populated time, cause the more ppl know about it, the more they will constantly bitch about wanting 2 play on it so they can get the free xp. that's basically why I stopped even going to it.

    I personally like the map for the fast rounds, I always wanted iceworld on WCS.. but just as pool day it's free guns, and fast rounds so zero said no. I assume he doesn't even know that poolday is available to us... but hey, if ppl don't abuse it, like ppl haven't in the past it doesn't really matter.
    Last edited by maynard; 05-31-2010 at 12:23 PM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    admins should not be changing it to the map more then like once a week. that map is free weapons and really fast rounds making the entire point of WCS pointless. you get way 2 much free xp and money when you're in there. I never brought it up 2 zero's attention that it shouldn't even be available in the map list cause no 1 has ever abused it. I think ive changed it to that map like 6 times in the past year. it's a fun map, but with the guns free and the rounds like 20 seconds long it just completely unbalances the lvling system. also best 2 play it during a lower populated time, cause the more ppl know about it, the more they will constantly bitch about wanting 2 play on it so they can get the free xp. that's basically why I stopped even going to it.

    I personally like the map for the fast rounds, I always wanted iceworld on WCS.. but just as pool day it's free guns, and fast rounds so zero said no. I assume he doesn't even know that poolday is available to us... but hey, if ppl don't abuse it, like ppl haven't in the past it doesn't really matter.
    The free guns have only one clip, and you don't have enough time to actually get the ammo before people are in your spawn.

    I also never seemed to understand the obsession with the xp. The game is about having fun while playing. I find the quest for experience to be completely irrelevant when it comes to the entertainment of the server. Poolyday is fun, and it should be played at times because it provides fun, quick entertainment and very little down time for people who are killed during the round. That makes for everyone enjoying themselves.

    My only problem would be if there were more than 12 or so people in the server. The map is so small that it would get way too crowded for the more populated times.

  5. Default

    who cares if they have 1 clip, both spawns are loaded with guns, you drop a gun, and pick a new 1 up, and most the time you don't even go through your full clip. the obsession with xp comes from the fact you need it to unlock better classes. and yes I'm aware it provides "quick rounds and blah blah" hence it being the problem. there's a reason if an admin gives them self cash on WCS, they lose admin on the server all together. 2 get your classes you gotta work for them, abusing a map that gives like 5 maps worth of xp in 1 go un balances the shit outta the server. and if admins now start going there regularly the general public on the server will not stop bitching and will complain and cry for that server non stop cause they don't want 2 work for there races and or lvls.

    like I said, I asked zero in the past 2 add iceworld to the maplist (1 of my fav maps for the quick rounds), and I was denied cause it un balances the lvling system, if you don't see that, it doesn't really matter, cause zero does.

    ppl can enjoy themselfs on a map that doesn't manipulate the hell out of the lvling system.. sorta like they have the past year. going on about the "entertainment of the server" is a joke. the server is plenty entertained, infact it's great as it always has been, we could use some new races, sure... but it's not like the server isn't entertained or not having fun.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  6. Default

    any map that has free guns on it, i tend to tell the admin to change off of it. it really does ruin the whole point of wcs.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    any map that has free guns on it, i tend to tell the admin to change off of it. it really does ruin the whole point of wcs.
    couldn't agree more... it's just kinda common sense

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    like I said, I asked zero in the past 2 add iceworld to the maplist (1 of my fav maps for the quick rounds), and I was denied cause it un balances the lvling system, if you don't see that, it doesn't really matter, cause zero does.
    I just want to point this out because it seems ridiculous that ZERO would keep a map off because of the "inbalance" but doesn't take the work in to remove a map that has the same type of "inbalance"

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    ppl can enjoy themselfs on a map that doesn't manipulate the hell out of the lvling system.. sorta like they have the past year. going on about the "entertainment of the server" is a joke. the server is plenty entertained, infact it's great as it always has been, we could use some new races, sure... but it's not like the server isn't entertained or not having fun.
    It doesn't "manipulate the hell out of the leveling system" or else you wouldn't play on it AT ALL. And if the point of WCS was to gain levels then why are you even playing? Don't you have the max amount anyway?

    And there is nothing wrong with different maps. If the server keeps itself plenty entertained why not just have the default source maps on it so there is no complaining about "inbalance"? I mean since the server is "plenty" entertained according to you and your infinite knowledge of WCS.

    Also for the record your original rant had little to do with the OP.

  9. Default

    christmas, read my original msgs more carefully. I said, zero probably doesn't even realize that it's on the list, hence him not removing it.

    there's nothing wrong with playing new maps. but the fact is that pool day was in the first map pack we had for the server, it's not new. and once the original admins back then noticed it we all kept off it when we realized it destroys the balancing of WCS lvling for beyond obvious reasons. it's like literally never played, or mentioned, there for zero more then likely doesn't even realize it's there.

    there is nothing wrong with ppl trying new maps, there is something wrong though with maps that give you free guns and uber fast rounds... like really? you honestly don't get this?

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  10. Default

    the only admin i've ever seen go there was chibby.

    we all know how that one turned out.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

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