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Thread: Sopa

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyHorse View Post
    I think someone is a SOPA supporter, which would make him less of an american than he thinks. I'm not even sure if he understands the situation the internet would be in for americans if this bill somehow passes.

    Btw, the main reason to hate america is the people like you that insult others for no reason. I am Canadian, but am not ignorant of what goes on in the states, albeit, the information gets to me a bit later than those living within the usa, but I still learn about it. You can't handle the fact that your government is doing something incredibly stupid and someone from another country has to point it out to you. Don't be mad at me, it's your government being retarded.
    You took offense to my statement, that is true. I did not take offense to yours. I was simply stating that your ignorance is that you take something like SOPA to pot shot at Americans and our influential country. When it would behoove you to sympathize a bit more as SOPA would not just fundamentally change the fabrics of the internet for America, but the rest of the world too. To state that i support a bill that is being passed by people who think the internet is a series of tubes, is completely absurd as well. Even people who have no idea how the internet works defend the cause against it because they at least understand that the internet provides a variety of measures to prolong a humans right to the first amendment and to express it openly over the internet threw blogs, websites and forums like ours here. The governments ideology regarding this bill is that it will provide jobs and media content security, when at the end of the day it will only make it harder for artists to express there individuality, creativity, and communication to fans threw websites. Noone here has disagreed with you, most of of us have simply stated that it is highly unlikely that this bill will pass.

    ---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    mikey is jelly
    LoL my statement was not inregards to you or any other canadian. Just the one who unintentionally trolled in this thread.
    Personal reform

  2. Default

    ok my big thing is if you hate America then why worry about wtf we do? see i hate Mexico so i don't go looking at what they do and a big problem with this tread is a non American started it b/c they have no business in our county's affairs

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by taz1stP View Post
    ok my big thing is if you hate America then why worry about wtf we do? see i hate Mexico so i don't go looking at what they do and a big problem with this tread is a non American started it b/c they have no business in our county's affairs

    can't believe i'm saying this, but
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  4. Default

    yay i got a +1 yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by taz1stP View Post
    yay i got a +1 yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
    at this rate you'll be at +1.1 in a year!
    Personal reform

  6. Default

    damn thats some scary shit 1.1 XD

  7. Default

    ok my big thing is if you hate America then why worry about wtf we do? see i hate Mexico so i don't go looking at what they do and a big problem with this tread is a non American started it b/c they have no business in our county's affairs
    Did you read what mikey wrote? He is right, mainly because the other sources already mentioned this, THIS AFFECTS MORE THAN JUST YOU AMERICANS, which is why I made the post on an american based community, because this is being done in america, and affects more than just them. And being Canadian, a lot of dumb ass things your country does affects Canada more than most other countries, other than the stupid wars the usa starts of course.

    @ the mexico thing
    the usa is made of immigrants, and has always welcomed them, but yet they try to keep mexicans out, meanwhile Canada loves the mexicans, they come to work in our extremely hot greenhouses, then go back home when it gets cold. win-win, and thats why people love Canada, we accept everyone.

  8. Default

    yeah thats the key phrase they leave and if they are leaving must mean that your country really sucks ass a other big thing is that if everyone hates America then how come we have immigrants from every county and if you knew anything about America you would know that we allow any almost any country to come over if they do it the legal way but Mexicans don't they go threw over or around the fence.

  9. Default

    The U.S. created the internet, we can damn well use it how we want without the interjections from the peanut gallery.

    Also, Mexico is the largest source of LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigrants in the U.S. So no, we don't try to "keep them out" we just try to keep their whole country from coming over. Maybe if we focused on making Mexico a better country with NAFTA so many of them wouldn't be trying to get over here.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by taz1stP View Post
    ok my big thing is if you hate America then why worry about wtf we do? see i hate Mexico so i don't go looking at what they do and a big problem with this tread is a non American started it b/c they have no business in our county's affairs
    America has its hands in everyones cookie jar. Mexico doesn't. But I bet you'll care about other countries business regarding Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, and North Korea. Unless you advocate "turtling" the U.S., then thats one of the biggest hypocritical statements I have seen next to Christians telling me to shut up about the dark ages because it was a long time ago and still insist on talking to me about Jesus.

    I'm suprised you guys haven't talked about the NDAA yet...

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