With all the fail posts arising in Bans, Admin Abuse, PERMA Bans, and various complaint sections, I feel it's important to give a brief tutorial on how to properly submit complaints.
1) Identifying where to Post
Before you even begin writing a thread, you need to identify what's your purpose (going back to English 101 -,-). Example: If you believe a player is hacking, this is a PERMANENT Ban offence on IBIS servers and should be posted in the PERMA Ban section (Read THIS and post HERE). If you believe and admin is abusing his powers, it goes in the ADMIN Abuse section (Read THIS and post HERE). If you believe a player should be banned for a certain amount of time, post in the BAN section (Read THIS and post HERE). And lastly, if you are trying to get unbanned, post in the UNBAN Me section (Read THIS and post HERE). Once you identify the purpose, use that to identify WHERE you should be posting...
NEVER should you post threads complaining about other players in ANY OTHER SECTIONS (We will simply not care, potentially lawl you, and tell you to re-post in appropriate section).
2) Following the appropriate Format
Now that we know WHERE to post, let's talk about HOW to post. With all the sections mentioned above, I have hyper-linked not only WHERE (the HERE's) but HOW (the THIS's). You should be essentially COPYING AND PASTING the items in the "THIS" hyper-links and putting them in your thread. They were written up for convenience, let's use them shall we . Simply edit the areas to fit the situation (ex: Map section you put the map name, date you put the date... not rocket science...). Once this is done, ULA (Upper Level Admins) now have something to process. The only thing left now is to include some PROOF .
3) Identifying your REASON
All IBIS servers have rules. If a player breaks these rules, it's our job to reprimand that player. If a player DOES NOT break one of these rules, we do not reprimand that player.
Using the rules sections will give you CAUSE for posting a thread. All you need to do, is tell us what they did (No need for long boring rants that no one cares about anyway, just give us the rules they violated...). Example, if an admin abuses their powers, it must coincide with the Terms of Service (TOS) admins must abide by. An admin slaying you for cading a crouch spot is not against his rights, while an admin banning you for a month from cading a crouch spot (assuming it's a first offence) IS abuse because the admin violated "Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately." of the TOS.
These are links to various Rules for our Servers:
Admin Terms of Service: http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/6-Tos
Rules (General): http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/sho...rver-Rules-1.7
Z-Mod Rules: http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/sho...-Zm-Rules-v2.4
WCS Rules: http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/sho...2240-WCS-Rules
Forum Rules: http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/sho...rum-Rules-v1.2
4) Obtaining Proof
"I don't hack", "He kicked me" and "He Hacks!" are excuses I've seen posted, and THEY DO NOT WORK! In fact, if you post this, I (nor most anyone else) will even care let alone try to help you. PROOF, PROOF, PROOF!!! Some sections (depending on severity of the complaint) will allow for things like screenshots, but EVERY SECTION LOVES TO SEE DEMOS!
"But I don't know how to make/get/find demos!?" Well let's see if we can make this super duper easy for you then. The following steps instruct you on how to procure sourceTV (a.k.a. The all-seeing IBIS God) demos:
1) Go to the SourceTV Demo Links (Thread is HERE) and find the server you were on (Zmod, WCS, etc.)
2) Select the appropriate server, and find the Demo (Use the times, map names, and dates to find which one you want).
3) DOWNLOAD the demo (click on it...) NOTE: Only download the demo AFTER the map is over (otherwise it is corrupted)
4) FIND the demo (put it on desktop or somewhere you can upload easily)
5) ATTACH the demo (scroll down past the reply box to "Manage Attachments", in the pop-up screen go to upper right corner for "Add Files", click "Select Files", find your file, hit "Open", when it finishes downloading, select "Inline" to insert it in your reply box).
6) CONGRATS! You just uploaded some Proof
But we're not done just yet... Because SourceTV demos record AN ENTIRE MAP, ULA don't want to watch the whole thing (who does?). You need to give us "Ticks" when the abuse/hacks/wrong-doing is occuring.
5) Getting "Ticks" from your Demo
Ticks, are the time increments in demos. They specify when something happens (pretty simple right?). As you probably just played the map, you can probably take a guess that the wrong-doing occurred (at least more so than a third party). This may be somewhere at 2/3, 1/4, even 6m36sec into the 26m52sec map durations (approximately 24.56%) from the start of the map. The following steps show you how to upload, watch, and designate exactly when the complaint happens:
1) LOCATE your demo (hopefully still on the Desktop if you're where we left off).
2) MOVE the demo to your cstrike folder (To do this, go to "My Computer" > "Local Drive" > "Program Files" > "Steam" > "steamapps" > *username* Ex: "Chef C Green" > "counter-strike source" > "cstrike")
3) Once the demo is placed in that folder, Start Up CS:S
4) Step_4.png
When on the home screen, go to console ("~" button or go to "Options" > "Advanced..." > "Enable developer console")
5) Step_5.png
Type "demoui" into console and press enter, you should get a pop-up that says "Demo Playback"
6) Step_6.png
Go to "Load" and in your cstrike folder, select the demo you want to load
7) Step_7.png
Watch the demo. This is where you go through (go to the tick/ approximately where the incident happens) and write down the tick or tick interval. Please refer to the below image:
- Green Circle: This is your point of view, click the down arrow and select "First Person" to get that perspective
- Blue Circle: Using the right and left arrows, scroll through the players to find who you want to record
- Red Circle: This is your tick counter, it shows what tick you're on, as well as how many total ticks are in the demo. You can also use the "GoTo" button to go to a certain tick (ex: If I knew the incident was approximately halfway through the map, i'd put in 1/2 the total ticks to bypass watching the entire demo).
8) In your post, write the tick marks, and what we should be looking for at that point (ex: Tick 10,000: Admin kicks player w/o cause).
I hope you are able to take away something from this thread, and remember, we can only help you as much as you help us