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Thread: Today

  1. Default Today

    Today is December 7th, 70 years ago Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. We should all say a small prayer for those who lost thier lives on that sunday morning on December 7th, 1941. If your not religious just keep them in your hearts. This was a huge attack in the US back than... and more than 2,400 Americans who died That day.

  2. Default

    Also check this thread out

  3. Default

    Fuckin' slopey eyed rice powered straw hat wearin' buncha' animals ! Good thing we nuked them into the stone-age.


  4. Default @title

    's the greatest day i've ever known. can't live for tomorrow, tomorrow's much to long.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  5. Default

    ëM┼Γö ⌊ibis.a⌉ ♑

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