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Thread: Shady v1ru5 app

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Lawl! View Post
    Necro much?
    Um these are available to be posted on until they become clan or are rejected for eternity so Pick :P

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Lawl! View Post
    Necro much?
    and a fine derp a derp 2 you 2 sir!

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  3. Default

    Gotcha. Saw the last time it was brought up was over a year ago, I was like, "wtf?" On that note... Shady4Prez.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Lawl! View Post
    Necro much?
    Yo suck a dick shady deserves it. He plays in the sever everyday/ Also he rapes all the noobs. and a leet player...........I`m not the one who necro this tread bud. Just try to give my support. I know i Necro treads in the past but thats behind me i`ll wait till someone els post on it first.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CHI-TOWN View Post
    Yo suck a dick shady deserves it. He plays in the sever everyday/ Also he rapes all the noobs. and a leet player...........I`m not the one who necro this tread bud. Just try to give my support. I know i Necro treads in the past but thats behind me i`ll wait till someone els post on it first.
    if that's not a shining endorsement, i don't know what is.

    i think on those grounds alone ya'll should let shady in, eh maymay?
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  6. Default

    Nope. would be a -1 from me.

    is he an active admin? sure... lots of people are... so what?

    he's distant from the forums, doesn't do his own hack bans, and purposely lets hackers hack cause he doesn't want 2 do the paper work... last time I approached him asking why he would just sit there and do nothing when the server is screaming hacks (over an hour) and it's obvious hacks... was met with "quit jumping up my ass" and a few "fuck off's" followed by a "I'm gonna just quit admin, so you can't tell me what 2 do" ... granted he didn't leave but a big -1 from me.

    we want people in the clan who give a shit.

    he plays cause he likes 2 play... his focus is on his own enjoyment... not the community. which is fine.... but not if you want in the clan.
    Last edited by maynard; 04-27-2012 at 05:56 PM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CHI-TOWN View Post
    Yo suck a dick shady deserves it. He plays in the sever everyday/ Also he rapes all the noobs. and a leet player...........I`m not the one who necro this tread bud. Just try to give my support. I know i Necro treads in the past but thats behind me i`ll wait till someone els post on it first.
    this, followed by maynard's post, shows why new people shouldn't post here unless by some incredibly strange happening they actually know what's going on. chi, you haven't been around long enough to see how people are over time, so your input is invalid.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  8. Angry

    why all the bullshit posted in my app and as far as the bullshit maynard is posting heres a FUCK OFF again its bullshit u sit here and say i care nothing for the community ..... really i have tried over and over to please all of the players and ppl scream hax all the time and if im correct the supposed hacker wasnt hacking i looked into that guy and saw nothin so no im not gonna jump to every cry of hacker.... and maynard ur quotes just go to show u try and make me look like an idiot i have cared for this community and tried to be the good admin that everyone calls me .... just cuz these forums is alot of what u base it on is pointless posts and not formated im not on fucking facebook i hate these god damn forums and its dumb for me to have to sit here pay money for what to do paper work.... i pay to play and help out with bullshit not pay to sit here and fill out fucking paper work....... and as far as clan i dont want it anymore at all cuz clan isnt what i heard its all cracked up to be ...... clan to me is achieved by being a great person and a respected admin not based on who posts on forums and jumps to everyones tit when they say hacker .....

    side note i gave up on trying to catch hackers cuz the ones i know are hacking and i seen it plenty of times get unbanned but later down the road some one magically get "hard" proof..... thats so fucked but no i dont want the clan membership here id rather stay admin and still be able to enjoy the game not turn into a forum whore...... close the post delete do whatever i dont care with the last 5 or so posts my app looks like shit anyhow with dumb fuckin posts.

    plain and simple theres bad blood with me and a certain few ppl so it wouldnt happen anyhow i love the servers and the game play and the ppl im talked about highly by most ask anyone seriously ..... i can name maybe name 2 or 3 that would say bad shit or -1 my admission one has already shown his face no need for names its in plain sight ur judgements are piss poor and in my opinion its sad really cuz ur all humans we all make mistakes and abuse power thats given to us its human nature anyone that says no to that is ignorant.......
    victory is won by skill never cheating, cheating only results in havok, havok only leads to suffering, and suffering only leads to agony of defeat.

  9. Default

    you've never gone running 2 the cry of "hacks" lol and in the incident I was talking about the hacker was in the bloody server with you and the entire server was screaming hacks for 45 min. it's literally impossible 2 play as much as you do, and NEVER come across hackers, so you either have no clue wtf it is you're looking for, or you just don't care.

    I do not think people need 2 be a forum whore 2 get into the clan... but it deff helps being active, and participating in things.

    if you don't want 2 do the paper work that's fine, but if I find you ignoring hackers, cause you don't wana deal with it, there will be problems for you, heads up.

    I also did not try and make you look stupid or whatever you said in my prior post... those quotes I gave are from an exact convo we had lol.. I even posted it in the admin section in a thread some where and announced how you would be leaving and what you said... I didn't make that shit up, I'm not a liar.

    it sounds like your main issue is with the policy we have, if you don't like it... play else where as it's not optional. If you want 2 be an admin here, you must follow the rules, and you will have 2 work with me like it or not. I've always been calm and respectful with you... you just tend 2 blow up like a pissed off 13 year old whenever you're questioned. look at your post... it's a prime example... everything I said in my prior post was bang on and true. You play for YOU, nothing else. you purchase admin cause it makes playing more enjoyable for you... that's it and you know what? that's fine... but not if you want clan. I wasn't rude in my post or told you off or anything, just put down facts and quotes, and look what you respond with? Lol... as you can see, I don't have 2 go out of my way 2 make you look like an idiot, you do it on your own.

    Closed via request.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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