View Full Version : Blackmage's map manifesto

01-19-2013, 05:10 AM
This is what happens when Blackmage gets bored. I find a project. I collect data. I vomit the data. I play around with the data. Sometimes, I choose to post what I've found! I love data and theory. Practical application, not so much. So, here's what I've been working on for the past three days :) Number of items shown done for a variety of reason, mostly what looked nicest.

First up, some silliness involving the server:

psychostats includes Zero's silliness here too in the form of the maps: unknown and test_hardware.

133 "maps" total are listed in the psychostats

The server command, listmaps has extra copies of:

We also have the case of de_desert_atrocity_v3 which I mentioned in a different thread. It's not listed in the psychostats either :)

Now for some observations on actual maps:

The following are maps that have only one main objective, either bomb site, hostage room. The number of ways is the number of directions you have to watch for people to access the objective. This is ignoring maps who have only one hostage rescue point, but multiple hostage rooms.

ibiscell (many ways into one objective)
asylum (2 ways into one objective)
assault + 2005(1 way into one objective + many ways to one objective)
assault_night (2 ways into one objective + many ways to one objective)
symphony (many ways to one objective + many ways to one objective)
fisheyes (2 ways into one objective + 2 ways into one objective)
island (1 way to one objective + many ways to one objective)
desperados (many ways to one objective + many ways to one objective)
dolls (1.5 ways to one objective)
deathcookin (many ways to one objective)
Compound (1 way to one objective)

We have around 97 maps. Two (facility, ibiscell) need to be removed or configured.

The following are maps that are somewhat changed, or sometimes just reskinned:












That's 30 maps to do what we can do in 11. So this brings us to about 76 unique, playable maps.

Next up, data retrieved from the demos log. I have made a list of the maps starting with the first map begun on Saturday 1-12 to the last map begun on Friday 1-18. Some maps were only 18 or 19 minutes, but I counted them as non-RTV'd maps. Anything under that is counted as an RTV. Anything over 25 minutes is marked as Extended, though some of these seem to have been RTV'd before they ended. There are some maps that were "played" for over 45 minutes, all of these coming from empty server, these are not being included. There are also 6 maps that were "played" for about 2 or 3 minutes each because I was making sure I got the correct version of certain maps. These are also being left off the count. Additionally We had two periods in the last 2 days where there are gaps. 170 and 159 minutes.

Number of times map was on for more than 45 minutes: 16 times
Longest time a map was on the server: 102 minutes

Number of maps in the range of "extended": 126
Unique map names "extended": 33
Unique maps "extended": 26
Most Extended maps: cs_crackhouse, cs_italy, cs_office at 14 times each
Most extended map including variants: office at 18 times.

Most played unique map without RTVing: cs_italy and cs_crackhouse at 25 times. Office is 4th with 21, aztec snuck into 3rd with 24.

Top 5 played maps, including Variants: (times played)
office: 35
crackhouse: 32
italy: 28
dust2: 26
aztec: 25

Number of maps not RTV'd or Extended: 169
Number of unique map names "": 50
Number of unique maps "":42

Number of maps played on for at least regulation time: 295
Number of unique map names "": 54
Number of unique maps "": 45

Number of individual maps never voted for: 23
Number of individual maps that didn't get a full 20 minute playtime: 42
Number of maps that obviously crashed immediately into dust2: 2
Number of maps played on for any time (even less than a minute in 2 cases): 352

Now for some psychostats notes:

While I said in a previous thread that the psychostats only holds information since "2011-05-13", we have maps from "2010-12-23" and "2011-02-04". In any case, this information is (mostly) covering a MUCH larger time frame than my data collection.

Of the twenty three maps not even voted into, they have mostly been played since the new year. One was played on new year's eve. Two I'm not sure, they were ones I hit grabbing maps, but given the trend, I assume they've been voted onto sometime in the past 2 weeks. Here's the number of maps played on each day.

Last date....Number

Since the start of the psychostats logs, the active maps we have have been played around 52045 times (this number may be off by a few, not sure how many of 1-19 games it has). Unsurprisingly, dust2 has a shockingly high play count, due to dust2 being the post-crash map. Probably increased moreso if it counts when it starts dust2 and restarts it. So, while dust2 has been played 9988 times, compared to office's 3443 times, the playtime gives a different story, being 2322:16 for dust2 and 1590:17 for office. The time on active maps is around 17504 hours or just over 729 Days or less than a day under 2 years, supposing I added those 97 numbers correctly.

First, the least played of the bunch:
The Bottom 11, sorted by time played on server:
Ranking........map name........Times........time on map.....date added to server
vs all maps.........................Played
89..............cs_assault_night.51...........09:5 1:35.........2012-08-30
90..............cs_symphony.....44...........09:41 :41.........2012-03-31
91..............de_keysiv..........33...........09 :18:07.........2012-03-31
92..............cs_asylum.........31...........08: 28:30.........2012-08-30
95..............de_keystone_beta.28........07:49:2 5.........2012-03-31
97..............cs_pilko_estate...33..........06:4 9:09.........2011-10-28
98..............de_atlantis.........31..........06 :12:04.........2012-08-30
100.............de_farpoint_b1...27..........05:00 :21.........2012-03-31
104.............de_favela_rio.....27..........04:2 4:28.........2012-03-31
108.............de_facility.........24..........02 :33:44.........2012-08-30
110.............de_ibiscell.........16..........02 :08:05.........2012-08-30

So, of the bottom 11, 5 of the 7 maps added in August are listed here. Of the other two cs_impulse has 2 plays and has been removed from rotation and italy_tactik is 58th most played, or 40th from the bottom of active maps. 5 from the 15 map March update. 1 other has been removed, 12-16 and 18th bottom are also in that update. The remakes from that update fared a litte better at 25th, 29th and 30th from the bottom. Then we have pilko. It's been on the server for over a year, and is beat by maps that aren't even still in the server rotation.

Now for the highly played bunch:

The top 11 popular maps:
map .......time on map time maps played
(If I can add)..11133:18:48......31789
Compared to:..17503:50:xx.......52045

We've spent around 63% of our time just on these 11 maps. 61% of maps have been on these 11 as well. So, out of the 76 unique maps, we've spent 60ish% of the time on 10 of them.

To compare, our top 12 over the past week


So at least in the past week, parkhouse and nipperhouse were more popular than westwood and assault. Well, plain assault, since assault and assault_2005 got a total of 9 plays. 3/1 for assault, and 2/3 for assault_2005.

And that's that. Take from this what you will, and if you read it all, kudos. I hope my math is correct.

01-19-2013, 06:35 AM
This is what happens when Blackmage gets bored.


01-19-2013, 08:26 AM
TLDR :icon_mrgreen:

brett friggin favre
01-19-2013, 01:23 PM
with all that free time and effort, you could've cured cancer. now, millions more will die of cancer. thanks, asshole.

01-19-2013, 02:16 PM
I have the weirdest boner right now...

(I did read everything). One quick note - one thing that you could have included in your analysis is that we have maps that are played sometimes, can be played, but are not on the active list such as Icehouse, Vertigo, 747 and some others.

01-19-2013, 02:18 PM
I have the weirdest boner right now...

(I did read everything). One quick note - one thing that you could have included in your analysis is that we have maps that are played sometimes, can be played, but are not on the active list such as Icehouse, Vertigo, Poolday, 747 and some others.

and maps like zuhhh gahhh and the other one.

01-19-2013, 02:47 PM
and maps like zuhhh gahhh and the other one.

no.. those maps should be removed immediately.

01-19-2013, 04:13 PM
the hell... poolday is still on WCS?

01-19-2013, 04:36 PM
no.. those maps should be removed immediately.

Those maps are crazy fun and unfortunatly we only get a chance to play them when an admin changes the map to it since we cant vote for them.

brett friggin favre
01-19-2013, 04:39 PM
just played blahhh, had some people leave, some just tried to rtv right away but those who played it seemed to enjoy it.

01-19-2013, 04:53 PM
just played blahhh, had some people leave, some just tried to rtv right away but those who played it seemed to enjoy it.

yeah, people are scared at first, but then they start to explore it and realize its pretty fun, plus those maps are pretty balanced.

01-19-2013, 10:13 PM
blahhh was fun till u started owning :\
:banghead: #ragequit

brett friggin favre
01-20-2013, 12:18 AM
blahhh was fun till u started owning :\
:banghead: #ragequit

i started owning on the first round, got 5 kills

01-20-2013, 04:57 PM
People just don't nominate maps. If we had more people doing that when they were dead then we could see these different maps. People vote for the same maps because they either just got on and haven't played those maps today. They just push a random number and don't look at the choices. Or they don't like change. I played cs_crackhouse then de_crackhouse then cs_crackhouse all in a row once. Its just what the people want. Yes is gets old and boring. But you gave the power to the people. Letting mass groups of people make a quick decision doesn't end well all the time. I know at times I've just pushed a number so I can get back to playing. But until people nominate maps we will be stuck on those 11 top ones most of the time.