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Thread: [Suggestion] Ressurection/Respawning

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    maybe your team should work together and try and kill the 1 spidey then... given he's there in 10 seconds... the majority of your team should still be close by. between knowing how 2 aim, and shop items... they are not hard 2 kill... you can even go a step further and change 2 a class that pwwns them.
    Also, a few wards would definitely slow him down long enough to pop a few well-aimed shots. Still though, I greatly dislike Spiderman.
    ëM┼Γö ⌊ibis.a⌉ ♑

  2. Default

    Most people that play that class have a terrible shot and extremely terrible game-sense anyway.


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  3. Default

    what happens when multiple spideys who actually know how to shoot jump into your base from 2 directions and proc 2-3 dodges each...

    i dunno, its the only race that feels stupid in my opinion

  4. Default

    My one and only complaint with spiderman is its speed I don't mind if it has the same evasion as Night Elf but it's speed is what frustrates players the most. I for one usually counter them with classes like Human and Night elf. Having a Lace definitely helps though so they don't spam webline which should have a round starting cooldown of like 15 secs or whatever. Similar to like when the vagabond is respawned can't tele for like 5-10 secs until countdown is done. All in All I see absolutely no issue with respawning. All I see is an issue with being freekilled and a certain hint of recklessness probably if you think respawning is gonna help you even the odds when your all alone. Respawning is a support based ability which requires teamwork not running and gunning like Rambo. If you wanna do that as warden though by all means go ahead unless somebody has a lace nearby you'll get your respawn(vengeance). As with the issue with scrolls keep them at 7 k its fine there and the people who complain are either race whores or like being cannon fodder.

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