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Thread: banned / please unban

  1. Default banned / please unban

    hello i was banned for tk'ing. i was only defending myself against 2 team mates that where intentionally friendly firing on me to get my awp. if i could get unbanned it would be great as i love playing on your server.

  2. #2


    post here and give a time in which you were banned, what map you were on, and who banned you, and for what.

    How long was the ban?
    Personal reform

  3. Default

    i banned you for 30 minutes. you constantly shoot your teammate with awp to low health so you can have it. when they got pissed they shot you and you kept tk'ing. you do this all the time next time ban will be longer.
    DEMOCRACY is 3 wolves and 1 sheep voting on dinner.

    REPUBLIC is where sheep vote for wolves that vote on dinner.

    CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is where voting on dinner is banned.

    FREEDOM is where hungry wolves looking for dinner and come up against well informed and well armed sheep.

    Arm up sheep, stand your ground and have the balls to fight and the intelligence to know when and where.

  4. Default

    30 mins only? Would have been at least 2 hours just for being a moron....

    Btw, Wrong Section and Format. A double Whammy. Hits Non Approval!

    Case Closed.

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