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Thread: Joker's App

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Joker View Post
    And where's maymay I know he wants to say something here. :P
    well if you insist....

    you were going 2 be in the first draft of ULA's and right as we go 2 announce the names... you abused admin just for lol's and was passed over... since then, you've not demonstrated a single bit that you still want the position... in fact you went strait up AFK for quite some time... it wasn't till recently that you actually started being active again... but even that aside, you've honestly done NOTHING 2 continue going after ULA or the quest for clanship... you just rolled over and died. I never deemed you as someone who was very great at catching hackers, and the proof is there, which is why you've been passed up over more qualified ULA's time and time again... but it's not like you've even made an attempt 2 show the clan you still want the position or care... all you do is bull shit with rape now and then and act like that's significant.... due 2 all this, I would never support you for ULA (which leads 2 clan) and the reason is cause

    -you have a shit attitude.

    -you're rude and disrespectful 2 clan, admins and regs.

    -you make no attempt anymore at doing anything that would be required for making your way 2 clan, yet keep acting like you deserve ULA and or clan...

    -I don't trust you at all and think you would be nothing more than a serious risk if you acquired the level of power clan has or even ULA

    - you walk around pretending you're better and more important than virtually everyone... and this is a quality pretty much every 1 who knows you has seen.

    -you're not someone I want in the clan/brotherhood. You're not someone who deserves the position, has actually worked for it, nor someone I would respect having it, or be able 2 respect and stand beside and lead/run the community with.

    your attitude as a big problem in the past, we've had many chats over it... and you did correct it back then, I will give you props for that... but it's like you forgot all the talks we had regarding how you come off in game cause your attitude is complete shit again. I wont be called out and disrespected by an admin in game and out multiple times, along with all the other crap you pull, and then say something positive on their app, I suggest you know your place, and figure it out quick.


    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  2. Default


    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  3. Default

    i have to agree with maynard to some extent. it seems like you earned ula, then just slacked off figuring fuck it, im a boss now. i can't remember the last time you weighed in on a ban thread or made one yourself. it just seems like you feel you've earned it, and that's that. so what would happen if you got clan? just leave? you showed the ability to get to that level, but showed your weakness immediately after that, and because of that i can't see you ever getting into clan. sorry, you know you were one of my good buds when i first started here and i wish i could be more supportive, but i just gotta be honest with what i've seen watching from afar.


    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    well if you insist....

    you were going 2 be in the first draft of ULA's and right as we go 2 announce the names... you abused admin just for lol's and was passed over... since then, you've not demonstrated a single bit that you still want the position... in fact you went strait up AFK for quite some time... it wasn't till recently that you actually started being active again... but even that aside, you've honestly done NOTHING 2 continue going after ULA or the quest for clanship... you just rolled over and died. I never deemed you as someone who was very great at catching hackers, and the proof is there, which is why you've been passed up over more qualified ULA's time and time again... but it's not like you've even made an attempt 2 show the clan you still want the position or care... all you do is bull shit with rape now and then and act like that's significant.... due 2 all this, I would never support you for ULA (which leads 2 clan) and the reason is cause

    -you have a shit attitude.

    -you're rude and disrespectful 2 clan, admins and regs.

    -you make no attempt anymore at doing anything that would be required for making your way 2 clan, yet keep acting like you deserve ULA and or clan...

    -I don't trust you at all and think you would be nothing more than a serious risk if you acquired the level of power clan has or even ULA

    - you walk around pretending you're better and more important than virtually everyone... and this is a quality pretty much every 1 who knows you has seen.

    -you're not someone I want in the clan/brotherhood. You're not someone who deserves the position, has actually worked for it, nor someone I would respect having it, or be able 2 respect and stand beside and lead/run the community with.

    your attitude as a big problem in the past, we've had many chats over it... and you did correct it back then, I will give you props for that... but it's like you forgot all the talks we had regarding how you come off in game cause your attitude is complete shit again. I wont be called out and disrespected by an admin in game and out multiple times, along with all the other crap you pull, and then say something positive on their app, I suggest you know your place, and figure it out quick.

    ok than good to know, because I always thought I was an asshole before and would always mess around with people. Now I don't mess around with people at all and honestly I have matured a lot since than and you guys think I have a horrible attitude.........Since It seems everyone liked me better as an asshole I'll go back to being that.

    P.S. I never claimed I had earned anything because I screwed up once and everyone took it personally, So since that has happened I have tried to slowly regain peoples trust since everyone hated/resented me for that one mistake. I also know that a few people still hate me you being one of the examples and steamer being another. It's good to know I still have to work on a few things again and see if I can get back to my roots. Thanks for your honesty.
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    you all are a bunch oh whiny little bitches..
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    0.o.....dem sum fightin wurdz LOL

    I am really scared.....You sending Fiona after me? LOL

  5. Default

    I don't hate you at all, never have. Your views are misconstrued. Thinking you are fit for a leading position and hating you are two completely different things. I actually enjoy playing with you. Your attitude did change bud. You may not see it, but lots of people do. After things happened, it just went south and to not giving a shit. I'd say more like a fuck it all I could care less about everything attitude than asshole. And asshole is better than that ugly shit.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    well if you insist....

    - you walk around pretending you're better and more important than virtually everyone... and this is a quality pretty much every 1 who knows you has seen.

    Hahaha i know that this is just a figure of speech, but it made me giggle because its the internet.

    If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.

  7. Default

    Shit just got serious

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman View Post
    Shit just got serious
    for realzzies!!
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  9. Default

    I just updated my App a little and I thought I would bump it up.

    Since a lot of things have changed since I originally posted this and since the last post was from back in 2012

    Thanks for reading and I hope you guys consider me.
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    you all are a bunch oh whiny little bitches..
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    0.o.....dem sum fightin wurdz LOL

    I am really scared.....You sending Fiona after me? LOL

  10. Default

    No because of ChatMonitor

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