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Thread: [Suggestion] Ressurection/Respawning

  1. Default [Suggestion] Ressurection/Respawning

    Hello, new player to the WCS server, but not WCS itself, nor CSS/1.6. Love the community and thought I'd participate on the forums, now that I know there are forums!

    So far, my biggest suggestion would be the following, and I apologize if this has been brought up before..

    Problem: Any ability in WCS that respawns a player tends to be a free insta kill for the player that killed the respawning victim, sometimes even multiple times. This is due to a combination of factors, actual acknowledgement of respawn (sometimes the message is covered up, goes unnoticed, simply not expecting it, big deal), aim does not reset to where it was before could be facing an entire other direction sometimes, and finally, the time it takes to pull out the weapon you once had equipped seems to be the biggest issue (sometimes you die before you even get a chance to shoot, defeating the point of the respawn), all tends to lead to a free kill, even with respawn delays.

    Solution: 1(or 2, whatever seems the perfect fit) second invulnerability upon respawn. Just long enough for the player to actually have a chance to acknowledge the respawn, get their bearings and have enough time to pull a gun up to actually make their redemption attempt. (if invulnerability is too powerful, perhaps make them immobile or reduced speed during it, so they cannot simply flee during it)

    Too many players just seem to sit around bodies for the respawn, especially on population downtimes where there is less chaos with smaller groups, simply handing free xp over to the person that already got the upperhand in killing them and wiping their bought items, etc while often times being a completely involuntary action (no choice to rez or not)

    Alternative solutions:
    Require players to press a button (1, ultimate bind, etc) to accept a respawn within a given timelimit (up to current respawn time delays), giving the player the choice if and when to respawn, allowing them to be more ready to get their vengeance.

    Respawn players back in spawn [similar to warden respawn] with a no spawn camping rule set in place (some maps cannot be helped due to objectives)

    Respawn player to the nearest teammate (if spawn is not an ideal place), or to the person actually rezzing them (bringing more potential strategy to rezzing races)

    Give respawning players 3 second 100% invis and 100% speed increase (but may not attack?) allowing them to make a quick escape and reposition themselves to attack once again, while still allowing enemies to possibly attack them and kill them before they get away.

    Finally, a related question: Is it possible to attach anhks to a round basis instead of respawn basis so that respawns do not eat anhks and cause a player to lose their weapons next round if they die again? also, anhks do not restore weapons upon bomb explosions, bug?

    Thanks and glad to be apart of an awesome community!

  2. Default

    Only problem I see with some of your changes (invun, super speed) is it turns it from a free kill on them to a free kill by them. As with respawns right now, it won't always happen, but it would happen.

    I do like the "confirm respawn". Respawning in wards, respawning while falling to my death. It would also give more visibility that you're coming back. Even if it was "deny respawn" to punish those who are not paying attention after round so the lazy don't have to push buttons.

    Moving the respawn area could cause other complications, such as respawn by teammate when all of them are dead, taking them away from the objective so they can't win. We'd get used to it though.

    However, do we really need to make respawning more powerful? When it works, it's giving that team one more player. I've always looked at respawn killing as a way of dealing with that.

    If you're not a stat whore, bind kill to a key, and when in a bad situation upon respawning, spam that key :P NO MORE FREE XP. *Ahem* Not that I do that when a BM respawns me in wards. No, NEVER.

    On the Ahnk topic: If it's on round instead of respawn, do you mean whether or not you die, or are you asking for a more fully coded Ahnk? In any case, I do agree, losing it upon mid-round respawn is annoying, but with some races, such as panorama or genocide, if you DON'T have ahnk, you don't have a gun.

    The bomb topic: You don't lose items upon bomb death, so you still have your Ahnk, lace ect. upon bomb explosion. So, no, it wouldn't give you items back. This is why races who spawn their guns have no reason NOT to stay with the bomb until death. They lose nothing. Getting people to UNDERSTAND this, however...

  3. Default

    respawn races aren't meant to rambo shit. their strength lies in teamfights. the fact that if your team is working together, the opponents will need to stop focusing your dead body and change to your teammates, which is when the respawning becomes so powerful. if you're expecting to take a respawning race and just go into the midst of the enemies and feel your respawning should make you survive, you're an idiot.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    respawn races aren't meant to rambo shit. their strength lies in teamfights. the fact that if your team is working together, the opponents will need to stop focusing your dead body and change to your teammates, which is when the respawning becomes so powerful. if you're expecting to take a respawning race and just go into the midst of the enemies and feel your respawning should make you survive, you're an idiot.
    I actually agree with you.
    ëM┼Γö ⌊ibis.a⌉ ♑

  5. Default

    I think there is a reason there wasn't a huge outcry when scrolls got increased like they did

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackmage View Post
    I think there is a reason there wasn't a huge outcry when scrolls got increased like they did
    Yup. Respawners =
    ëM┼Γö ⌊ibis.a⌉ ♑

  7. Default

    actually a lot of people were and still are pissed off about it. I'm gonna push for them 2 be priced at 5k down the road so it's still an option, just not a very frequent 1... as 7k is well... making the item pretty much not useable.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    actually a lot of people were and still are pissed off about it. I'm gonna push for them 2 be priced at 5k down the road so it's still an option, just not a very frequent 1... as 7k is well... making the item pretty much not useable.
    It's perfectly usable at 7k. It's bad enough when you need to kill a spidey/fagabond multiple times because of blood mages (which aren't number restricted, why? Neither are Spidey.) but making the option to buy back at only 5k when all they buy is a pro-90 ( ) clears the server faster than a server crash. I'm sure the only people mad at that were the race whores anyway.

    I think it was about a couple weeks ago there were about 10 spidermen at once on the server.

    I'd be ok with some form of accepting a res or just ressing at spawn.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  9. Default

    lol 7k is hardly useable. it's become a non used item due 2 the price being 2 high... don't involve your personal fears into the equation... not every 1 has a hard time with vega's or spidey's... and if there is any 1 specific race.. or even multiple ones that we don't want being able 2 use it... we can easily restrict those classes from using it... doesn't mean the item it's self needs 2 be shut out over people's QQ's

    the goal is 2 regain WCS 2 it's former glory... and scroll of respawn had always played a roll in that. 5k is a fair price.
    Last edited by maynard; 11-07-2011 at 10:29 PM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackmage View Post
    Only problem I see with some of your changes (invun, super speed) is it turns it from a free kill on them to a free kill by them. As with respawns right now, it won't always happen, but it would happen.

    I do like the "confirm respawn". Respawning in wards, respawning while falling to my death. It would also give more visibility that you're coming back. Even if it was "deny respawn" to punish those who are not paying attention after round so the lazy don't have to push buttons.

    Moving the respawn area could cause other complications, such as respawn by teammate when all of them are dead, taking them away from the objective so they can't win. We'd get used to it though.

    However, do we really need to make respawning more powerful? When it works, it's giving that team one more player. I've always looked at respawn killing as a way of dealing with that.

    If you're not a stat whore, bind kill to a key, and when in a bad situation upon respawning, spam that key :P NO MORE FREE XP. *Ahem* Not that I do that when a BM respawns me in wards. No, NEVER.
    I don't want to make "respawning" more powerful... I just want the chance to defend myself when I pop back up and not hand out free kills/xp while taking a death for nothing, I'd rather simply not respawn at all in that case. So at the very least, I'd like the option to accept a respawn by pressing a button or allowing it to simply expire and stay dead.

    The difference between the killer and the victim with respawning is the fact that the killer can regain cover or reposition themselves or run away...the victim cannot.

    As for the respawn by teammate, isn't it kind of the point with a respawning race? To rez your teammates to fight along side you once more? If you're alone and you die, the round is over anyway unless you're a terrorist and the bomb is which case, on that very unique case, you could just respawn where you stood, or simply..too bad? I didn't even known respawning races could respawn themselves in the first place until recently.

    On the Ahnk topic: If it's on round instead of respawn, do you mean whether or not you die, or are you asking for a more fully coded Ahnk? In any case, I do agree, losing it upon mid-round respawn is annoying, but with some races, such as panorama or genocide, if you DON'T have ahnk, you don't have a gun.

    The bomb topic: You don't lose items upon bomb death, so you still have your Ahnk, lace ect. upon bomb explosion. So, no, it wouldn't give you items back. This is why races who spawn their guns have no reason NOT to stay with the bomb until death. They lose nothing. Getting people to UNDERSTAND this, however...
    With the anhk, I just want it to actually work where when I buy it, the weapons I died with the previous round will be returned to me the next round. I don't want it to expire on a respawn, because when you respawn, you get your weapons back anyway, so its pointless to have anhk go away for it.

    As for the bomb explosion, while you do not lose the anhk you bought, you lose the weapons you bought the anhk for, kind of self defeating the purpose of buying the anhk.

    My problem with this is mainly due to the fact that I prefer to use M4/dualies and its annoying when I lose them due to respawn or bomb explosion.

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