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Thread: Hurricane!!!

  1. Default

    the only people that have anything to worry about would be those in low-lying coastal areas, especially in the southern path of the storm. as it moves up the coast it'll get weaker but it'll still be a wicked ass storm. if you're in one of those areas, get an axe. just do it. and don't get cocky when the front end of the storm blows through and you're ok...with katrina, the shit hit the fan for the city and my house just north of new orleans. thats what made the levees break and what blew 3 trees onto my house so yeah

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    There may be increased lag on the servers as a result of network disruptions. Any increase though should be minimal to non existent for those of us outside of the path. While the servers are located in the area that may lose power we will still be rocking like nothing is going on thanks to:

    • 8 x 750Kva UPS Battery Backup Units
    • 3 x 2-Megawatt Generators w/On-site Fuel Storage
    • Redundant Liebert 30-ton HVAC Units

    So even when the power cuts your gaming will keep going

    For those of you in the North East, I pray that you will all be safe in during and after the storm. If your close to shore in the effected areas your better off leaving home so we can play again next week rather than in the middle of a game we hear someone get their house blown up.
    LOL...that's pimp, not gonna lie.

  3. Default

    Gotta grab shit tomo for this crap.. Don't live coastal.. well mostly... more so around rivers and bays. I know the man made lake in front of my house will most likely flood. Won't reach my place but will flood the street and shit. This shit is gonna suck. Most likely I will lose power sometime this weekend.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  4. Default

    You guys seem to forget that we have A LOT of shit in NYC. And With high winds things tend to fly! Flooding is meh for me. The big thing is making sure my windows don't get busted by someones crap that was left in their yard or in the street. So yeah, if anything really super bad happens; its most likely local outages and broken windows. But, Im definitely prep'd.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cry_Wolf View Post
    You guys seem to forget that we have A LOT of shit in NYC. And With high winds things tend to fly! Flooding is meh for me. The big thing is making sure my windows don't get busted by someones crap that was left in their yard or in the street. So yeah, if anything really super bad happens; its most likely local outages and broken windows. But, Im definitely prep'd.
    the winds shouldn't be too bad by the time she gets to you. as soon as hurricanes hit land they start deteriorating rapidly...the rains remain but the winds can't survive without warm water, and since it'll be riding along the coast it'll probably be a tropical storm (im no meteorologist but that's my educated guess after living in louisiana for 19 years) or at worst a cat 1 when it gets to you. dont get me wrong, 70 mph winds are not something you wanna walk around in if it is indeed a cat 1 when it hits you, but things big enough to cause damage shouldn't be flying around.

  6. Default

    meh i say better safe then sorry, if you got a chain saw keep it topped off with gas, have some gloves and goggles for those who are expected to have 50+ mph winds...even at 50 mph tree limbs can break off and do some i said houston which is ~80 miles from the coast got hit hard in some areas where trees fell huge ones...had to cut out parts of it to let cars go basically you were driving in between tree trunks of one tree in parts of Memorial and i think winds were at that time in the 70s when it got to houston...i could be wrong.

  7. #27


    my mom is in the process of buying a beach house on tilghman island on the eastern shore of maryland (about 50 miles from the coast). this probably doesn't bode well for the possibility of buying the house in good condition :/

    edit: by beachside, i mean bayside :P

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by toma View Post
    meh i say better safe then sorry, if you got a chain saw keep it topped off with gas, have some gloves and goggles for those who are expected to have 50+ mph winds...even at 50 mph tree limbs can break off and do some i said houston which is ~80 miles from the coast got hit hard in some areas where trees fell huge ones...had to cut out parts of it to let cars go basically you were driving in between tree trunks of one tree in parts of Memorial and i think winds were at that time in the 70s when it got to houston...i could be wrong.
    i'm well aware of the tree danger, but it shouldn't be much of an issue in the nyc area

  9. Default

    well during Ike, downtown houston had a lot of blown out windows in the high rises due to the suction force and mini tornados created by the layout of the streets and buildings by creating little corridors where winds would cross and make tornado like conditions in intersections. but my main point is everyone be safe.

  10. Default

    Pfft....I was driving around all night and the Center of the Eye is about maybe 50 miles from NYC right now? This is the most fail storm I have ever seen.....

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