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Thread: Auto Assign

  1. Default Auto Assign

    I have seen a problem of people team stacking in maps. I for one like the challenge but others don't. That is why I think that having auto assign be the only choice to have when joining a team. That way it is always random and no one can join the winning team when they come in. That way no one can compain about stacked teams. I know people like to play with there friend but I think it needs to be fair to everyone.

  2. Default

    I second this motion. The "I only like playing T side" excuse is getting old because apparently everyone does.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  3. Default

    So you are saying that my "I want a TMP cause it's the cheapest gun" excuse is not valid.

  4. Default

    It's also bad when people just sit in spec until someone joins and then just swap to the other team.

  5. Default

    Lol welcome 2 counter strike... people been doing that since day 1 of release... it's hardly anything new.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  6. Default

    Truer words* can never be spoken doesn't matter whether is cs, 1.6 or condition zero. It still hasn't changed and probably never will.

  7. Default

    it's better being on the losing team anyway... you don't get better at the game by being on the winning team.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  8. Default

    That's a very true sentiment and I always swap to the losing team because I figure its more challenging and I'll probably get more kills on it as well instead of having to scrounge up for left overs xD

  9. Default

    Im not really sure what would be the problem here, it seems a pretty easy fix, and a minor one which would result in a pretty big Positive change. And by that i mean that the teams would be less stacked. I honestly see no reason to let players pick their own teams just because stacking is a big problem. I have been playing here and i see almost every single map either 16-0 ct or next map 16-0 T and its just kind of annoying a little. This shouldn't be hard to change, and it would help alot by getting rid of stackers.

    At the end of the day this isn't call of duty were you can play same gun on either side, if you haven't learned to play with sided weapons yet, then this will be your chance to learn. Either way, this is a must have update and i hope it happens sooner then later.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by HypeRNT View Post
    Im not really sure what would be the problem here, it seems a pretty easy fix, and a minor one which would result in a pretty big Positive change. And by that i mean that the teams would be less stacked. I honestly see no reason to let players pick their own teams just because stacking is a big problem. I have been playing here and i see almost every single map either 16-0 ct or next map 16-0 T and its just kind of annoying a little. This shouldn't be hard to change, and it would help alot by getting rid of stackers.

    At the end of the day this isn't call of duty were you can play same gun on either side, if you haven't learned to play with sided weapons yet, then this will be your chance to learn. Either way, this is a must have update and i hope it happens sooner then later.
    i'm pretty sure the general consensus was that it's not going to happen...

    also don't necro
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

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