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Thread: Rank Reset/XP

  1. Wink Rank Reset/XP

    I think that ranks should be reset because they are very old and there is no movement between them anymore. I think there should be a chance that the new player base that wants to play in the server, i think they should be allowed to make the top 10 given their efforts. ATM, anyone remotely new to the server stands no chance unless they play for a year without the other guys logging on.

    Its not that big of a deal, but when playing on a server long enough, the question of the matter becomes how am i doing? what are my stats? what is my rank? and can every1 else see it? Just something to think about, yes we play for fun, but some also play to win/frag.

    Which would bring me to my next point, XP should have an anual reset just because i always hear complaints about people saying they gotta play a maxed spidey because all of their races are maxed. Just a poor excuse, i feel like right now anyone new, or even remotely casual player is struggling to enjoy the game because every1 is maxed on all of their races, and when going 1v1 lvl 5 vs lvl 25 its just a big big difference.

    I think it would actually be fun to lvl race's from 0 again because it would give a goal to be accomplished, and let people have some diversity in the server without every person playing a maxed race.

    Not complaining, or mad, or raging, as i have alot of maxed races my self, just saying, it might be fun and worth a try.

  2. Default

    I do not think anyone will agree with you also less than 25 players are maxed.

  3. Default

    All you have to do is max out all the races and then you will be a contender.

    No free rides to glory given here.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  4. Default


    people have put a lot into getting their levels. just because you're behind does not mean you should get any sort of special treatment.

    go play and kill, and you'll earn your levels like everyone else has had to
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post

    people have put a lot into getting their levels. just because you're behind does not mean you should get any sort of special treatment.

    go play and kill, and you'll earn your levels like everyone else has had to
    These kind of responses seem like you dont even read and just like to post nonesense. I have maxed every good race i like besides vega aka vagina race. And if anyone here has seen me play they know it doesnt matter what race i play il do more then fine. I just thought that its fun for ppl to start from scratch again and build your skill build up, maybe start with new race that you didnt start before.

    Not having a server with vega's everywere and all these ults going of, spideys flying around, ppl starting from scratch being lvl 6 and lvl 10, personally i think that would be more fun then going max vs max. Would no doubt show the skill lvl of some players.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by HypeRNT View Post
    These kind of responses seem like you dont even read and just like to post nonesense. I have maxed every good race i like besides vega aka vagina race. And if anyone here has seen me play they know it doesnt matter what race i play il do more then fine. I just thought that its fun for ppl to start from scratch again and build your skill build up, maybe start with new race that you didnt start before.

    Not having a server with vega's everywere and all these ults going of, spideys flying around, ppl starting from scratch being lvl 6 and lvl 10, personally i think that would be more fun then going max vs max. Would no doubt show the skill lvl of some players.
    hmmm, point taken. i tend not to read everything when it's not required. specifically regarding xp resets in wcs.
    let me reiterate.

    no. people have put alot into getting their levels. they can go play and kill and earn their spots just like everyone else has to. if they really want to reset their own level, well i'm sure they can ask, but not really sure why you'd want to.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by HypeRNT View Post
    These kind of responses seem like you dont even read and just like to post nonesense. I have maxed every good race i like besides vega aka vagina race. And if anyone here has seen me play they know it doesnt matter what race i play il do more then fine. I just thought that its fun for ppl to start from scratch again and build your skill build up, maybe start with new race that you didnt start before.

    Not having a server with vega's everywere and all these ults going of, spideys flying around, ppl starting from scratch being lvl 6 and lvl 10, personally i think that would be more fun then going max vs max. Would no doubt show the skill lvl of some players.
    so in other words no. people have put alot into getting their levels. they can go play and kill and earn their spots just like everyone else has to.
    Personal reform

  8. Default

    The server, in it's current iteration, is what, a year old? That's when the Undead thread was posted, so close enough for me. But the ranks do change. Given most of the top players are inactive for one reason or another, it's not very competitive up here, but when someone does get up, they shoot up the ranks oft times. Honestly, I could care less about the ranks, though.

    As for XP reset, there is no reason to reset them. The only people who can legitimately use the complaint "I'm going up against a level 25 and I'm level 5" are the people who have total level 5. Once you know how to use WCS, getting a (non-knife) race up to level 8 should take MAYBE a map, and that's if your team is losing AND you're a bad player. Once you've got level 8, most races have a HUGE power increase. Having high levels players (with case by case exceptions) just means more XP for killing them. Yes, they can use more abilities, and some for longer, but the power gap isn't that large.

    The people who say they have to play vaga or spidey are problems with players, not the server. There might be reasons to try and balance the races, but resetting the server will just give you what, a weeks reprieve until they max it again and claim they're maxed when they aren't... Yeah, the person I'm talking about knows who they are. If they even read the forums, that is.

    Another reason I don't want the XP reset is, unlike many Warcraft servers, we WORK for our XP. We don't have maps with 10 second rounds, we don't give XP for winning rounds, we give minimal XP for doing objectives, we don't have ways to make tons of money.

    As an aside, we HAVE done a total XP reset. Do I think it was worth it? Nope. Does anyone who plays think it was worth it? Dunno, but I haven't heard anyone say such. Does it make me feel accomplished to max every race? The first time, yes. The second time, I'm ready to kill someone. The third time, I'm getting spidey, maxxing it, and not worry about any races again till eva is released.

    Quote Originally Posted by HypeRNT
    Its not that big of a deal, but when playing on a server long enough, the question of the matter becomes how am i doing? what are my stats? what is my rank? and can every1 else see it? Just something to think about, yes we play for fun, but some also play to win/frag.

    Ain't that nifty.

  9. Default

    There will NEVER be a XP reset. it's 1 of the things our server is known for. we had 2 reset once due 2 the major update Valve did... unless they destroy the game again, we will not reset the XP.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  10. Default

    ok you might as well go tell every fucking no life troll in wow that you are going to clear all the characters and there inventory and they can all start over. you tell me how that works for you and then come back.

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