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Thread: Dayz Destiny Vs The No

  1. Default

    What server you people playing on?
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  2. #12


    us153 here

    ultimate player killer!!!!!
    Personal reform

  3. Default Any

    I dont have a set server, I just jump around to whatever has a good ping and isnt full.. mostly on regular servers though .

  4. Default

    Only Chicago/NY servers, VET 3DP: ON

    Fuck Seattle ping! Low pop servers for gathering gear and shit, then high-pop servers for player killing. OH YEAH!

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  5. Default

    Most of us frequent us153 (Seattle) because i have admin and can handle hackers, however there is quite strict rules from the hive itself so we can't do much other than that and spammers.

    Rezel<ibis>: i'll make a self reliant artificial intelligence to deal with admins... I'll call it maynard 1.0 a exact replica of his personality to kick the shit out of bad admins..
    maynard<ibis>: an army of AI maynards.... this pleases me.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Rezel View Post
    Most of us frequent us153 (Seattle) because i have admin and can handle hackers, however there is quite strict rules from the hive itself so we can't do much other than that and spammers.
    and oddly enough racism.
    Personal reform

  7. Default

    Darkie free servers. It explicitly says so in the rules....
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  8. Default

    so i was wondering if anyone on the east coast wants to team up some and play just got it and got into a town and am pissed b/c went to fire station and found mags for every gun but no guns damn my luck - anime | manga | reviews
    Once more into the fray.
    Into the last good fight I'll ever know.
    Live or die on this day.
    Live or die on this day.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by taz1stP View Post
    so i was wondering if anyone on the east coast wants to team up some and play just got it and got into a town and am pissed b/c went to fire station and found mags for every gun but no guns damn my luck
    NO... I don't trust you, or anyone, for that matter.

    If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by taz1stP View Post
    so i was wondering if anyone on the east coast wants to team up some and play just got it and got into a town and am pissed b/c went to fire station and found mags for every gun but no guns damn my luck
    Im sorry, we already have enough morons in our teamspeak as it is.
    Personal reform

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