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Thread: Just to point out

  1. Default Just to point out

    Yeah I know this isn't an app or anything but this whole proccess is shammy at best. You want people to pay 11 a month and take this place on as a part if not more of a full time job to join a clan after they get ULA. I'm not against the work but making people pay money to prove themselves? I'm sorry that I'm having a rough time (as are many people mind you) and cannot afford that. Oh 11 dollars isn't hard to come up with, your right but I'm not giving up my gas money or cig money to "try" and prove myself to a clan that may but probably won't accept me in the (x number of years here). As shady said we have many people who have come to the server because of us or stayed here because of us and we get no recognition for it because you (maynard, vlad, other inactive mods) don't see it in game, but you may want to reconsider your process unless you really are just trying to fleece people for money until they "decide" they want you as an ULA or clan.
    Last edited by maynard; 07-12-2012 at 03:08 AM. Reason: hate crime?

  2. Default

    Your right. Clan isnt for everyone, nor do they want it to be. You dont need to be clan to hang out, no one here has anything against regulars. Servers are not free to run, you wont see a single server that doesnt cost money to be an admin. It gives people incentive to not abuse and lose their money.

    When MY clan was running our server, I had to pay for my admin, and I was part of the CLAN owning it. I dont think you relize ibis makes its money off of admins and not ads, the servers cost money and takes alot of zeros time to maintain.

    Just be content being a regular.

    Ibis clan does not get free admin either, Its always fun when james runs in when he has not payed and I get to slap him around for a bit.
    Its a community based effort, If you have ever been in one like Boyscouts you have to prove yourself there to to be a leader. You have to PAY for dues and PAY for training in BS and you dont get ANY money back, or time. Ibis is the same sort of deal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  3. Default

    Uh I never paid dues in my boyscouts and as for the money for trips and stuff we would do things as a communite (like bakesales and what not) to raise...theres no such system here and will lose you a lot of the people who are active and intelligent enough to be clan that simply cannot afford to do so. Granted money is a great incentive as it is an investment...but so is time. I mean if time was money I'm pretty sure even at 5 an hour most of us would be well over the 50k range. Just saying.

    ~edit Also I do have a very active stock in if IBIS survives...I've been here and this has been my go to servers since I originally found this server over 4 years ago. So try as u might that isn't a reason for this...ughh you just dont care enough.

  4. Default

    Yes, yes you did pay dues in BS, your parents probably took care of it for you. And you only make so much fundraising in bake sales.
    Again clan isnt for the active and intelligent. Its more of a clique, what zero wants out of his clan is support. Thats what they give him.
    Im not denying you have not been here a long time, but that does NOT entitle to you to anything other then being respected as a vet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  5. Default

    assassin let me point something out to you cause I know you've been here for a very long time. The IBIS clan isn't a popularity contest, fuck more people are more popular on the servers than I am. Yes it may take years to get into IBIS but let me tell you something I was only playing in the IBIS servers for a little over a year before I got accepted into the clan. Did I always have admin?? nope, did I always do the right thing towards making IBIS better? yup.

    You have 2 options and they don't require money; A) you actually contribute to the community and I don't mean moneitary wise but actually engage and better the community instead of bitching how you have to spend money to be in a clan or B) GTFO.

    Point anything out you want but you realize its not the regs and admins who actually let you in, its the clan that actually lets you in. all these regs and admins posting +1 on a app doesn't mean shit cause its the clan members opinons that matter.

    Fuck I had to prove myself to NYS C.O. and DUAL even though whytboiz approved of me. But I did it and I got into clan.

    If you don't like what I just said fine, fucking trying to help you but all you wanna do is bitch and whine so I'm gonna let you bitch and whine as someone who isn't in the IBIS clan.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  6. Default

    Jesus Christ what's with all the birching tonight? Is it a full moon?

  7. Default

    Why are people so focused on getting into the clan. it's not like the people u hang out aren't already there. U guys make it such an issue while it's not. just chill and enjoy the games they provide for us.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    A) you actually contribute to the community and I don't mean moneitary wise but actually engage and better the community instead of bitching how you have to spend money to be in a clan
    Hell didnt hitman get in for hosting you guys a few BBQs? See better the community with beers and beef

    And yea if it was a popularity contest, there is no way in hell I would vote for you ITB, cant stand you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  9. Default

    [QUOTE=inthebutt;139973 you actually contribute to the community and I don't mean moneitary wise but actually engage and better the community[/QUOTE]

    Please tell me what this could be? I've already offered to help Zero with coding. I can't do adminy things obv...What do you want me to do make a bakesale for iBiS? And no I'm not being sarcastic I would love for someone to tell me what else I can do to prove myself.

    ~Edit and IDB I do make iBiS a better place. I call out hackers and spammers and ask that something be done about them. I constantly have friends who come to this server..some stick around some don't for w/e reason. I obey the rules and tell other new/old/regs/vets players if something constitutes being illegal and bannable or not as they do it so they can learn from there mistakes.
    Last edited by Assassin; 07-12-2012 at 03:53 AM.

  10. Default

    here's what I want you 2 do.... invest some fucking time into the game, you might think your 80 hours average over like 4 years on 4 servers is impressive, but it's a joke.

    the first people who are looked at for clan are the ULA's now. so I would obviously suggest going for that position if you want clan. if you need 2 ask how you get clan, you just don't get it.. try looking at all the other people who are working their asses off for a spot in the clan.... maybe you will learn something from them.

    ibis also doesn't expect or ask any one 2 purchase admin. we simply give you the option, and most do it for their own personal means... it's easier 2 have admin in the servers you always play.. we all know this. it's the people who truly care about this community, and put into it that we look at.

    as i said in your app.... feel free 2 make another anytime... but do it with some real reasons that you deserve clan. there's lots of people busting their ass for a spot, I'm not going 2 fuck them over by voting for someone who hasn't done 1/10th of the work they have for the position.

    get some real reasons 2 support you, and ill be there doing it, I promise.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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