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Thread: Rank Reset/XP

  1. Default

    On this, I'm neutral. While I do think resetting makes things interesting again, I don't think it would work for a WCS server. It works for games like MW where you can "prestige" but that's about it, and even then ranks aren't reset and you're rewarded for "prestiging".

    I do think there should be an option to reset yourself if there isn't one already.

    It's not hard to level or rank up. In less than a few months I leveled many races and ranked under 200 no problem. It comes down to amount of skill or amount of time. If you have neither, why are you even gaming.
    ëM┼Γö ⌊ibis.a⌉ ♑

  2. Default

    Bottom line is this is still CS. Those who can land head-shots are envied, those who can't complain.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

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