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Thread: Server Glitches/Interp Issues

  1. Default Server Glitches/Interp Issues

    Recently, I've been getting a lot of server glitches. It seems to be getting worse. It use to be just seeing dead bodies appear in my view when killed on other parts of the map and random gun blasts all over the map, w/o moving, harming, or having any sound, neither attached to a gun or person...just the burst of a gun blast shooting steadily and repeatedly. Sometimes you'll see a gun or nade just floating in the air doing nothing. Also, after being killed by someone from time to time their gun will continue to fire in a slow steady blam, blam, blam, blam, blam....but you can tell by the way they're moving they're not actually attempting to shoot their gun. None of these glitches really affected my game play just were weird.

    But, recently I'm starting to see issues that are F'n up with my game, such as, I'll see CT's with T skins or the opposite, T's with CT skins from people I know aren't hacking. After dying, I'll switch over to spectate on someone and find that what view I'm seeing isn't what they're actually doing. They'll appear to be just standing or crouching there looking around, and then randomly shoot at the wall and kill someone, without ever moving location, but actually they'll be moving through the map as normal. This will happen with server regulars who I know aren't hacking.

    The weirdest happened to me the other day when we were playing dust and I flanked behind the awper under bridge w/o them noticing and went for the knife kill and silently snuck up on them and then ran right through them, with my knife doing no damage nor hitting anything. They still couldn't see me and appeared to me, alive mind you, to just be standing there looking around. Then they looked off to the side and shot and killed me. The whole time, I'm standing their sticking my knife into the guys kidneys over and over hitting nothing.

    I'm not entirely sure if these issues are connected. I've heard some mention that they may be interp issues. Anyone know if they're fixable? I do not have these issues on other servers.

  2. #2


    This has absolutely nothing to do with interp. The interp situation, while bad due to unforced rates on 100tic, is totally different. I'm still of the opinion we'd be better off with 66tic and forced rates.

    I have no clue what causes what you described but it does seem to be getting more common. Its as if the client is somehow losing where to put the player models, so they just stand in one spot while the 'actual' player or hitbox is running around effectively invisible to you. I notice when someone get's awp'd, their corpse is like teleported as a ragdoll right in front of you, and phantom muzzle flashes appear in thin air. I can't believe I'm going to say this, and I'll never ever forgive myself, but I think maybe kavinsky had a LITTLE bit of a point with the gore mod. Not in that it kills FPS, but it could be causing other problems. I say this because of the awp kills I mentioned. With the gore mod people who get killed by an awp basically blow apart, but when the ragdoll glitch happens, there is no gore. That suggests a connection to me, but then why doesn't it happen in the GG or WCS?

    Look at your sig, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped trolling and e-thugging like a nerd yours could be like mine.
    Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on, reading the sig your sig could be like. I'm sexting your girl.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by dice View Post
    This has absolutely nothing to do with interp. The interp situation, while bad due to unforced rates on 100tic, is totally different. I'm still of the opinion we'd be better off with 66tic and forced rates.

    I have no clue what causes what you described but it does seem to be getting more common. Its as if the client is somehow losing where to put the player models, so they just stand in one spot while the 'actual' player or hitbox is running around effectively invisible to you. I notice when someone get's awp'd, their corpse is like teleported as a ragdoll right in front of you, and phantom muzzle flashes appear in thin air. I can't believe I'm going to say this, and I'll never ever forgive myself, but I think maybe kavinsky had a LITTLE bit of a point with the gore mod. Not in that it kills FPS, but it could be causing other problems. I say this because of the awp kills I mentioned. With the gore mod people who get killed by an awp basically blow apart, but when the ragdoll glitch happens, there is no gore. That suggests a connection to me, but then why doesn't it happen in the GG or WCS?
    wcs has no gore mod. i'm pretty sure zero either removed or limited it, since it really does fuck gameplay up there
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  4. Default

    Happens to me as well. I'll also get very laggy hit boxes, like I'll be all the way around a corner away from someone I was fighting and suddenly I'm dead, even though I am FAR out of their range of sight. I get the random floating muzzle flashes, floating guns, etc. Dead bodies appearing and disappearing. Sometimes I see CT as T and vice versa. Sometimes I get models that are doing that "Jesus" pose (best way I know to describe it) and floating around.

    From what I've been told, the gore/blood mod fucks with the reg. I don't know that to be a fact, it's just what I've heard.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by :3VOLV3D: View Post
    Happens to me as well. I'll also get very laggy hit boxes, like I'll be all the way around a corner away from someone I was fighting and suddenly I'm dead, even though I am FAR out of their range of sight.
    that is an interpolation delay. the scenario the OP posted is an ob update glitch that ive only seen happen on 100tick servers. it can be fixed by simply starting a demo and then stopping it.

    same with seeing opposing team skins incorrectly, and seeing someone in one spot when spectating when in actuality theyre somewhere else.

  6. Default

    These are problems reported to be caused by the game engine. They can only be fixed by valve...

    As for gore mod all of the servers run gore mod.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by :3VOLV3D: View Post
    Happens to me as well. I'll also get very laggy hit boxes, like I'll be all the way around a corner away from someone I was fighting and suddenly I'm dead, even though I am FAR out of their range of sight.
    Again, this is something completely different and is due to the fact we don't force rates at all on a 100 tic server. The differences between people's rate settings is MUCH more noticeable this way and degrades gameplay.

    Look at your sig, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped trolling and e-thugging like a nerd yours could be like mine.
    Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on, reading the sig your sig could be like. I'm sexting your girl.

  8. Default

    I have updated the rate configuration on the pub server as a test. If it is improved it will roll out to the other servers too.

  9. #9


    The pub is no longer forcing rates today, did you take it out?

    Look at your sig, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped trolling and e-thugging like a nerd yours could be like mine.
    Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on, reading the sig your sig could be like. I'm sexting your girl.

  10. Default

    No, no settings have been changed. What makes you think it is no longer being forced?

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