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Thread: Men VS Women and Skyrim?

  1. Default Men VS Women and Skyrim?

    Men Vs Women's way of thinking.
    PS: i am bored from studying from my engineering finals.... cut me a break -.-

    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  2. Default

    damn u need to fix that cave part u have to get the retarded male in there who gets lost and go's to the same place like 10 times looking for the lever XD

  3. Default

    So true.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  4. Default

    I am not the average female then fuck "shopping" I know what I want and I get it >.<

  5. Default

    Lies, I do not buy my pants at the Gap.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  6. Default

    I have to admit I don't do a lot of cave searching, sure I do some but mostly I get in and get out, thats probably why I'm only lvl 30 but have like 75% of the quests done.
    These are the words you wish you wrote down.

  7. Default

    Skyrim Room entry 101:

    Enter room, FOS RO DAH, kill all mobs, scan room for goodies, move on.

    Repeat process until quest is complete or until you reach boss monster.

    Fighting boss monsters 101:

    Enter room, run around and kill any other smaller mobs first, FOS RO DAH, Beat boss's face in with warhammer of choice/shield bash and slash your way to victory.

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