Well, i've just (last night actually) finished Gundam 00 (both, 1st and 2nd seasons)

all i can say is wow. This series was fucking amazing. It is easily one of my favorites. At its core, it is a re-imagining of Gundam Wing, with many plot elements similar (several extremely technologically advanced mobile suits descend from space to pass judgement upon the nations of earth and try to end all conflict) but even if you have seen all of Wing (i have, also amazing btw) this series will still surprise you at every turn.

The mecha are nicely designed and most are not outrageous (like almost everything from G Gundam) and are pretty unique. While there are still certain stereotypical elements to them (aka, the main character's gundam holds many secrets, which acivate one by one to make it the most powerful thing ever concieved) in general they are easily distinguished from the other series.

The world is also incredibly believable, featuring a new continuity universe for the series (ifferent from Universal Century, Cosmic Era, After Colony...etc etc) called Arrad Domoni (spelling). This is basically the earth we know, 200 years in the future. Fossil fuels are pretty much gone, so mankind built three massive orbital elevators, supporting a huge array of solar generators, which now power earth.

The animation is excellent. Voice acting, slightly weak in some cases, with certain characters sounding alike, but nowhere close to the worst i've seen. The sound was excellent as well, and the theme songs all tended to be pleasant.

If you like pretty much straight mecha shows, then this is a great choice. While it lacks the psychological or personal aspect of shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion or Eureka Seven (my 2 'benchmark' shows) it is nonetheless extremely enjoyable to watch.

(watched subbed)

i might put a pic or 2 up later