View Full Version : 017 Strider Hiryu [260] v1.1.5

12-22-2010, 05:27 PM
Strider Hiryu
Required Level: 260
Levels per ability: 6
Item Restrictions: ring
Flying Dragon: Hold +ability1 to fly, release to land (health reduced).
Eagle Bomb Drop: Drop a bomb on your enemy (+ability2)
Kayakujutsu: The art of using fire and explosives (+ability)
Portal: Press ultimate to save your location, press ultimate again to teleport to your saved location



Initial Development Release


All abilities have final settings for testing an current bugs patched. Please confirm abilities work.


Initial Public release


Fixed glitch that allowed for weapons to be droped when using fly in an exact way
Patched rare crash bug


Updated descriptions


Fixed not getting weapons back after flying


Fire from wards can no longer kill or damage a player


Wards now last after death


Improved programing of weapon removal to reduce crashes.


Updated to prevent ultimate use if within 30ft of an immunity.


Updated weapon removal code
Removed redundednt code


Updated to best weapon removal code


Updated weapon removal code


Now can not enter flight when frozen.
New effect for flying.


Updated to prevent glitch where you can lose your trail by holding the button down when the round ends and you are still alive and not releasing it at the start of the next round.


Initial Release of recoded version.
Replaced the useless high jump ability with eagle bomb drop. It targets the player who moved the shortest distance after release.

12-22-2010, 05:30 PM
This race is now in the test server for ability testing. For now just make sure that all the abilities work like they should.

If you need more levels in the level bank let me know and I can reset it.

12-22-2010, 08:44 PM
I need to know how the wards for this race used to work. How long did they last ect.

I also need to know about the fly speed how much slower or faster was it than now as a % of current.

Here is the code for the wards but I can not really figure out from this how they worked:

block StriderWard

es_setinfo wcs_userid 0
es_getargv wcs_userid 1
es es_exists wcs_exists userid server_var(wcs_userid)
es es_if (server_var(wcs_exists) = 0) do
es_getcmduserid wcs_userid
es es_exists wcs_exists userid server_var(wcs_userid)
es es_getplayerprop wcs_dead server_var(wcs_userid) "CCSPlayer.baseclass.pl.deadflag"
es es_if (server_var(wcs_dead) = "1") then es_setinfo wcs_exists 0
es_copy wcs_ulti_allow wcs_gamestarted
es es_if (server_var(wcs_ulti_allow) != "1") then es_setinfo wcs_exists 0
es es_if (server_var(wcs_exists) = 1) do
es es_exists wcs_exists key WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid)
es es_if (server_var(wcs_exists) = 1) do
es es_keygetvalue wcs_tmp WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) "strider"
es es_if (server_var(wcs_tmp) in "StriderWard") do
es_setinfo wcs_ability_count 0
es es_keygetvalue wcs_ability_count WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) ability_count
es es_if (server_var(wcs_ability_count) > 0) do
es es_if (server_var(wcs_tmp) = "StriderWard") do
es_setinfo wcs_params 0
es es_keygetvalue wcs_params WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) "ability_parameter"
es es_if (server_var(wcs_params) != "0") do
es es_getplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid)
es_setinfo wcs_duration 0
es es_token wcs_duration server_var(wcs_params) 1 "_"
es es_if (server_var(wcs_graphicfx) = 1) do
es_copy wcs_x2 wcs_x1
es_copy wcs_y2 wcs_y1
es_copy wcs_z2 wcs_z1
es est_Effect 10 #a 0 "effects/strider_bulge_dudv_dx60.vmt" server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_radius) 5 server_var(wcs_duration) 5 5 1 255 250 70 10 10
es_math wcs_z1 + 80
es est_Effect 3 #a 0 "sprites/lgtning.vmt" server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) server_var(wcs_duration) 20 20 10 50 255 170
es est_Effect 11 #a 0 "effects/strider_bulge_dudv_dx60.vmt" server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_duration) 1 50
es es_getplayerteam wcs_team server_var(wcs_userid)
es es_if (server_var(wcs_team) = 2) do
es_setinfo wcs_team_target 3
es_setinfo wcs_team_targetn "#ct"
es es_if (server_var(wcs_team) = 3) do
es_setinfo wcs_team_target 2
es_setinfo wcs_team_targetn "#t"
es es_token wcs_dmg server_var(wcs_params) 2 "_"
es es_token wcs_radius server_var(wcs_params) 3 "_"
es StriderWard server_var(wcs_userid) server_var(wcs_duration) server_var(wcs_dmg) server_var(wcs_radius) server_var(wcs_team_target) server_var(wcs_team_targetn) server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_roundcounter)
es es_tell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #greenYou have practiced the art of Kayakujutsu
es_math wcs_ability_count - 1
es es_keysetvalue WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) ability_count server_var(wcs_ability_count)
es_else do
wcs_getlanguage "wcs_lng" "wcs_lng_noability"
es es_tell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi server_var(wcs_lng)
es es_if (server_var(wcs_debug) = 1) then profile end ability

12-22-2010, 10:45 PM
They were blue spheres in the middle and they had a blue ring showing about 70% of the range at the bottom. They dealt 10 damage every second and burned the player for about 10 damage. They could drop 3 at most. The range was just barely larger than a serpent ward.

The flying was +strider and at max you flew at 300% walking speed. Your gun would be holstered and you had a blue sparkling trail.

12-23-2010, 12:51 AM
Just from what I remember, flight speed seems about the same (quite fast) and jutsu seems a little stronger than I recall. That might be because I was testing it and don't have adrenaline pumping though.

The flight no longer has problems with picking up guns while flying. It does not force you to knife, but you can switch and it won't let you use the gun you "see". What it respawns is buggy. It likes to respawn you with whatever main and secondary weapons you had last time you enter FD with one. Including if you went into one with only a secondary and one only with a main. Changing races, teams and map don't clear that cache. Restarting the client changes WHICH cache you're using, and you can grab other people's cache. But two people using it did not have them both on the same cache. Though player 2 did get an old cache of player one's. And grenades get dropped on the ground when you enter FD, and you don't get them back at all. NOTE: I started using cache because that's the first word that came to mind.

I also don't recall the cooldown on flying dragon.

Highjump, triggers, gains the minus gravity and lasts until the end of the round. How this compares to previously, I don't know, I ignored the skill :)

Portal no longer has the blinding effect when you go back, and doesn't save after the round has ended.

12-23-2010, 03:11 AM
striders wards are the same as teh shadowhunter wards, you get 3 of them, but they dmg the out put is low, they would set you on fire slowing your movement, and pick away at you. they wernt like shadowhunter wards where they just slam you with dmg real fast. strider was a slow dmg ward/set you on fire + slows you. ill test the fly speed tomorrow and let ya know how it is compared 2 what it used 2 be.

12-23-2010, 09:21 PM
the fly is close 2 what it was, I think it was about 10% slower then what it is now.

portal works fine.

I was able 2 put my wards down, but have not tested dmg.

the fly worked... so yeah, race is looking pretty good.

12-24-2010, 01:08 AM
So to make sure I understand this correctly there is currently a glitch where if you fly you will not get the correct weapons when you finish flying.

For example you fly once with a degal and then you die. The next time you fly you get a degal?

From what I see in the code it would appear that if you use fly and have a primary weapon if you use fly again without one you will get the last primary weapon that you had when you flew. If this is exactly what happens let me know and there is a simple fix that I can code in.

12-24-2010, 02:25 AM
First, before I start typing what I'm thinking, it's true for both main and secondary, not just primary. It also doesn't keep nades of any sort.

If you fly you get the following back when you despawn: The primary weapon you had when you last flew and the last secondary you had when you flew. If you died in mid flight and had an AK and a deagle, next round, if you dropped your gun and flew, when you unflew, you'd have a deagle and an AK. If you flew while holding your glock/USP, you'd have an AK and the glock/USP.

That would solve the problem of it working on later maps too, I hope?

12-24-2010, 12:19 PM
Yea it should not be too big a problem to fix. When I read the code it was very clear that this is what you would expect to happen given the way that it is written.

12-24-2010, 04:14 PM

All abilities have final settings for testing an current bugs patched. Please confirm abilities work.

12-24-2010, 04:41 PM
I have derived new methods for handling how words work so that the effect and damage are separated. This allows me to then be able to adjust the rate at which damage is given without effecting the visual effect of the ward.

Currently the size, and damage given by the ward are not leveled, only the number of them and the length. This will change as I now have created an efficient method for allowing these values to be variable.

12-24-2010, 06:38 PM
NVM I see why these values must be constant now...

01-07-2011, 11:41 PM

Initial Public release


Fixed glitch that allowed for weapons to be droped when using fly in an exact way

01-08-2011, 02:31 AM
Strider Hiryu
Required Level: 260
Levels per ability: 6
Flying Dragon: Bind +ability2 hold to fly, release to land 1-4 speed
Advanced High Jump: 10-50% chance to increase high jump on a kill
Kayakujutsu: Bind +ability1 to use, The art of fire and explosives
Portal: Save and teleport to location


Initial Development Release


All abilities have final settings for testing an current bugs patched. Please confirm abilities work.


Initial Public release


Fixed glitch that allowed for weapons to be droped when using fly in an exact way
Patched rare crash bug

any chance we can simply use +ability and +ability2 ?
so that we can use the same button that we use for wards on both the stryder and shadow hunter??

or can at least someone tell me if the "multi bind" works like this?
bind x {+ability, +ability1}

01-08-2011, 02:34 AM
multibind: bind f "ability; strider; +ability; +ability1"

01-08-2011, 03:41 AM
any chance we can simply use +ability and +ability2 ?
so that we can use the same button that we use for wards on both the stryder and shadow hunter??

or can at least someone tell me if the "multi bind" works like this?
bind x {+ability, +ability1}

They are the same... the are both +ability1...

01-08-2011, 03:43 AM
They are the same... the are both +ability1...

never knew that:P

01-08-2011, 04:26 AM

Updated descriptions

01-08-2011, 04:30 AM
Strider Hiryu
Required Level: 260
Levels per ability: 6
Flying Dragon: Hold +ability2 to fly, release to land.
Advanced High Jump: 10-50% chance to increase high jump on a kill
Kayakujutsu: The art of using fire and explosives (+ability1)
Portal: Press ultimate to save your location, press ultimate again to teleport to your saved location


Initial Development Release


All abilities have final settings for testing an current bugs patched. Please confirm abilities work.


Initial Public release


Fixed glitch that allowed for weapons to be droped when using fly in an exact way
Patched rare crash bug


Updated descriptions

i just tested the binds,
apparently they are +ability for the wards
and +ability1 for the fly.
many people agree that the description that im quoting has typos in it.

01-08-2011, 09:12 AM
race should have more wards.
2 is a bit low...

i noticed that the shadow hunter's wards are stronger and get through walls, these dont? and which has more range?

when u die while flying with a knife and respawn , u get the left gun glitch, which happens as well when u switch from flame pred (knife only) to a race with no gun restriction like human.
same thing also happens when u die as vagabond in knife mode, and get respawned, u respawn without a scout. sure ppl will tell me that if u "use ur ultimate" then u can get ur scout back after it , but when u spawn u got a 5 second delay on using ur ultimate ... which might be important...

01-08-2011, 09:16 AM
race should have more wards.
2 is a bit low...

i noticed that the shadow hunter's wards are stronger and get through walls, these dont? and which has more range?

any chance u can make it that the wards on T side be red? sometimes its annoying when u see wards and cant tell if they will hurt u or no from the color...currently T color = CT color = blue...

also some ppl are complaining about the wards "effect" , i.e the warping lines being too annoying for the eye... disturbing and not smooth as the shadow hunters... i dnt particularly care, just passing along the message.

now as for a glitch :
when u die while flying and respawn , u get the left gun glitch, which happens as well when u switch from flame pred (knife only) to a race with no gun restriction like human.
same thing also happens when u die as vagabond in knife mode, and get respawned, u respawn without a scout. sure ppl will tell me that if u "use ur ultimate" then u can get ur scout back after it , but when u spawn u got a 5 second delay on using ur ultimate ... which might be important...

01-08-2011, 04:41 PM
All of this is working like it should the number or wards and the effect and the damage are exactly the same as they were before. As for the weapon glitch that is part of the game engine. I can make some more patches in the future to improve around the problems valve created. As for the vagabon that has nothing to do with this race and that glitch is part of the race. It always worked like that and has been configured to work like that now. Those glitches are intentional and considered part of the balancing for that race.

01-08-2011, 05:09 PM
race should have more wards.
2 is a bit low...

shadow hunter has NOTHING to do with this race. there wards are not the same, nor are they supposed 2 be. strider wards are more for slowing and inconveniencing ppl.

01-10-2011, 08:48 AM
shadow hunter has NOTHING to do with this race. there wards are not the same, nor are they supposed 2 be. strider wards are more for slowing and inconveniencing ppl.

i am having a lot of fun dropping wards on ppl mid flight :D

im pretty sure shady had to k2 his ass just bcos of how pissed he was at me doing so when storming the CTs and dropping wards on their asses in militia tunnel:D

question maynard,
on nipperhouse, as CT, can u fly off to T spawn and ward them at beginning ? usually most ppl have moved since then, and there's at least a 17 second from round start (freeze time included)? just asking.
am currently warding the snow path leading to the cabin...

01-10-2011, 09:31 AM
i am having a lot of fun dropping wards on ppl mid flight :D

im pretty sure shady had to k2 his ass just bcos of how pissed he was at me doing so when storming the CTs and dropping wards on their asses in militia tunnel:D

question maynard,
on nipperhouse, as CT, can u fly off to T spawn and ward them at beginning ? usually most ppl have moved since then, and there's at least a 17 second from round start (freeze time included)? just asking.
am currently warding the snow path leading to the cabin...

you cannot place wards in opponent's spawn until at least 20 seconds have passed (after freezetime)

01-10-2011, 10:16 PM
meh not sure what exactly is happeneing , but everytime i fly with my m4 or wtvr rifle, when i drop down from flying , i lose my gun???? only gun...
also i bought a gun while in left-gun-glitch-mode, and it made me pay for it but didnt get the primary weapon...not sure whats wrong.. or if its a strider skill...but it sucks..

shady experienced same thing.

01-11-2011, 12:23 AM

Fixed not getting weapons back after flying

01-12-2011, 10:03 PM
you cannot place wards in opponent's spawn until at least 20 seconds have passed (after freezetime)

what he said

01-13-2011, 12:16 AM

Fire from wards can no longer kill or damage a player

01-15-2011, 05:50 PM

Wards now last after death

01-15-2011, 09:43 PM
Wards animation stayed after death, but did nothing to the (non-Shadow Hunter) player walking through them.

01-16-2011, 01:58 PM
Wards animation stayed after death, but did nothing to the (non-Shadow Hunter) player walking through them.

Wait, Shadow's are immune to them?

01-16-2011, 02:26 PM
Shadow Hunter can avoid all abilities.

01-16-2011, 07:15 PM
Huh, I just kinda assumed that was attack only... That apply for Ultimates used on the SH as well? I have never noticed that, and that would be similar to ward avoidance...

01-16-2011, 07:20 PM
Shadow Hunter can avoid all abilities.

CAN being the word.
they have a smthn like 10 to 50 % chance to "Evade" a skill...
but makes me wonder, if u throw a shadow hunter in an enemy ward,and the hex activated, is he completely immune? or can the wards spam damage on his ass?

01-24-2011, 02:51 PM

Improved programing of weapon removal to reduce crashes.

02-10-2011, 03:18 PM

Updated to prevent ultimate use if within 30ft of an immunity.

03-24-2011, 08:42 PM
There is a strider error where if u die while using ur fly ability u also lose inventory of your weapons so if you respawn u have no weapons and if u ank u will have no weapons the next round.

03-24-2011, 09:48 PM
The strider fly ability has a 3 second cool down on it. However if you try to use it before it has been 3 seconds you reset the timer. Is it supposed to be like this or is that an error?

03-28-2011, 03:52 PM
Yes, it should work this way b/c when you died you actually had no weapons so there is nothing to give you back. The only way you get them back is when you stop flying, assuming that you are still alive.

01-19-2012, 02:59 PM

Updated weapon removal code
Removed redundednt code

03-20-2012, 03:01 AM

Updated to best weapon removal code

04-23-2012, 12:46 PM

Updated weapon removal code

06-24-2012, 06:17 AM

Updated weapon removal code

zero, theres a bug on strider.
if u were flying when the round was over, the next round u spawn only with ur knife...
i thought it was part of the race at first... and kept saying "fuck thats shitty... i just lost my m4 that i bought and deagle every round" ...
but i asked maynard, he claims its not supposed to work like that , and that the race should spawn u with the guns u had just before the flight?

not so important:
might as well take a look also on fixing that previous-weap shit?
if i spawned with strider, and i selected my secondary weap as my last weapon used, and went to primary weap, then if i flied and landed
my knife becomes my last used weapon instead of my deagle or wtvr it is , so when i swtich from my primary to last used... i get my knifed... when we all would be expecting the deagle or smthn...

maybe with teh jack bug fix that u mentionned, u can also fix that?

06-24-2012, 02:28 PM
If those changes were made, I would consider you both Gods. I'd finish of my goal of 200k exp knife only. It's so frustrating to accidentally walk over a dead body, pick up it's gun, then automatically have that weapon come out after flying.

As for losing guns at round end if you're still flying, eh it can be annoying but it's not a huge deal. If you're flying as the round ends it's easy enough to time the 'landing' so you go to the next round without hitting the ground. Would be cool nonetheless.

06-25-2012, 07:09 PM
Actually the way the change will work is to give the player weapons in an exact order so they get a secondary first and then primary thus causing the secondary to be the last weapon held.

Actually though I should be able to see what item the player is holding at the time of takeoff and then make them have that when they land...

For refrence has there ever been an issue of a player getting the wrong stuff when they land?

06-25-2012, 11:59 PM
Actually the way the change will work is to give the player weapons in an exact order so they get a secondary first and then primary thus causing the secondary to be the last weapon held. Actually though I should be able to see what item the player is holding at the time of takeoff and then make them have that when they land...For refrence has there ever been an issue of a player getting the wrong stuff when they land?Other than strider crashing the server midflight (yea i tested it, strider does it at least once per 2 hours), the only thing i can mention is that if i was holdig a grenade a the moment of flight, i lose it when i land , and as far as i checked, i cant find it on the ground where i flew...

10-21-2012, 02:03 AM
See Thread (Shadow of the void) Kayakujustu wards attacking all players from Spectate.

07-04-2013, 01:25 PM
So i gotta wonder, what is the point of *advanced high jump*? It just seems so impractical... You actually have to kill someone so that you "might" be able to jump a little higher? I think that this skill could be reworked a little bit maybe instead of making you jump, you could have a small chance to proc making your opponent jump, this would really make it fun :) I don't believe we have a skill like this yet, would be a nice surprise:)

07-04-2013, 03:30 PM
Required Level: 130
Levels per ability: 8

Levitation: 5-11% chance to shoot enemy into the air

And this isn't considered making people jumping at all?

07-04-2013, 05:14 PM
And this isn't considered making people jumping at all?

Well it does what the name states it "levitates" people in the air and different directions im talking about more simpler just a little hop that could throw you of your aim or surprise you, a harmless yet useful proc. Its just an idea to replace the skill that just seems kind of strange don't you think? Kill people so that you would have a chance to jump higher? Why not just buy sock for instant higher leap?

And i believe this resets every round right? Just strange and odd, i think a proc of some sorts(not necessarily to crit for extra damage) but just something thats maybe more troublesome to deal with, like panoramas view shift, those are always fun.

07-04-2013, 07:45 PM
And this isn't considered making people jumping at all?

Apparently Jack has been forgotten... ok then

07-04-2013, 11:27 PM
Apparently Jack has been forgotten... ok then

I don't know =Jack=.

07-05-2013, 02:18 AM
I don't know =Jack=.

ZzZzZzZzZzZ.....caramel sauce? that will be sooooo sticky wolfy........ZzZzZzZzZzZ

07-05-2013, 09:26 AM
Apparently Jack has been forgotten... ok then

Jack is similar to levitation on magician, it raises you up pretty high and can toss you in multiple directions. I was talking about just a more simple approach and maybe making this effect last for the round in 3 second increments:)

I mean its just an idea i came up with as to how this skill might be reworked because the current one just seems a little bit odd and more of a hassle then anything don't you think?

I was also thinking if it would be possible to proc a ward around the person in an AOE skill. So basically you have a small chance to put a ward from a distance on the person you are shooting at and it would work just like a regular ward were you can run away from it, that would be kinda cool :)

07-05-2013, 03:24 PM
Jack is similar to levitation on magician, it raises you up pretty high and can toss you in multiple directions. I was talking about just a more simple approach and maybe making this effect last for the round in 3 second increments:)

I mean its just an idea i came up with as to how this skill might be reworked because the current one just seems a little bit odd and more of a hassle then anything don't you think?

I was also thinking if it would be possible to proc a ward around the person in an AOE skill. So basically you have a small chance to put a ward from a distance on the person you are shooting at and it would work just like a regular ward were you can run away from it, that would be kinda cool :)

it's funny bcos im workin on a Gravitron race.
and i already have smthn like this in mind, but that fits the theme more.

07-05-2013, 05:39 PM
it's funny bcos im workin on a Gravitron race.
and i already have smthn like this in mind, but that fits the theme more.

yeah you are one of the few people who contribute to the custom race idea's with actually good suggestions in terms of new ideas and playable races that zero could make.

The only reason i brought this up was because i actually like the ward and the ultimate of strider, i feel like it works well together being in 2 different places pretty much instantly if you wanted to with 2 wards to place, works really nice and i love using it. The problem i had was trying to understand what its jumping ability was because it was confusing me and just seemed kind of pointless if you think about it.

It would be nice if zero could maybe tweak this skill a little like he did with blood mage race making it a little more compatible with the rest of the skills.

01-17-2014, 03:57 PM

Now can not enter flight when frozen.
New effect for flying.

01-17-2014, 04:51 PM
So if they are flying and get medusaed or entagled, they will be stuck?

And is this now true for all races, like santa and dragonfly?

01-17-2014, 06:27 PM
So if they are flying and get medusaed or entagled, they will be stuck?
?I think he means that when u are walking and frozen,u can't fly anymore, but if u are mid flight, u don't get rooted... Personally I'm voting for an ALL OUT freeze of flying races whether they were mid flight or about to. Let them buy a fucking lace to counter it...because currently Santa and strider have Almost no counter at all, and are fucking almost impossible to kill sometimes, and they don't need to buy a damn lace!

Zero, currently flyers like Santa and strider almost NEVER get out of flight, so the current patch almost does nthn at all.
And is this now true for all races, like santa and dragonfly

01-17-2014, 06:53 PM
That was kind of my point

01-25-2014, 05:13 PM

Updated to prevent glitch where you can lose your trail by holding the button down when the round ends and you are still alive and not releasing it at the start of the next round.

01-25-2014, 07:57 PM

Updated to prevent glitch where you can lose your trail by holding the button down when the round ends and you are still alive and not releasing it at the start of the next round.

i was hoping this glitch stayed. You know, so that when that faggot hypanova abuses it, he gets a 4th 3-day ban for exploiting... Can't deny it's been better in the server without him :P

01-25-2014, 08:18 PM
God dammit his name is Predator

01-26-2014, 01:30 AM
Well from what I have seen from just playing, the trail will still disapear in a client specific kind of way. Some people will say they can't see the particle trail, but others can. Not sure what that means.

Old Bastard
01-26-2014, 09:55 PM
i was hoping this glitch stayed. You know, so that when that faggot hypanova abuses it, he gets a 4th 3-day ban for exploiting... Can't deny it's been better in the server without him :P

He will find another way to exploit it. That's his favorite race, why would he give up now?

01-26-2014, 10:47 PM
God dammit his name is Predator
His name will always be hypacunt for me.

01-27-2014, 09:13 AM
i still submit that stryder needs testing in the test server to try to nail down exactly what makes some people see it and others not, be it their client, spec/t/ct team, alive/dead, etc...

but since ZERO says it's fixed then i guess i have to go by that till i see someone play it later today

01-28-2014, 09:16 PM
I mean if a client joined late and thus the effect was not sent to them as in the effect was already in effect then that would make the issue occur. (in theory)

01-28-2014, 09:27 PM
so it can affect the effect if the effect is already in effect? Sounds quite......effective.

01-29-2014, 08:17 AM
zero has a good point, and this should be fairly easy to test

i'm sure someone will get to it before me but i'll see if i can ask someone to play santa/strider leave and re-join in the middle of a round and see if that does it

i won't be able to till 7 or 8 tonight so surely someone will see about this before me... maybe... hopefully

01-29-2014, 08:51 AM
I mean if a client joined late and thus the effect was not sent to them as in the effect was already in effect then that would make the issue occur. (in theory)

wait so how can the effect NOT be sent to them?
doesnt the effect load up whenever u activate the flight?

or is it as start of round ? or start of map? or are u talking about the actual effect sprites? shouldnt those be sent with the map download?
or what exactly? i've never been this confused by a Zero sentence in my entire life :P

cant you make it like human's Healthpack check? load up the effect on flight, with a half a second delay?

01-29-2014, 02:43 PM
wait so how can the effect NOT be sent to them?
doesnt the effect load up whenever u activate the flight?

or is it as start of round ? or start of map? or are u talking about the actual effect sprites? shouldnt those be sent with the map download?
or what exactly? i've never been this confused by a Zero sentence in my entire life :P

cant you make it like human's Healthpack check? load up the effect on flight, with a half a second delay?

corerct me if i'm wrong, but i think he means that if the strider is in-flight and someone joins the server that person won't see the trail until the strider re-ults or the next round starts (which would effectively accomplish the same thing)

01-29-2014, 03:21 PM
It's probably the same reason why you can't record a demo while there is a smoke grenade ANYWHERE on the map at the time you are attempting to record a demo.

01-29-2014, 04:45 PM
It's probably the same reason why you can't record a demo while there is a smoke grenade ANYWHERE on the map at the time you are attempting to record a demo.

really? i didn't know this, why is this?

02-02-2014, 01:17 AM
wait so how can the effect NOT be sent to them?
doesnt the effect load up whenever u activate the flight?

or is it as start of round ? or start of map? or are u talking about the actual effect sprites? shouldnt those be sent with the map download?
or what exactly? i've never been this confused by a Zero sentence in my entire life :P

cant you make it like human's Healthpack check? load up the effect on flight, with a half a second delay?

That is b/c I am describing an event possibly caused by the way the game engine is coded and we know that valve methods often do not make a lot of sense.

02-02-2014, 02:09 AM
Saw it being played last night without the trail working, and I definitely did not join during the round.

03-28-2014, 09:20 AM
this is an fyi and reminder.

i sent u a pm to inform u of a bug i found with stryder hiryu that should be fixed pre-emptively.

so far im the only one that knows of it, and i sent u demos recreating it.
but im not disclosing more about it here (unlike pm) because i dont know when you'll be back, and wouldnt want people crashing the server and shit while u're gone....

08-26-2014, 10:20 PM
Please restrict this race to require a minimum of 6 people (non bots) on the server when maxed. This is another race that kills servers.

fast flying races with offensive capabilities when flying (when maxed) should bet set to something like one for every 4 people per team. So 6-8 people playing allows 1 per team, 16 people playing allows 2 per team, and 20 people playing allows 3 per team. The races in this category are Strider Hiryu and Santa.

12-03-2014, 12:13 AM
So for those keeping track this will be the next race to get reprogrammed. Unlike the most recent 2 this one is going to be having some balance changes rolled out with it as well. If there are any outstanding bugs with this race please let me know about those so that I can ensure they do not creep into the recode.

12-03-2014, 12:18 AM
My god, this is one of those races that is going to take a while. The vast majority of the code is going to be trashed.

12-03-2014, 10:40 AM
Zero. Letting u know that sometimes u still lose your gun during the game because of the flight.
Basically I've noticed it has to do with the fact that +ability1 can glitch out sometimes if pressed twice with a second by accident and so u basically do that "thu'um" sound but no flight.

If u decide to try to fly again with +ability1, it will make u lose the guns you were holding and stick with knife only when u come out of flight.... Interestingly enough if u throw ur guns on the ground and THEN press +ability, ur guns aren't removed from the map, they will be there on ground to pick up.
So in a heat of battle, when u can easily accidentally spam a button, u might lose ur guns.

Also, do u want to simply rebalance the race or rebalanced it do you accept reworked suggestions to take ideas from?

For example, High jump kick skill needs to go, and the levitation needs to be a secondary effect of another skill effect like the portal or smthn

12-03-2014, 02:12 PM
You are talking about how users avoid the high jump ability right now correct?

12-03-2014, 04:05 PM
Yeha I probably could remove the skill and not even have it bother me just because that skill doesn't fit strider 's optimal game style...

I'm currently trying to imagine a different skill or reworked stryder. Stryder wasn't meant to be a knifing race true, but it was a lot better at knifing than guns.. Just like how succubus was meant to be a knifing race but rarely pulls out a knife unless to execute a safe kill?


12-04-2014, 06:04 PM
Apparently, he is actually supposed to be a high tech Ninja... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strider_Hiryu

12-04-2014, 07:54 PM
Ok so the balance changes currently being looked at are as follows:
Remove knife when in flight.
Remove Advanced High Jump ability.

Add Eagle Bomb Drop ability. This is yet another manually activated ability for this race. User is frozen for 1 second while casting. After cast an Eagle will dispatch and observe all enemies for 4 seconds after which it will drop a bomb on the origin position of the user who moved the least distance from it. DMG will be AOE from that point. (you can interpret this ability as a direct hard counter to camping)

12-04-2014, 10:33 PM
Considering the ult is +ultimate and ward is +ability and flight is +ability1, i dont think there's another spot for another skill to be activated without fucking up with the comfort position of everyone's binds.

Can I suggest that the Wards THEMSELVES become those AOE dropped bombs that become Wards on whoever moved the shortest distance?

Can I personally suggest a new mechanic for that skill?
Start with 2 "eagle ward bombs" or wtvr u wanna call it, and then basically there's a counter that counts how long all enemies have been standing still (not pressing wasd) cumulatively and gain another bomb for every 30 second of cumulative total camping time?

This way it can start with 1 or 2 bombs and directly counter some strong races : camping humans, or molecules that use their ultimate, Vegas and knifing races standing still in their ults, the motherfucking alchemist casting it's scorches earth.

All those standing still times will Contribute to giving strider another AOE ward eagle drop thingy? And the number if seconds required to gain a ward can be tweaked to balance based on how many Wards strider earns in test games?

Also... Dnt remove the strider knifing... Instead, make it so that the race has a starting flight speed of X, and every time that race knives someone, it gets its flight speed reduced by 10% until a minimum of 30%. On order to regain that speed, strider has to LAND and regenerate it's maximum speed by a 1%for every footstep walked. Basically forcing a down time on that super speedy knifer after it lands a knife on someone...

Tl;dr:knife stays, AOE ward bomb replaces current Wards, high jump kick levitation given by levelling ultimate instead because currently the ult is useless beyond the first point to level. Introduce speed gain /loss restriction to knifing.
Replace high jump kick with another passive ability. I suggest a passive that gives the race a % chance to gain transparency and lose the trail WHEN HIT by enemy skill (like the chameleon victim passive that no one else has..)

12-04-2014, 11:02 PM
B/c of the nature of that ability it is not something your just going to activate randomly in the middle of a firefight and thus needing to reach a bit for the press is not a big issue. I might even configure it to use the use key or some other preexisting bind for example.

The faster solution to correct issues with using the knife while in flight would be to do the following: when he is in flight his health is reduced by 50%. It returns to normal when he is not flying. This would make him easier to kill when flying around.

12-06-2014, 06:24 PM
Reprograming started

12-21-2014, 03:32 PM
Reprogramed version is on the test server now. Please check that all abilities work.

12-21-2014, 03:46 PM
Race is now in final release testing. Please report any bugs before the race goes live.

12-24-2014, 03:12 PM

Initial Release of recoded version.
Replaced the useless high jump ability with eagle bomb drop. It targets the player who moved the shortest distance after release.