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Thread: escape maps

  1. #1

    Default escape maps

    A lot of people like escape maps, exceptions are those that are too worried about rank and would rather play cading maps with spots that are usually in favour of the human. But anyway, since this includes most admins, when an escape map is actually played, they start putting up votes to see if we want to change it or not, multiple times and other than that being annoying, people do want to play escape maps.

    Basically, something needs to be done with the escape maps asap. Remove them, give them their own server, the point system that was discussed in game the other day, w/e it is, do it soon please, I like some escape maps, not all, but I would rather play a good escape map over a bad cading map and would like to not see a vote every time an escape map gets played.

  2. #2


    give them their own server is what i would vie for. another reason i (personally) don't play escape maps is that most of them are not fun. there are a few exceptions, but for the most part all of them suck total ass.

  3. #3


    its the fast zombies and parachutes that make them very unfair for humans too, not too often do they win an escape map.

    the ones that block zombies off for a bit at certain points in the map have the right idea, but fast zombies usually over take the humans at some point

    the elevator escape one, humans win most often on that map and is one of the best ones

  4. Default

    Do not get me wrong, I like escape maps, but when you play then for 8-9 rounds in a row it gets extremely annoying. As I said previously, splitting the server has already been done in the past, And I do not believe that it went very well.
    The idea that zero and I talked about was that there would be an escape map every number of barricading rounds: Example per 4 barricade maps played, it will flip into the Escape maps. The other issue is with ranks, and the imbalance of escape maps. One of the proposed tactics to go around this is to give points for ranking so that they gain something out of escape maps; As it stands you do not gain much from escape maps.

    Also as Osage said, I am not a big fan of them in massive quantities just because they aren't fun after a long time of playing them... Though as you said people like escape maps, I do not think that the majority is a mass fan of constantly playing them.

    Rezel<ibis>: i'll make a self reliant artificial intelligence to deal with admins... I'll call it maynard 1.0 a exact replica of his personality to kick the shit out of bad admins..
    maynard<ibis>: an army of AI maynards.... this pleases me.

  5. Default

    balancing is all that is needed i think when zero has the time, he should review as many of the escape maps as possible for balancing only way to fix the problem

  6. Default

    Maybe drop stats from escape maps? I dunno, stats shouldnt be that important on zmod anyways, because guess what, its supposed to be for fun lol.

  7. Default

    can you just slice the maptime @ escape maps? less annoying... maybe 4-5 rounds and thats it.. whats unfair to humans is that when zombies
    teleport and sometimes they overtake those humans that are kinda slow or got lost on their way to escape. just make the maptime short coz some escape map are really nice to play.

  8. Default

    I think 4 should be max. They start getting boring/annoying around the end of the 3rd level. Especially the long maps like minecraft and Titanic escape. I can probably do 6 rounds max of Rooftop escape because its a short map.

  9. Default

    We use to have an escape test server, it did not get much traffic besides some regulars that owned it.

    I like the idea of round limiters. A 4:1 ratio of barricade / escape is a great idea. It seems like every time I go to join the server its on a damn escape. Probably coincidence, but doesn't seem so. I find myself sitting in spec more than playing on the ZM anymore because of this reason. If anyone knows me they also know I do not like barely any escape map besides the oldies. VERY rarely will I like a newer one.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

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