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Thread: Meltdown ibis.a

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by thecat View Post
    Fuck it, go ahead and complain about what this guy has done, I know it is against the rules but is it really that bad and what will be the action taken against this guy anyway.
    Don't answer that I already read those rules 3 weeks ago and if you do any of those things you get the same punishment which is deop and sometimes ban.
    There really should be a middle ground/three strike warn system.
    So if you want to fix this in the the nice and happy way then make this the last chance and make that perfectly clear and that should stop the abuse and if it dose not then go ahead and deop him.
    Still just because I disagree with you does not mean I did not read the rules.
    Why cant I just play devils advocate the only way to make a informed decision is to have one.
    My last point is if some new/default user made this thread would everyone be yea yea lets deop this asshole?
    dude bro... just chill out. we all know the rules. what happens, happens. dont you put yourself involved man. let clan resolve this. there is no three strike system. it's IBIS system. so just chill out, and just walk away slowlllyyyyyyyyyy. like i'm about to walk away slowlyyyy, but fast, from this thread. i'm just here to tell you, back the fuck off man.

  2. Default

    Meltdown, are you 8 years old? You were literally just warned.. blatant abuse.

  3. Default

    Definite abuse from someone who was warned and should know not to do that in the first place with no excuse.

  4. Default

    from what i understand, it's clearly an abusable act...
    Meltdown, u have the potential to be a center piece in ZM.... Dont go fucking it up by breaking the rules. "It was just a tiny slip" is NOT an excuse.

    Given the circumstances that his abuse involves him, and only him, with only the slap command:

    I say that he gets his SLAP commands ONLY revoked for the next 3-6 months of service at ibis (I'll leave the exact duration for others to judge).
    I think he could still be useful with his other admins powers in order to keep control in crappy ZM since I've yet to see him abuse kick/ban or any other power EXCEPT the slap.

    You don't really need the slap in zm nway... If someone fucked up big time, use warn+freeze+slay+kick+ban, the slap command is obsolete.
    But at least this way you can't "accidentally" get tempted to use the slap...

    Keep in mind though, that should you abuse in the future, in any shape or form, your admin would be revoked completely, with a possible temp ban (depends on the case and clan input).

    This is my suggested opinion on handling the case. The real decision is left for clan obviously.
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  5. Default

    final warning issued.

    everyone who plays ZM, watch this kid like a hawk.
    Last edited by maynard; 11-14-2012 at 12:26 AM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  6. Default

    If your slap is abused again you will go on restricted admin.


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