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Thread: [Suggestion] Ressurection/Respawning

  1. Default

    not sure what your going on about, talking about when you respawn, you're just basically a free kill... sounds like more of a personal problem 2 me... as I don't share that issue with you... nor do most veterans of the server or people who are good at it.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    respawn races aren't meant to rambo shit. their strength lies in teamfights. the fact that if your team is working together, the opponents will need to stop focusing your dead body and change to your teammates, which is when the respawning becomes so powerful. if you're expecting to take a respawning race and just go into the midst of the enemies and feel your respawning should make you survive, you're an idiot.
    I never used respawn races to 'rambo shit'. As mentioned above, I didn't even know they could respawn themselves until recently. My problem comes from being involuntarily respawned by a teammate and immediately dieing before I even have the chance to run for cover or shoot back.

    And even when I have teammates around to "occupy" the enemy during the respawn period (if there is even one, sometimes I respawn immediately), its not that hard for someone to simply switch back to me and quickly pop off a headshot, especially when you die right infront of them or out in the open with no cover anywhere nearby.

    ---------- Post added at 10:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    not sure what your going on about, talking about when you respawn, you're just basically a free kill... sounds like more of a personal problem 2 me... as I don't share that issue with you... nor do most veterans of the server or people who are good at it.
    Most respawns I see or experience are simply a free kill unless the person that killed them is simply terrible or doesn't know about respawning. Quite often, people will get 3-4 kills in a row on the same person respawning 3-4 times in the same place and repeatedly dieing with no chance to do anything. And either way, why should respawning only benefit veterans/"good" players?

    Dieing repeatedly with no chance to fight back especially if a new player doesn't understand what is happening, is a quick way to frustrate a player and cause them to leave. (like when someone repeatedly kills a new player with eye ra summon / vagabond / etc) ... give players a chance!
    Last edited by ShadedFlash; 11-07-2011 at 10:48 PM.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadedFlash View Post
    Most respawns I see or experience are simply a free kill
    ive yet 2 notice this... and I have a hell of a lot more than 45 hours logged on the serve un like you.... majority of the time when people die on respawns is cause they take their hands off the keyboard/mouse. it's not hard 2 shoot back after you respawn... and any 1 who gets mad and leaves can leave... we're doing fine traffic wise and we're not even back up and running full force...

    if you die when you respawn, that's your issue, not a server problem/flaw....

    dieing repeatedly with no chance to fight back
    Lol no chance 2 fight back? for real? I would suggest putting more into into the server and getting better at it before thinking we need 2 change things.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  4. Default

    The way I see it, solutions that "stop it from being a free kill" are either making it more powerful, or giving people the option to respawn. But, some weapons, yes, you are mostly a sitting duck, which is why you want to be coming back moving, ducking, jumping or anything. The best option, if you're having these problems, is to be going with friendlies, so you aren't the sole target. If everyone gets mowed down, or aren't cause enough of a distraction, you are having player problems, not ability problems. When you're ramboing, it's your own fault that respawns are free kills.

    The problems you mention, being respawned without realizing it, being so out of position that an enemy who is shooting your teammates is right next to you, or being in a position where the enemy was able to get into position AND be looking at you when you come back, are problems with inexperience or gaming ability, not problems with respawning. It will be easier for veterans of FPSs to use, but the only way to get better is to use it many times.

    As for frustrating players, if they are going to be frustrated because they can't use a beneficial ability as such, they probably are going to be quite annoyed with EVERY RACE.

    A clarification, my statement: "...such as respawn by teammate when all of them are dead..." was responding to "...Respawn player to the nearest teammate..." for self respawning abilities. This is because, being the last T to die when the bomb has been planted may be a unique case, but it's also fairly common.

    You can buy an ankh after you're dead. Most respawns, you'll know if you need to buy it before the round ends. If you're buying it while alive, you're risking losing it upon a respawn or bomb explosion. There is a simple way to NOT lose it this way. Buy it after you're dead, and don't bother if you're near the bomb. The exceptions are killed post-objective and time wins, and Panorama. Otherwise, just buy it when you're dead, and all will be fine.

    As for the scroll comments, I use the scroll a decent amount still. I'm far from the only one. Considering it's price, it used a good amount. While you won't get 7k that often it isn't that hard to pull off if you're careful with your spending and surviving every few rounds. It still is an important part of WCS, it's just not a game winner. As for a lot of people being pissed, it's been my experience that most people liked that it's a rare item rather than just another snowball item.

  5. Default

    saying it will be a snowball item if it's 5k is bs... just as saying most people like it at 7k lol... people bitch 2 me about everything, especially when it comes down 2 WCS...

    people only beef with that item is when spidey vega and a couple others use it... which really just comes down 2 their skill lvl and nothing more...

    it's not that people don't want respawning.. it's just they don't want the classes they find harder 2 kill doing it... which shows that the issues lies within peoples skill lvl... not the actual item it's self...

    I don't care about limiting the item on certain races cause people QQ a lot... but 7k for respawn is over priced.
    Last edited by maynard; 11-08-2011 at 12:13 AM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  6. Default

    Wasn't saying it would be at 5k, it WAS, however, at 3k. I can't comment on 5k, as I've never seen it there, but as I said before, it's still a healthy item at 7k. As for restricting it, the only race I'd want that for is Eva. Any other race that could warrant restriction, I'd say restrict the necklace first, as that's more likely to be causing problems.

    The main beef people had with it, was that it was under priced, which it was. The fact that the whores were the ones who used it the most was not helping, no, but the whores themselves were not the problem.

    "it's not that people don't want respawning.. it's just they don't want the classes they find harder 2 kill doing it... "

    It's that, without certain restrictions, respawning can tip the balance in favour of one side or the other with little to no skill involved. Enough bullets will slay the dragon, no matter how good he is.

    Edit: But, I think scroll discussion could use it's own thread.

  7. Default

    It's obnoxious when classes that can get to the other side of the map in under 15 seconds keep respawning and don't stay dead.

    This has nothing to do with skill because spiderman takes no skill.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Chikun View Post
    It's obnoxious when classes that can get to the other side of the map in under 15 seconds keep respawning and don't stay dead.

    This has nothing to do with skill because spiderman takes no skill.
    ëM┼Γö ⌊ibis.a⌉ ♑

  9. Default

    spidey is stupid because they can be in your spawn in like 10 seconds on some maps. and they have evasion. and speed. and need no gun other than a p90 ever. You can do 500+ damage to a spidey and not kill them if they dodge proc 3-4 times, which isnt ridiculous with 50% dodge.

    vaga is just obnoxious to me because you can abuse some maps REALLY badly with it.

  10. Default

    maybe your team should work together and try and kill the 1 spidey then... given he's there in 10 seconds... the majority of your team should still be close by. between knowing how 2 aim, and shop items... they are not hard 2 kill... you can even go a step further and change 2 a class that pwwns them.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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