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Thread: Rank whoreing on zm: The good and the bad.

  1. Default

    I think it is pretty simply, make zombies much better then they are now, let people sweat for there kills. I mean ye probably every cade could be broken, yes could but how many need to die to do that? for a slight chance because zombie groups don't exits any more people rather play human then zombie so no one ever gets better in being a zombie.

    I don't see why making zombie's better should be so bad??? zombie mod in the early days was all about surviving that was the thrill to see howe long you cold hold of with group of people, What I see now is just a joke, that people with a sniper can hold of a horde of zombies Alone is just plain stupid and breaking the sole purpose of the zombie mod. What is there so much fun of being all alone and play to check ur stats every minute and chicken out the minute it get hard.

    atm we have to many people who want to play for ranking and the funny thing is the complain when they play map like little town yet they still vote for extend????? And when i post this reply it is the second time i see Little town on just as note how overplayed that map is, I think little town is the most played map ever on the server, which is ironic sad.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  2. Default

    You really have no idea how many escape maps got played yesterday and today and yes i played one of them beacuse its one of the few i like.
    To be honest i might aswell not suggest maps if people like you bitch about it being unfair to either side the reason i suggest so many maps is beacuse i have played them and think i the would make a great addition to the server.

    If you want to stop rank whoring you would have to ban alot of players as blackout said but by doing that this would also mean losing alot of map suggestions.

    Good luck with stopping that beacuse i highly doubt it will work.

    If you were refering to yesterday when it was little town i would rather extend then put people through the tourture that is canal escape what made me lo was when you told me to stfu beacuse i voted minas but it didnt make the vote then i voted extend. If you were not an admin i would of put a 15 min gag on you for that.
    Last edited by TheFallen927; 02-17-2012 at 09:45 AM.

  3. Default

    ok here we go here come's my reaction to this

    no do not do what they did in pf and give the zombies like 10k health.
    kick the broken escape maps and replace them whit good once like the one that zombie get put back in spawn so they dont spawn in front and humans dont stand a change.
    delete cade maps whit noobs spots and yes i mean little town.
    reset the highscores and give the good players those clan tags like ibis noob and ibis31337 or zleet.

    meltdown stop bitching about the ranks just play each time i play i lose over 100 points because of cade breakers and shit buth hell i still play for funs just like blade and others.

    what do i miss my admin to kick/rape(burn,slap,slay) and bann cadebreakers because players lose the respect on admins and do what ever they want.

    so please ZERO make some work of zombiemod do a make over

  4. Default

    Well for my part they give rank whore's just the full 999999999999999 points I just don't want to keep playing those retarded maps. People who vote for bad map like little town or beachstrike don't vote because those maps are acutely good or fun, no they vote for it pure for the easy points you can score and that is what I dislike about the ranking system, the overplay of maps no one likes I would not mind the ranking so much if it didn't had so much influence on the map rotation.

    And fallen grow some backbone, you scold/curse people when U get killed and your gonna tell me that I can't say stfu, if you want respect you should show respect to the people you play with.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  5. Default

    You need to learn that im fucking joking most of the regs and a few admins do it. If i showed 0 respect to people i would have less people added then i do now.
    If you really want those maps maps to be played less you would have to get alot of regs banned so stop your bitching and enjoy the fucking game.
    If you think there overplayed so much or to unfair why have you not requested their removeal?

    I have fun by winning as a human.

    Zmod is easy for both pros and noobs due to no teamwork on escapemaps and the regs knowing the best spots on cade maps.

    If you want zmod to become more noob friendly then it already is keep suggesting those ideas but i bet alot of regs will hate your ideas.

    In you logic i supposedly disrespect alot of players which is complete bullshit im always as friendly as i can be but if you break a rule then its a different story.

    Even Hallwagner did that jokingly most of the time, this has always how zmod has been since i joined here
    Last edited by TheFallen927; 02-17-2012 at 11:45 AM.

  6. Default

    You bring it up U got answer, and I don't believe that bitching to total unknown players is suppose to be a joke. but this is not the argue here so I suggest we leave it here.

    As you enjoy being human I enjoy being a zombie, but the role as zombie should not be cannon folder. I can bitch as much as I want over those maps because it is my opinion and I'm not gonna say it because some of you guys don't like it. I want a better rotation of maps with lesser cheap maps and more good maps which is I think what everyone wants unless you only play for your rank. Don't forget that most players do not come on the forums but the ones who play for there rank do so the conversation about this is too one sided and that is why I give some other voice, the voice of people who do want to play better maps.

    And about the removal of maps

    1. Little town should be removed why??: it is bad designed and many bugs, the spots are cheap and impossible to break with the circumstances we face on top of that every map even canal escape is better then little town, it has nothing to add only easy cheap ranking.

    2. Maps as beachstrike, temple of doom and some others are annoying but if they are played like once a day then it would not stand out so much that it needs removal, but if you play those maps too often and after each other it is going to be annoying and utterly boring, yes removal would be easy option, i do say make them lesser in the rotation circle so they don't come up as often and make it so people can not nominate them for like 10 maps after it is played or even longer.

    3. As I see how long it would take before action is taken by removal or adding I see it pointless to try and the only map I really want to see removed is already there aka little town.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  7. Default

    wtf is wrong w/ beachstrike?

    it's a wonderful map!
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth918237 View Post
    ok here we go here come's my reaction to this

    no do not do what they did in pf and give the zombies like 10k health.
    kick the broken escape maps and replace them whit good once like the one that zombie get put back in spawn so they dont spawn in front and humans dont stand a change.
    delete cade maps whit noobs spots and yes i mean little town.
    reset the highscores and give the good players those clan tags like ibis noob and ibis31337 or zleet.

    meltdown stop bitching about the ranks just play each time i play i lose over 100 points because of cade breakers and shit buth hell i still play for funs just like blade and others.

    what do i miss my admin to kick/rape(burn,slap,slay) and bann cadebreakers because players lose the respect on admins and do what ever they want.

    so please ZERO make some work of zombiemod do a make over
    ok, here we go, here come's my reaction to this.

    no, do not do what tehy did in PF and give the zombies like 10k health.
    remove the broken escape maps and replace them with good ones, like the one where zombies get put back in spawn so they don't spawn on top of the humans, where they don't stand a chance.
    remove cade maps with noob spots, and yes i mean little town
    reset the high scores and give the good players a clan tags like ibis noob and ibis31337 or zleet

    meltdown, take a stop bitching about the ranks and play, each time i play i lose over 100 points (cause i'm horrible) because of cade breakers, but hell, i still play for fun, just like blade , and others.

    i miss my admin , so i could kick/rape(burn, slap, slay), ban, and be a general douche bag to cade breakers, also abuse the shit out of admin, because those players lose respect towards admins and do whatever they want and keep breaking cades.

    so please ZERO, make some adjustments to zombiemod.

    whew, i think i lost some brain cells trying to decipher that.

    imo, most maps now in rotation would do horribly and become way to easily Human sided if only classic zombies were allowed. imo, it's a game, people play it for fun, statistic is just a cherry on top of the cake that is zmod.
    Last edited by toma; 02-17-2012 at 01:52 PM.

  9. Default

    toma fuck off

  10. Default

    <3 only after you've mastered the english language

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