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    Welcome, to IBIS WCS!!
    Overwhelmed by the pretty colors and fast deaths?
    Don't worry! we were all there once.

    This guide is your one-stop shop to getting acquainted to IBIS's WCS server
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    What is WCS?
    WCS is a mod for Counter-Strike Source, running on top of the SourceMod. It allows players to use and level many different races, or classes, each one possessing completely unique abilities and skills. The point is to play with these abilities, and level them, eventually being able to unlock more races to play.

    Wait, race, ability, are you saying?
    Well, it's really quite simple.
    • A race in WCS is like a job or class in most traditional RPG's. It defines what abilities or skills you can use.
    • Getting kills, completing objectives, and buying tomes (we'll get there later, don't worry) give you experience.
    • Experience, accumulates on whatever race you're using at the time, and at certain points, you level up.
    • When you level, you get a point to place into any of your race's abilities.
    • Abilities (or skills) are what make each race unique. These are effects that you may put points into as you level. They give different benefits. Some increase your health, some make you invisible by a percentage. Others are massive, game-changing ones, such as the ability to teleport to flash grenades, or lay down wards that damage enemies.
    • The last skill of each race is its ultimate. You can begin placing points into ultimates when that race reaches level 8.
    • Ultimates, in many cases, are really large, and very powerful skills, that you often activate with a special command (we'll get THERE later as well.) These can range from a simple teleport, to transforming your dualies into rapid-fireing-fire-spewing-uzi's-of-doom!!!
    • Each race (other than the 4 starting races) has a level requirement. You must have that many levels among all of your other races, to unlock it. For example, to unlock the Blood Mage class with a level requirement of 40, your levels in Human, Orc, Undead, and Nightelf need to total 40. It doesn't matter what combination, but the total must be greater than or equal to 40.
    So, where do i start?
    Well, the first place to start is with choosing your starting race. Don't worry, you can change your race at any time, swapping to any other race you've unlocked so far. We'll cover those associated commands later. For now, a basic overview of the 4 starting races, Human Alliance, Undead Scourge, Orcish Horde, and Night Elf. Other than Undead, you activate these races' ultimates by using a special command (once again, we'll cover that later)

    The undead race is probably the easiest class to begin with. Every skill involved is passive, and the bonuses they grant are substantial.
    The undead race has 4 abilities, one of which is its ultimate. Each can be leveled up to 8 times.
    Vampiric Aura: gives you a 60% chance to gain back a percentage of the damage you do back, as health (the amount is dependent on levels you put into this skill)
    Unholy Aura: Increases your speed by a certain percentage (again, based on how many levels you put into it)
    Levitation: Increases your jump height (reduces your gravity) by a certain percentage (once again, based on levels you put in)
    ULTIMATE: Suicide Bomber: On death, there is a percentage chance to deal a certain amount of damage to each enemy within a certain radius (range, chance, and damage increase with levels)

    The human race features plenty of power, and is fairly easy to get used to playing as. There's no game-changing pieces to it, other than it's ultimate.
    The human race features 4 abilities, one of which is the ultimate. Each can be leveled 8 times.
    Invisibility: This makes you less visible, by a certain percent (amount dependent on levels out in this skill)
    Devotion Aura: Increases your max. health by an amount (amount increases as you level this skill)
    Bash: gives a certain percent chance to freeze an enemy for 1 second with your attacks (percent chance increases as you level skill)
    ULTIMATE: Teleport: Teleports you to where you aim (range increases with levels)

    Orcish Horde:
    The orc race features the most damage-giving power among the 4 starters, and can respawn after death. If you're good with nades, this is a very good option.
    The orc race features 4 abilities, one of which is its ultimate. Each can be leveled 8 times.
    Critical Strike: Gives you a certain percent chance to deal a certain percent more damage with your attacks (amounts go up as you level skill)
    Critical Grenade: Increases the damage your grenades deal by a certain percentage (amount increases with levels)
    Reincarnation: Gives you a certain percent chance to respawn where you dies upon death, with old equipment (percent chance increases as you level skill)
    ULTIMATE: Chain Lightning: Hit up to 4 nearby enemies with a bolt of lightning each within a certain range from each other, dealing 32 damage to each (range increases with levels)

    Night Elf:
    The night elf race features a bit of survivability, as well as a very powerful ultimate. This race is much harder to play as than the others, but your ultimate can make up for it. It's an excellent counter to many of the higher-level races, because being able to freeze opponents in an area of effect is VERY strong, especially against fast or invisible races.
    The night elf race features 4 abilities, one of which is its ultimate. Each can be leveled up to 8 times.
    Evasion: You have a percent chance to evade an individual attack (checked for each attack), completely negating damage. (percent chance increases with levels in skill)
    Thorns Aura: You have a percent chance to deal a percent of damage hitting you back to your attacker (both percents increase with levels)
    Trueshot aura: You deal an extra percent amount of damage with your attacks, 30% of the time (leveling increases amount of damage)
    ULTIMATE: Entangling Roots: You make every enemy within a certain range unable to move for a certain time (time and range increase with levels)

    Ok, so I've picked a race to begin as. What do I do next?
    Well, you play! It's really as simple as that. But, before you get too comfortable, there are several commands you need to be familiar with before playing.
    Commands: (unless otherwise noted, enter these in chat)
    war3menu brings up the war3mod menu
    changerace gives you a menu to change your race
    raceinfo gives you a menu to navigate through to find more info out about a particular race
    playerinfo gives more in-depth info about different players
    shopmenu gives you a menu to purchase items within the mod (these will be explained in a future post here)
    tome allows you to buy a tome of experience. (this lets you spend some cash to buy experience. VERY useful if your starting out, and need to get some levels to begin killing)
    +ultimate (this command is bound to a key, and you press that key to use your ultimate. for example, i bound mine to the 'Q' key. to bind it to a key, open your console by pressing the ~ key, and type in the following: bind <key> +ultimate (replace <key> with the key of your choice))
    +ability (this command is again bound to a key. do the same process as with +ultimate, but on a different key. a few of the later races use this command, so you might as well bind it now)

    ================================================== ================================================== =======
    FAQ (updated 1/17/12)

    This section is to answer questions about what's happening around you in-server.

    I keep hearing a whooshing soun
    d, and then i'm dead. Wat do?

    Well, that sound is the sound made by a player using the Vagabond race. It's a high-level class that is restricted to only using a scout and a knife. They move quickly, jump high, have a chance to deal EXTREMELY high damage with their scout, and can teleport. When they teleport, they become frozen at their destination, and can only use their knife. Hitting their ult again unfreezes them. While frozen they are 100% invisible. Vagabond is a very strong race, and can be frustrating to combat, especially for a new player. However there are several things you can do to fight them, at least a little bit better. The first one is to pay attention. It's not difficult to predict where they're going to end up when they teleport if you see them use their ult. Pay attention to which way they're facing, and look that way after they disappear. In addition, they will still cast a shadow from your flashlight which will give them away. You can purchase a necklace, by typing 'lace' into chat, which will prevent them from activating their ultimate within a certain distance from you. All 4 starter races have strengths that allow you to fight vagas, all differently. Undead must rely on their speed and high-jump to avoid fire and try to get shots in. Human can rely on their teleport and invisibility to teleport to dark areas, and hide to avoid death, taking any shots you can. Night Elf has a wonderful dodge ability, which can keep you alive, and an ultimate that not only reveals the vaga, but also freezes them for a time. Orc, well, throw LOTS of nades, and pray to hit. Orc's ult can also show where they are, but note that they will NOT be frozen. The Shadow hunter is also a great counter, as they can lay down wards that damage, reveal, and slow vagas, and can become invulnerable for a short time.
    Everyone keeps bitching about not having enough bloodmages. What does that mean?

    dmage is a race that is extremely useful for utility for teams. They have an ability that can bring a teammate back to life. Obviously, this is a huge boost for a team. However it is in no way essential. Normally, when people are bitching it means that they don't want to to change their own race. Never feel obligated to change race becaue others complain. They're perfectly able to change, but choose not to.

    What are these glow-ey line circle things? Why are they important? Also, some people get upset when they're in objective areas. Why?

    Those are called wards. They slow and deal damage if you're within range. There are 2 types. The first is a serpent ward. This is a team-colored vertical line w/ circles at its base. These just slow and damage you quickly. It's obvious which team it belongs to, so don't run into your opponent's wards. They're created by Shadow Hunters The second type are called kyakajutsu. These are a fuzzy circle in the air above blue circles on the ground. These are NOT team-colored. You don't know which team made them, so you must be careful. They damage once per second, an set you on fire. Strider Hiryu's lay kyaks.
    It is against server rules to ward the rooms w/ objectives (aka, you can't put wards down at bombsites, on hosties, etc) or block all paths to an objective (placing a ward blocking both entrances to a room w/ hosties). In addition, you cannot have wards touch the house on crackhouse, italy, or nipperhouse (wards go through walls)
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    Buyin' Shit!! (updated 7/3/12)

    This section goes over some of the more popular items in the shopmenu and some shortcuts for buying them

    The shopmenu is an essential component to playing on, having fun with, and succeeding in the IBIS WCS server. While there are far too many items to go over each one individually, I'll give a basic overview of a handful of the most popular ones. Items in the shopmenu can be divided into 3 main categories. Defensive items, Offensive items, and Utility items.

    Defensive items

    • Periapt of Health: This item is one of the single most popular items on the server. It increases your maximum health by 50, until your next death. It ALSO provides a 50 point heal immediately upon purchase. If you're pinned down, and are low on health, buying a quick periapt can mean the difference between you surviving, and getting tea-bagged by a flame pred. To quickbuy, type "health" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Golden Helmet: This item blocks headshots. It seems to work only a percentage of the time, though when it does, the physical damage of the shot is completely prevented. BAUTION: any 'extra' damage might still be applied. To quickbuy, type "helm" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Ring of Regeneration: This item heals you every few seconds. To quickbuy, type "ring" into chat (without the quotation marks).
    Offensive Items
    • Claws of Attack: This item adds a small amount of extra damage to each of your shots. frustrated with an enemy getting away all the time? Grab one of these. It's best used with a rapid-fireing, low damage item like the TMP, FiveseveN, or the Glock. To cuickbuy, type "claws" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Flaming Gloves of Warmth: This item spawns a frag grenade in your inventory every few seconds. Pretty self explanatory. To quickbuy, type "gloves" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Mask of Death: This item allows you to steal life from opponents with your attacks. You heal yourself when you deal weapon damage to enemies. To quickbuy, type "mask" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Mole: This item transforms you into a mole, disguises you as the enemy team, and teleports you to their spawn 15 seconds after the round begins. You'll look like the enemies for a short time, but any that aim at you will see your name come up your true color, and you can still be killed. To quickbuy, type "mole" into chat (without quotation marks).
    Utility Items
    • Boots of Speed: This item increases your runspeed. Self-explanatory, but be careful, as your falling speed is also increased, and you'll take more falling damage than you might be used to. To quickbuy, type "boots" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Socks of the Feather: This item reduces your gravity. Use it to allow yourself to make much higher jumps than you would normally be able to. To quickbuy, type "socks" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Necklace of Immunity: This is the single most popular item in the shopmenu. It completely blocks all ultimates within a certain radius around you. Ults cannot be activated, nor can they target you or anyone/place within said radius. To quickbuy, type "lace" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Ankh of Reincarnation: This item lets you start the next round with the same guns you died with on the previous round. Since it is cheaper than most loadouts you might buy, it's a very good idea to use this to kit yourself out often. CAUTION: If you buy one, and are revived during the same round, you'll lose the Ankh andhave to rebuy it if you die again. Always wait to see if you'll be revived before purchasing an ankh. To quickbuy, type "ankh" into chat (without the quotation marks)

    • Scroll of Respawning: This item respawns you if you're dead. It also gives your guns back as well. It's very expensive. To quickbuy, type "scroll" into chat (without the quotation marks).

    • Tome of Experience: This item either gives you 100 experience instantly, or 20 exp instantly. It's a random chance for both. You can only buy 5 of these per death. If you buy 3 in one round, do not die, then buy 2 the next round, you'll be unable to purchase any more until you die once again. To quickbuy, type "tome" into chat (without the quotation marks). If you'd like to purchase more than one at a time, put the number immediately after the word "tome" eg: "tome3" to buy 3 tomes.
    A NOTE ABOUT SHOPMENU ITEMS: You can only carry 3 (not including tomes) per death. You also lose all of them on death, though some activate (like ankhs).
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    Well, if you've read all of this, then you're pretty much ready to play on IBIS WCS. If there are any questions, please feel free to send a pm to either acolyte_to_jippity (me), maynard (pretty much the one that's in charge of all the WCS rules and such), cyber (a vet player), or bladetwinswords (another veteran player) any of us would be more than happy to help. Or, you can simply ask in-server. most of our players are pretty chill folks, and will be happy to help, or to get either me or blade to help as well. in server, i'm normally known as {RoFL] priestakiin + [ibis.a}, maynard is normally maynard<ibis>, and then cyber and blade change theirs once a week or so.

    As a little bonus, if you're getting killed allot (and that WILL happen) and getting frustrated, we have a special race designed to allow lower level players to match up to the higher level races. It's called shadow hunter. You unlock it by having a total of 60 levels distributed among your other races. Hang in there, it gets better.

    The following links will take you to the rules for WCS (READ THESE!!! you might not understand them all, but make sure to read them. They'll begin to make sense as you play) and to the section of the forums where each race's information is stored. there you'll be able to read what the exact values of not only the starter races, but also the more advanced ones as well (to see what you'll be working towards)

    This guide can be accessed at any time by visiting

    Happy Hunting

    This guide was compiled by acolyte_to_jippity. Please do not make posts in this topic unless you're me, blade, cyber, maynard, or zero. if you have a suggestion to add, please send any of us a PM, and we'll put it in. this is to keep the thread from becoming unnecessarily cluttered.

    V 1.0.0 Jan 07 2012 -- guide created
    V 1.0.1 Jan 17 2012 -- FAQ section added
    V 1.1.0 Jul 03 2012 -- Shopmenu items section added.
    V 1.1.1 Dec 28 2012 -- Minor formatting and added cyber's name to contacts

    Last edited by acolyte_to_jippity; 12-28-2012 at 10:38 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  2. Default

    Wow, this is a great thread to direct new players to!


  3. #3


    Fantastic, thanks for the time you put into this thread aco.

    1 things missing regarding commands. +ability1
    Personal reform

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    Please do not make posts in this topic unless you're me, blade, maynard, or zero. if you have a suggestion to add, please send any of us a PM, and we'll put it in. this is to keep the thread from becoming unnecessarily cluttered.


    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_MikeyRevile View Post
    1 things missing regarding commands. +ability1
    and ability1 is not needed. this is a new-person guide. by the time you end up needing ability1 (strider) you should be well enough along to have known about ability1 for a bit.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  5. Default

    ACO you really deserve a cookie for this one.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Logically I reserve the right to step in at any time and make a final judgement. Any judgement made by me can only be reversed by me.

  6. Default

    updated to 1.0.1 (added small FAQ section)
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

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