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Thread: Kolunas's App

  1. Default Kolunas's App

    Name: Thomas

    Age: 20

    In game Name: Kolunas

    Mic: Yes

    Weapons of Choice: M4A1, TMP, Deagle, Dualies, and 5-7

    Contact info:
    Steam: kolunas
    Gmail: [email protected]

    WCS: Office, Dust1 and 2, Italy, Assualt.
    Pub: Office, Assault, Italy, Dust 2

    About Me: I am 20 and ive been playing video games the majority of my life. I was in marching band for 7 years during high school and i play pretty much any percussion instrument.

    Reasons for applying:

    I think everyone in this community is awesome and i would like to become apart of it. I always have fun when im playing on the servers.

  2. Default

    nobody knows you, and it's clear that you don't know how it goes here. here's the rundown

    you play here for about a year or more, and make yourself active on the forums. you buy admin and become good at keeping the peace in the servers, then you make your app. it sits in this section, sometimes for years, while your post count rises well above 1500, and then some people start saying they like you. after 3 years or so, you might be clan. if that's something you want, now's the time to start but making this thread will only get you bashed because nobody knows you, and the application will disrespect (though you don't intend it to) members of the community who have been around for years without being admitted to the clan.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by brett friggin favre View Post
    nobody knows you, and it's clear that you don't know how it goes here. here's the rundown

    you play here for about a year or more, and make yourself active on the forums. you buy admin and become good at keeping the peace in the servers, then you make your app. it sits in this section, sometimes for years, while your post count rises well above 1500, and then some people start saying they like you. after 3 years or so, you might be clan. if that's something you want, now's the time to start but making this thread will only get you bashed because nobody knows you, and the application will disrespect (though you don't intend it to) members of the community who have been around for years without being admitted to the clan.
    haha couldnt have said it better myself -.- lol.
    but overall ^ true story.
    get urself known for a gd few more months, buy admin if u have the skill in keeping peace in the server and catching hackers THE RIGHT WAY.
    note: if u;re not an admin, you wont even be considered for clan, period.

    it should take you a good 3-5 years to get in clan if all goes well and IF 1-2 new clan members are actually picked out of all the admins, which MIGHT happen once a year... lol...
    to give u a personal example:
    ive been here for 3 years, everyone either loves or hates me by now lol, but everyone knows who i am for the most part. im a forums whore, active 100% admin in GG and WCS, upper level admins after 3 years of catching hackers,

    and im STILL no where near getting clan any time soon unless the tooth-fairy decides to give me a long term loan -.-
    hang in there, and follow the dreadful process:P be part of it early.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  4. Default

    what you need to know is this.

    clan runs this place. absolutely, and without any questions. you're basically coming in off the street with 3 or 4 games on the server under your belt, and essentially telling us that you want to be in charge?

    fuck no. if you want to get into ibis, you'll need to be dedicated. you'll need to be here for several years, and most of all, you'll need to actually show you're someone worth having, who will bring something to the community.

    please don't think i'm trying to insult you in any way, i'm just letting you know how it works here. you need to level up your pokemonbefore you head to indigo plateau.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

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